• expired

STAR WARS - The Black Series - 6" Han Solo (Carbonite) $22.51 + $16.69 Delivery ($0 with Prime & $49 Spend) @ Amazon UK via AU

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It's a block of carbonite (but also comes with a stand)
Lowest price ever on camel
I just ordered another item then canceled it to get free post.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    What do you use this for ?

    • +5

      As Jabba The Hutt, you’d want this as your wall deco.

      • +1

        Given its size, more like a show piece (7 x 3 x 15 centimetres).

    • +2

      Preservation and transportation.

      • They froze Han Solo because Lucas wasn't sure Ford would return for the sequel!

        • +5

          Then they should have frozen Ford.

    • I was thinking the exact same thing lol.

      Is it heavy enough to be a paperweight?

  • hmm if only this comes as a phone charger

    • or a phone case

  • +3

    I thought it was a gpu lol

    • +4

      For $22?

      What timeline are you living in and how do I cross over?

      • Maybe he thought it was a 3dfx card.

        • VOODOO!

    • You weren't the only one.

  • +8

    I think you were meant to keep the other item and cancel this.

  • +8

    Seems a bit much considering I usually get my 6" Han Solos for free.

  • +14

    I feel like you all aren't seeing the full potential of this item, it can be used in so many ways
    - Layed horizontally on the stand like when he was getting loaded into the ship!
    - Placed vertically on the stand like when he was lifted out of carbon-freezing contraption!
    The options are literally endless.

    • +3
    • +2

      Don't forget that leaning it at 3.14 degrees is easy as…

  • With a wooden ruler and a packet of Hubba bubba

    You could utilise han's hands as a custom made back scratcher.

  • Shows as $34.88 for me.

    Is there a coupon to enter?

    • Same here, $34.88. I don't see any coupon codes anywhere tho.

    • Looks like price has been updated by amazon, will mark as expired.
      WAIT no I just tested it again and now it's gone back to $22 again.

    • Amazon switched from UK to AU store. The link has now been changed to avoid Amazon's redirection.

  • +9

    Pray Amazon don't alter the deal any further.

  • +3

    They should have froze the sequels.

    • The acting was already pretty stiff.


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