Was hunting for charging cables, got this set of 3 fast charging cables.I think 7.99 delivered is a good price considering they are Cotton Braided and fast charging.
iPhone Type-C Micro USB Cotton Braided Fast Charging Cable $7.99 Delivered @ shopy_hunters eBay

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I think the word you’re looking for is braided?
Beards have no place on USB cables.Hahha my bad. I mis spelled. Shall I correct it? Or leave it like that. Lets see what people comment about it. 😂😂😂
sorry, fixed it
did you make a moustake? :)
Yes I ExcEpT it. haha
OP you didn’t made the mistake.
It’s really advertised as “cotton bearded” premium material- whatever that means.lol just noticed that. Maybe the cable is made with Beard hair… Mayy,,, be…
But the eBay listing is now updated. Which makes me think this is a self-promoting ebay listing.
e: This ebay listing had no sales until 10 minutes after this OzB post was put up.
Don’t need no beard in front of any input port! ☹️
Sorry, fixed it.
Just a weekend joke! 👍
from description
"offers an impressive 12-month warranty in case your cable is defective in anyway. Feel free to contact our customer service, we always stand behind our product."
does that mean if it stops charging (MFI) you can get a exchange/refund?
Interesting question. Only the seller can answer that. If its written on their listing, they should honour that.
Interesting question. LMAO
Never heard something so interesting.
Thanks for the deal OP
Upvote from me
Zero information about what the spec is for the cable beyond 3 amps, which means nothing by itself.
Probably no higher than 15-18 W.
Good price - though to be fair I don't buy cheap cables anymore - its a false economy and in my opinion worth paying more for better quality/warranty etc
Agree. I buy normal quality cables as spares for items like alexa, my car charger, my drawing tablet, Bluetooth speaker etc.
Thought this was USB C - Lightening cable … probably needs a little clarity in the title.. or at least an 's' added to 'cable' so you know it is more then one and not one of those 'three ended' cable monstrosities… perhaps more like below.
3 pack Cotton Braided Fast Charging Cables (iPhone Type-C Micro USB) $7.99 Delivered (ebay)
Thanks, will consider this in future. Sorry I occasionally post something. This is my 3rd post in 1.5 yrs.
Personally I don't both with unbranded cables. They're a crap shoot at best, and typically just garbage. Pay a bit extra and get something at least semi-branded that will probably last a lot longer.
braided ?