This was posted 3 years 5 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

15% off Board Games: Catan 3D Edition $366.35 & More + $12 Shipping @ Turtle TCG


Small business based in Orange recently started up by my bro he has high quality products at a good price if anyone is interested feel free to check it out, turtle tcg also sells but currently the big sales are board games!

Dragon Ball Super

Nitendo Switch Games:
Currently avaliable
Bravely Default 2-$69.00
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Pact Edition- $84.95
New Pokemon Snap- $68.00

Delivery Options:

  • Free delivery in Orange on orders over $99
  • Flat rate standard shipping for $12

15% off all board games
15% discount is added in cart automatically when you go to purchase

Game Before price After price
Guildhall Fantasy Fellowship $54.99 $46.75
Azul: Summer Pavilion $79.99 $67.99
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion $89.99 $76.49
Funfair $49.99 $39.96
Codenames Duet $34.99 $29.75
Barony $79.95 $63.76
7 Wonders New Edition $99.95 $80.75
Alchemists $89.95 $76.45
AZUL $69.95 $59.46
Azul Summer Pavilion: Glazed Pavilion $29.95 $25.46
Century: Golem An Endless World $69.95 $59.46
Codenames $34.95 $29.70
Ecosystem $19.95 $16.96
Here to Slay $39.95 $33.95
Kingdomino $39.95 $33.95
Lost Ruins of Arnak $99.95 $84.96
Root $99.95 $84.95
Scythe $149.95 $119.00
Spirit Island $149.95 $119.01
Takenoko $69.95 $59.45
Arkham Horror Board Game Third Edition $109.95 $93.45
Catan 3D Edition $499.95 $369.75
Ticket to Ride $89.95 $76.45
Ticket to Ride Europe $89.95 $76.45
Andor Family $49.95 $42.45
Ankh Gods of Egypt $159.95 $130.01
Ankh Gods of Egypt Guardians Set $64.95 $55.21
Ankh Gods of Egypt Pantheon Expansion $94.95 $80.71
Ankh Gods of Egypt Pharaoh Expansion $79.95 $67.96

Related Stores

Turtle TCG
Turtle TCG

closed Comments

  • Still overpriced for the most part.

    • probably more OzBargain advertising than a real deal, but the prices are decent enough if you live in Orange.

      need to support your FLGS, they're good to have around IMO.

      • +2

        Mainly to Support Local business in my opinion its a bit hard to compete with the big boys as they make their profit elswhere
        Plus his my bro so i support my bro wouldnt we all

      • Hi Diamondd,

        This was a surprise to me but a highly appreciated one from Jackuy who is just trying to support a bro!

    • Hi Jeffie,

      I will take this on board, our goal is to be able to provide these for a better price overall in particular for locals but beyond this is great as well. Sometimes it is a bit hard to compete with the larger places but trying our best! :)

  • +2

    Catan 3D isn’t a bad price. Gamesmen are selling it for $480.

    • 480 way over the normal price thats stealing in broad daylight lol

  • -5

    300 bucks for a 3D catan… yeah nah i want a cheap board game not a luxury over the top board game

  • Thanks OP but a quick google search…

    $367 @ Catch

    $321 @ eBay (meh.. i know i know.. its ebay)…

    $280 @ ETSY (custom made.. which actually looks pretty cool)

    • Hey Vash, will take this on board but definitely can't drop it that low. I have updated it to beat Catch at $366.35 overall.

      • No worries mate.

        It wasn't meant to be an attack on you or your store. Good on you for making one.

        Just comparing apples to apples for the sake of bargains.

        • +1

          Absolutely, makes perfect sense given the site and I appreciate all feedback being a new business during covid especially. Gives me a better view on if I can help compete better with the big guns!

          • @MrTurtlez: Best of luck and hope you smash it :)

            I think the best way you can compete at the moment would be service and attention to detail. You're a new business so you can focus on each order and maybe add a personal touch or something unique. Price is good, but when you can connect with customer or exceed their expectations you will see the business grow.

            • @vash5: Thank you and absolutely, the customers I have had locally are very happy but will continue to work on ways to improve the shipping personal touch!

    • +1

      That Etsy one is unpainted… cool, but unpainted.

      • 100% agree.

        Looks like a fun project if you're into painting and you could probably make it look even than shown exmaple.

        • +1

          But where could I find the time?! enters 45th week of lockdown in the last 18 months

    • Esty link without tracking rubbish.

  • +1

    Good luck to your bro, the game shop industry can be super brutal.

    • +1

      the game shop industry can be super brutal.

      There are winners and losers

  • products at a good price

    "Ticket to Ride $76.45 + $12 Shipping"

    That does not seem a good price…

    • -3

      To be honest Orange is in the middle of nowhere and 12 bucks aint bad for shipping compared to alot of other places who are local lol XD

      • It's $49 on Amazon delivered tomorrow…

        Your price is $88.45. Hardly a bargain…

        • -1

          Hi Jv,

          That is definitely a price I can't compete on myself, it would be well below cost but glad they can offer that for anyone interested in the board game!

          • +3


            That is definitely a price I can't compete on myself

            That's why I made my comment.

            This is OzBargain, not OzAdvertising…

            • @jv: Hi Jv,

              This was a friend acting on his own behalf to be an amazing bro but appreciate your feedback.

        • -1

          I was looking to buy this game last week. I missed the $40 deal and the remaining deals were for $76 plus a very long delivery time (on your precious Amazon). Sometimes (always) prices change, who would have guessed!?

          Maybe instead of posting that here as a snarky response, you post it as a deal yourself for others? A large amount of deals on this site is not the lowest price you can find, are the moderators doing a bad job? What would you suggest?

          To each their own. Prices are not subjective, but deals can be (to an extent) despite their price difference (if you still don't understand, why not buy TTR for much cheaper from eBay?)

          • @NingNangNong:

            you post it as a deal yourself for others?

            Because I only found it by spending 5 seconds searching.

            Something the OP should have done…

          • +3


            a snarky response,

            So you consider a comment stating this does not seem a good price, is snarky ?

            Why even bother having a comments section to discuss the deal or 'lack thereof' then? Just let everybody SPAM and get free advertising…

            Being snarky is when you neg someone who is posting you a better deal…

            • @jv: I put time and effort into this post, I listed every board game before and after price and typed it all up manually cause im being a top bro
              I dont gain anything financially posting this but doing it out of support and his prices are pretty good compared to local stores i have been to hence i posted this , if it was a shit deal i wouldnt even bother posting it
              For eg. PC games why buy from developers/steam when you can just go to a key website and get it for dirt cheap lol, yeah the prices may not be as good as amazon but in return you get good customer service and support local business
              same as buying bread from whoolworths instead of local bakery's how can you compete with that

              I respect your opinion and understand where your coming from JV no hard feelings bro

              • +1


                I put time and effort into this post

                In your title you posted an item almost twice what you can get it from elsewhere…

                It took me all of 5 seconds to find it almost half the price.

                This is a place to post bargains not a place for free adverstising.

                If you're going to put something in the title, at least check what it is currently selling for elsewhere…

                • @jv: JV you know whats funny i didnt put train to ride in the title lmao XD
                  I only put catan as its more well known dont know how train to ride got there but i guess ozbargain automatically sets it??
                  again i did not put train to ride in the title

            • -1


              by spending 5 seconds searching editing…

              … I wouldn't need to reply to 3 separate things based on one comment.

              I get what you're saying, it's not a great deal, and I never said it was. Using excessive bold, which I find distracting and akin to just using CAPS for attention

              Just let everybody SPAM

              and pointing out a single item (despite if there are more or not) that isn't a deal, is just meh - not against guidelines or anything, just meh.

              If I lived in Orange and was searching for TTR last week, this would have been the best deal there was, as Kmart was out and Amazon was $76 plus 1-2 months.

              • +2


                … I wouldn't need to reply to 3 separate things based on one comment.

                You don't 'need' to…

              • +1


                Using excessive bold

                What do you consider 'excessive' compared to the norm ?

                • @jv: Every sentence.

                  • 20 sentences
                  • 20 bolded words
                  • +1

                    @NingNangNong: That sounds about average to me… Hardly excessive…

                    • -2

                      @jv: To you. Boomers gunna boom, I guess.

                      • +1


                        Boomers gunna boom,

                        Why, are you a boomer?

                        I used to play basketball a while back, but wasn't that good…

          • +3


            Prices are not subjective, but deals can be

            Paying over $88 compared to $49 is not a deal….

          • +5

            @NingNangNong: I'm with JV this time. I don't think his comments were snarky.

            • -2

              @pronoun: Fair, I suppose how they were said is much more of an annoyance to me for few personal reasons and not something I needed to respond to them about.

              Edit: I take that back, it's snarky.

              • @NingNangNong: When I posted my first response, the argument was only about half as long as it is now….

                That being said, how you read a sentence online has a lot to do with the reader. I'm not saying anything against you or anyone else, it's just a serious limitation of the form of communication. I'm certain if you got 20 people from different cultures or backgrounds to read JV's posts, you would get quite a wide range of reactions (from amused laughter to indigent anger; sometimes both).

  • +1

    Oh this is my store! - Thank you Jackuy, this means a lot!

    Not sure if I'm allowed to post my social media links but I post most of these deals on my Facebook Page TurtleTCG.
    If anyone has any questions, I'll do my best to reply here or reach out on Facebook.

  • +2

    Good luck. Good to support local and board games retail has pretty thin margins, especially when trying to remain competitive.

    • Thank you Materix01, trying my best over here and understand my current business structure provides more value for local vs regional for Board Games. Can't win them all but great to have a variety for anyone interested.

  • +4

    Unfortunately many of the games can be had cheaper. As far as board game shops are concerned, I think the only way to compete is on customer service and convenience. Basically I like to go into a shop and browse and I will often pick up games, even if they are not the cheapest price.

    E.g. Takenoko can be had for $54 delivered. If I was standing in a shop I'd happily pay $60, maybe even $65 because it really is a cute game. But if I'm shopping online, I'm going to buy it for $54 delivered, not $72 delivered.

    • Hi Miss B.

      Thank you for the feedback, you are correct and the goal for my shop with this pricing is to offer fair pricing below RRP across all items and compete where possible. The structure at the moment appeals more to local vs external due to the shipping costs but this is a work in progress and a small downside to being rural-based and not aiming to use other shipping services.

  • +2

    The pricing for that 3D Catan set is outrageous

  • If I can make a suggestion, and that would be to add more photos for Catan 3D. Just finished playing it with my daughter and we love it. The 3D would be awesome (if expensive) so more photos of the tiles and the game setup would be great.

    • +1

      Perfect suggestion dtoovey, I have just done this now!

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