Hi everyone,
Does anyone know which model and where to buythis player?I am in Sydney
Affordable Price for 3D Blu-Ray Player?

ylangylang55 on 06/03/2012 - 15:00
Thank so much for update that.How about the Sony onehow is the quality?
How about this one? Unwanted Xmas gift. Brand new still in box with warranty. I think it's for sale in Bing Lee for approx $170. But I'm happy to let it go cheaper.
thanks for your sugesting. How much do you think? Where are you?
I'm in Sydney, item can be picked up from around Wynyard/Martin Place station for $150?
Cheapest price I could find is BigBrownBox.com.au for this model is $169 and you would need to pay shipping fee as it's online.http://www.google.com.au/products/catalog?hl=en&q=bd660+pric…
The Good Guys had a Sony 3D Blu-Ray player in their catalogue for $139 last week, wireless lan ready.
costco had a 30$ off coupon a few weeks ago, not sure if still available for around $105 (after coupon) that has wifi Sony 3d - Blu ray
edit: nvm it expired