Hi Ozbargain, I am doing some research for my university project on different types of rewards/cashback/incentives that online vendors/3rd parties offer to encourage purchasing.
All thoughts and opinions on these are welcome, but also love to hear what examples you hate and what ones you love?
How Do You Feel about Cashback Services, or Other Types of Vendor Reward That Are Not Strictly % off an Item When in Checkout?

I charge $2 for short opinions and up to $5 for long ones. Please confirm payment.
$2 - damn, you're cheap!
Not a high-class opinion in brand name clothes there… lol.
*jokesI was giving 50 % off as an incentive.
Will you hold on to the funds for a few months before providing the opinion, and make the OP raise a claim to get 'opinion back' claims happening? I bet Jasmin and Debra can help with that!
Free money is free money.
Free money is good money.
However, as for 'these services', they are not stable enough or straightforward enough. Need to click here, click through there, make sure of this, and that etc.So in short - if I get a bonus/extra great. If not, it's a bit $#17.
Super rewards is a 'better concept'. However, I like to spend my coins as soon as they are cleared…
Hope this helps.
Like the Virgin and Qantas ones too. Guess this also includes Flybuys, Woolworths rewards, BPme and the list goes on. Far too many programs now, and it's a shame they are not consolidated… Was easier when there was just a few that covered many more partners and could double dip. But in most cases, those days are gone…
Any cashback for this research?