For any beekeepers looking to get more hives into their apiary.
Have read some good reviews about these hives and ordered one for myself.
RRP: $223.99 + Delivery
For any beekeepers looking to get more hives into their apiary.
Have read some good reviews about these hives and ordered one for myself.
RRP: $223.99 + Delivery
You mean bzzzz
It was a play on words - yes bee's will BUZZ but this deal is so boring it put me to sleep. Typical Ozbargain users smh
I find this a brilliant ad. Bees are the life support of our whole food foundation.
Any deal that promotes people keeping bees is awesome.
And the point is?
Bee keeping dads are cute?
ah you beat me to it
good price, if you can pick it up from the store. shipping is expensive.
$30 standard post seems pretty fair for a big box
It comes as a flat-pack, item + shipping price is same as local shop price.…
My local is out of stock until November, otherwise yeah, around the same price anyway.
FREE Pickup from:
Mount Druitt
What’s the usual price?
did you even click the link!?
Why should we have to click the link? From Deal Posting Guidelines:
Summarise briefly why it is a bargain - why did you buy it or consider it worth sharing? How does the price compare to elsewhere?
Thanks. Yeah and the deal hasn’t been updated yet. Ah well I guess I’ll click it.
That's gonna be a sweet deal!
I was waiting for a deal for a bee hive kit. Perfect.
Am I liable if people walking past get stung?
Dont let them see the box and theyre think its a wild bees nest
No. Even if they were, how can they definitively identify the one that stung them as one of yours?
Not as long as you aren't irresponsible with your hive placement.
Generally the hive needs to be a certain distance from the fence, and there needs to be a source of water on your property (so the bees aren't forced to cross into someone else's yard)
Hives have a range of approximately 2 miles (3.2km), I've only been stung unprovoked when standing within 3m of a hive, blocking the path of bees streaming out.
You may also need to register your hive with your state department of agriculture and keep records of health checks conducted, in order protect the health of surrounding hives. It's not an onerous hobby, but some maintenance is required
There is a lot of buzz around this deal
Honey to the Bee, thats you for me🐝🐝
Is it the complete kit? Where can I get the queen?
Talk to your local apiarists.
Where I am, new keepers help out existing hobbyists to learn the ropes, and usually get their own colony by removing an unwanted swarm locally.
When we had a swarm to get rid of there were people on the web and facebook keen to come and help.
My partner is really wanting a bee hive for the garden, any suggestions? looked at the flow hive but its just so expensive
before you think about bee-keeping, read about the rules & regulations for bee-keeping.
hives need to be registered with government authority
neighbours need to be informed of your bee-keeping 'activities'
reccomended to do a small TAFE course or bee-keeping community course
good to join local bee-keeping club in the community, to learn & share
then, you may proceed , but harvesting honey is another exercise altogether,
in which case the FlowHive type of hives make it worth harvesting the honey,
but after some time, they also need some cleaning…so you will need to dismantle the hive & disturb the bees,
while you clean the FlowHive (so, you would need to learn to handle those times with the agitated bees :-D )
if you didn't go down the FlowHive route, then you would need to read up about harvesting the honey and if there's any equipment you would need to buy.
a small-scale operation may not require it, but it's good to know the steps, the labour needed, etc.
i thought about bee-keeping (and i still do), but i just suspected my neighbours won't like me bee-keeping, so i kind of dropped the idea.
Awesome advice, thanks for that. Will be good to make an educated decision before jumping into it
hey….you're on OzBargain.
Buy Now, Think Later !
See below, at the links, I posted :-)
Don't think I'm discouraging you, because it's a very fulfilling activity,
and you will then realize that the importance and wonders of bees, their unique behaviours and the crucial role they play in ecology, vegetation.
Honey is one of the world's oldest "food", ie. it's the same 'process' as a food from before humans.
Beekeeper Registration
Service NSW
Dept. Of Primary Industries
Beekeeping Courses
Sydney Community College
Urban Bee Hive
Backyard beekeeping
SummaryKeeping two or three hives of bees as a hobby can be an interesting and rewarding experience but NSW DPI occasionally receives complaints about bees in swimming pools, neighbours being stung or the disease risk of neglected hives.
This Primefact covers some points which need to be considered in relation to backyard beekeeping:
legal requirements neighbours number of hives water location in yard bee diseases when to handle your bees when to re-queen swarming
Plus don't forget your cost to register as a Bee keeper.
That's usually cheap (in WA at least). You'll need to buy the bees, unless you're going to catch a swarm and if you're going down that route it's likely you're experienced and already registered. There's the cost of a suit, gloves, smoker, hive tool, extracting equipment (if you can't borrow/rent it), jars, hive stand and lots of little odds and sods that you'll end up buying thinking it's a good idea to only use it once or twice and realise it's pointless (though a clearing board didn't fall into this category, which surprised me, they're fantastic).
All up, look to spending about $1,000 in your first year. Careful though; you could end up like my neighbour who liked that I kept bees (just 3 hives) and gave it a try. He now has 50+ hives.
I wouldn't mind three or four hives, but my wife stopped me at two. I can't imagine having 50…that's pretty much getting into commercial keeping right there! Your neighbour must spend his time travelling around tending hives. I'm stuffed after harvesting from two hives.
Agree…registering is cheap. In fact, it was free when I did it (ACT). Bee club membership is cheap too. Gear is not so much, but after a couple of good seasons you've taken more value in honey than the cost of setup (not accounting for the labour).
Two is a good number. I've ended up with 4 as I've helped out friends with swarms and my neighbour lent me a couple of hives to put them in. I'll probably sell a couple this year. I did have five but I gave one to a friend who was recovering from an injury that meant he couldn't work. A couple of years down the line and he's now got five hives. Bee keeping is contagious!
It is free in VIC, if you have less than 5 hives
$100 Compulsory Registration Fee in NSW.
Payable in person at Service NSW.
Tips on how to catch a swarm?
Bees are naturally attracted to their primary food source. Go deep into your local National Park, where the wildflowers grow and deer roam, remove your clothes and slather yourself in honey. Run wild and free through the trees, catching bees. Edit: Because you're sticky.
Bees will swarm early spring (i.e. a few weeks ago). A swarm is very gentle, if you come across one, you just need to collect the lot of them with a shovel and drop them in a box.
You can artificially create a new hive by taking a few frames from an existing hive, and the queen. The old hive will generate a new queen as long as you haven't damaged the larvae that are still growing.
I assume I am missing something but it seems like its $195 for 3 Styrofoam boxes?
Probably most of the cost is in shipping these from Finland.
The foam is pretty dense though…not like produce boxes. They are pretty strong once assembled.
yes they are strong and easy to manage, I have two of them
The are Polystyrene.
Note that this is the 10 frame box, which is fine, but there is also a 9 frame version if you want things just a little lighter. Full depth 10 frame boxes get very heavy when they're full of honey.
We have two hives in our backyard, using these very boxes. They are excellent, and our bees winter very well in them, and seem to stay cooler in summer too. Quite strong when assembled. Just give them a couple of coats of paint to keep the UV off (and make them pretty).
Where’d the bee keeping fad come from.
My mum suddenly is a bee keeper since last week.
Funny thing is, it used to be pretty common once upon a time…at least in the country. My grandparents all had hives - granted they were farmers - but back in the day people often kept their own hives.
My grandmother used the wax to season the iron (clothes iron)….it was the teflon of her generation.
Nowadays I guess farmers just hire the hives in for pollination of the bigger crops, or simply rely on the bees already in the wild (and/ora kept by others). If your property is of any great size though, you need some local hives.
I take your point though. Beekeeping has taken right off in the past 5 years of so. I think it's part of the homesteading thing. Maybe some people are becoming a bit more concerned about the provenance of consumables these days (not surprising given recent reports of rice syrup laced commercial honey, and other products that aren't necessarily what they say on the tin). Other people just like bees.
For our part…well the honey is pretty bloody good actually. So much better than anything commercial I've tried (maybe it tastes better when you've worked for it), and we tend to use it instead of other sweeteners. We have to offload a lot to friends and family, since we usually get 50 or 60kg of the stuff. Wife makes ointments and things out of the wax, and I also use the wax to make a treatment that I can apply to steel/iron, timber, and leather. You can use it on canvas too of course.
It is a hell of a lot of effort though. If I have the time, I do enjoy working the bees - it's a bit of a zen thing, especially when they're calm. If I've got too much on, it can be a bit of a chore, particularly if they're cranky.
A big part of the uptake is the publicity around colony collapse disorder. There's been loads of information about this online and a lot of people feel they can help by becoming a bee keeper. It would be great if they did a bit more research beforehand as they'd learn a couple of important things - badly managed hives can mess with native wildlife (swarms taking over nesting holes etc.) and the fact that CCD really isn't an issue in Australia (fingers crossed it stays that way).
Possibly, but there's more to sustainability than just being made of wood. How long do they last? What do you need to paint/treat them with to get them to last? What should you do if your hive gets a disease? Wooden hives are usually burned and you need to buy replacements, plastic/polystyrene ones get thoroughly washed with a mild disinfectant. What kind of environment do they create for the bees? I use wooden hives but in the summer months in Perth where it reaches 40°C and more I'll put a thick foam board over my hives to help maintain a lower temperature (less robust foam than these hives are made from and lasts maybe one or two seasons). A healthy colony can keep a hive cool but its hard work so their production can really drop. A weak colony can struggle, possibly resulting in lost frames (melting) or them deciding to leave for somewhere cooler (one potential cause of swarming).
So yes, wooden hives may be more "sustainable" but it's only a small part of the picture.
many thanks @banana365 for your insights.
Way too much time on your hand fellas? lol