I'm not sure if people are aware here, but shopbot has been gone for months. I thought it would never be back. I found it highly useful for quickly finding the best deal. I just randomly tried the site again and viola! It's back! Here's hoping it's as useful as old-
Shopbot.com.au IS BACK!

Lsaracenrush on 14/09/2021 - 00:31
Related Stores
Thanks! What do you mean it's not back?
I'm just been having a bash at it. It doesn't seem as useful as before/work as before.
What do you mean though?
Safari Can't Open the Page
Safari can't open the page "https://www.shopbot.com.au" because the server where
this page is located isn't responding.Works fine here.
Website doesn't load. Could be a DNS issue and just needs some time to update.
Works for me
Same here.
It's trash now. Always used it, was the best due to covering more stores.
It's not though.
Also welcome back from your slumber.