What’s a gift or present that you received from someone that you really liked / is memorable (in a good way)? Even better - if it was unexpected or something that you didn’t ask for :)
What Has Been The Best Present You Have Received?

I had one too! The memories…
As a married man, birthday/Christmas/Ekka holiday sex is always a welcome gift.
Otherwise I guess a $20 Bunnings gift card never goes astray.
I suppose getting it daily would spoil the rarity of the occasions?
Daily? What am I a teenager?!
Ekka holiday sex? I'm going to broach that subject at home, I think.
you had me at sex
All the best pressies are where clothes are discouraged.
I've had TWO absolutely brilliant pressies:
Our daughter was born on 7th November, and my birthday is the 8th - she was the BEST birthday pressie I ever had!
Our son was born on 3rd September, and he was the BEST father's day pressie I could ever have!
Both of them have been, and still are, fantastic.
So essentially you're saying the best pressies are the ones you get for yourself? :D
Been a lot. Had some amazing people in my life over the years. Where does one start?
Simply receiving chocolate from the GF (at the time) when she would drop around unexpected.
Wanted to get my open water diving license, however, didn't allocate any time to it (at the time). Partner bought me a voucher with an exp date, so, had to get it done! (smart thinking).
Random flights/weekends that were unexpected. (Another ex and I would do this randomly for each other).
Oh, so many…! Massive fan of a certain Disney Character. Had a number of random gifts relating to that over the years also.
Then there were the 'very personal' and things simply written and made by others that make a massive impression (not tacky though - sometimes things can be a little OTT and tacky).
Then there are the 'good night', or 'good morning' gifts.. 😂🤣😌
As a child, dream lego sets always were incredible.
In a similar vein, my first console and computer blew me away.As an adult, I’ve seen people be given cars or holiday houses, that must be amazing, but the gifts I really enjoyed were things like a box of stupidly expensive beer I would never otherwise taste, or a nuts bottle of wine, or dinner at a stupid costly restaurant.
I would never buy a bottle of wine for $100+, and not spend that kind of money for a fancy restaurant. But I am interested in that food and wine.
I reckon this scales up and down too. When I was poorer, a $20 tub of gelato might have been the crazy indulgence, and I know there are very wealthy people who are delighted with a meal at the latest hot restaurant where it is hard to get a table.
I think the common theme for delight is spending a bit of time to understand what the recipient values a lot but is the “indulgence” for that interest.
The best gift I ever received was a broken drum.
Cos you just can't beat it
I like how you gave everyone 13 hours to ask but had no bites so did it yourself.
Lockdown from Dan
Nausicaa kabuki show in Tokyo + hotel stay at the Tokyo tower hotel as a surprise.
M.A.S.K. toys when young.
Just checked some clips from it. Wow that looks great. (I'm a huge ghibli fan)
It was amazing, made even more so for the fact that the lead performer broke his arm in a previous play and still went on stage after a week's rest.
I think you can find blurays of it somewhere, worth it if you can understand the language.
When I left my old job, a collection went around to contribute, there's was a few hundred bucks in it (I was there 5 years and apparently not everyone hated me).
My boss thought long and hard about what I would want most and to deliver something better than the usual leather laptop case or binder, pen, etc. Something he knew I'd want and would actually use.
He gave me the envelop of cash. It was perfect.
My mum bought me watch for my 18th birthday, that has always been my favourite gift but someone stole it. My girlfriend (an artist) also painted me some stuff that means a lot. Besides that, I don't recall any gift I've ever gotten that I actually used for long periods of time. I think I might be hard to shop for because most people give me consumables (wine and gift cards, mostly).
Whisky… and lots of it
The missus knitted me a super cute Grogu from The Mandalorian.
Its probably worth $30 in wool but it’s priceless to me 😌
She also takes me out to great steak restaurants even though she’s a vegetarian!
My in-laws to be bought me my first car which was a brand new Kia Rio back in 2000.
An Xbox 360. Given to me by my wife before I turned 19.
We visited the GAME store in Pitt St Mall back in 2008.
I knew I was going to marry her after that surprise. I remember running home from the train station like a dumb kid and just playing Ninja Gaiden 2 all night.The current at the time sent me 12 long stemmed roses at work for my birthday.
Took them home on the bus and then train and chicks were just staring at the roses and by default me.
Never had so many chicks look so longingly at me.
Rolex Datejust watch
Issue#11 Feb '94 Nintendo Magazine System
Some priceless, and occasionally hideous (the silver-painted pasta picture comes to mind) gifts made at school from my children.
A lovely long weekend with my partner at a beautiful and luxurious hotel in Goolwa.
Flowers, especially when I'm sick.
Babysitters when my children were little.
Many of the small things in life that show care and love.
Cash for tattoos are my favourite gifts. Mostly I’m gifted vouchers to spend on gym clothes, or vodka.
Some of the best gifts I’ve given people that they’ve loved have been experiences. Things like skydiving, Sydney harbour bridge climbs, paint & sip events. I’d much rather give something that will create a memory than something to clutter a house, or break or lose. Although I did find my dads family crest after he’d lost the original, had it printed and framed with the details of our family name origin. Something he really loved having on the wall :)The best presents are things you've been eyeing off for ages but reluctant to buy because of cost/how much you'll use it and then someone buys it for you.
But then you get it, and it’s a complete let down?
remembers getting Cyberpunk on steam for a present
One of my best was when I was in second year of university and stressed and one day a family member showed up with a present from my parents. It was a big hamper of nuts and dried fruit and biscuits and other things. It was unexpected and excellent.
My sister once told me she had been thinking about getting me a sword for my birthday but then had to pay extra for a license or something and didn't love me enough to pay the extra $$. It was still an incredibly thoughtful could-have-been gift though!
As I cruise towards my 40's, my tastes have certainly changed but I've really been lucky and had it good from the Mrs over the last few years of gift giving.
has to be a Breville Tea Infuser, as absolutely boring as it will sound to most people. I drink so much tea that I should (and would probably love to be) a proper tea merchant, but like a heroin addict I'd get 'high on my own supply' and send the business broke more than likely. I don't think it makes tea making that much easier, if at all really, but I like it a lot and use it daily.
Casio Privia PS1000. A really fantastic electric piano. Can't believe how far they have come in terms of sound and aesthetics in just 10 years (I'm going to pull the trigger eventually on a Roland Kioyla in American Oak finish eventually, love the direction they're going in)
Pottery lessons. This ones a little strange too, but at a really stressful point in my life (full time work combined with intense post grad studies) 8-10ish pottery lessons were perfect. I'd also just fractured ribs and a bone in my foot playing footy and couldn't realistically do sport for the next 6 months, and for whatever reason pottery was the most perfect and calming zen experience, before I learned how to effectively manage stress just by-myself. A bit exy if you want to carry it on as a serious hobby but it was good for what it was and for when I needed it.
A week long holiday to Broome, great little mid-pandemic trip away. Wasn't mad on going but once I got there it was paradise tbh. Born and bred in country WA and had still never been. I can see why the grey nomads rate it so highly.
Kindle Oasis loaded up with a few dozen books. Really thoughtful gift not long after my Dad passed away. There were a few excellent books in there on grief and grieving which really helped me through that loss.
50 different types of outdoor plants. I'm a mad keen gardener (along with the Mrs), probably to the point of near-obsession so getting plants, especially rare ones, is as good as it gets. Very rewarding hobby.
A pressure washer that really should be advertised as a plasma cutter (petrol, 4000 psi, and a ridic flow rate). An incredibly unnecessary present considering it was bought for me to get moss off bricks, not slice clean through the lithosphere and bring forth the apocalypse but my god it's fun to clean stuff with.
Truthfully, the things I always appreciate are just small everyday items bought outside of a special date or what-have-you like a nice brass pen that looks good on the desk, a new moleskin-type note pad, a new set of screwdrivers or something equally as 'mundane'. These things would have turned my stomach at 18, but at 36 they make me pretty happy.
I was given a car that had 16 wheels and it could climb over things like your legs or a brick etc. I was 4 years old.
Edit I just googled it and it was the Tomy Mad Masher Monster Machine, it still looks awesome to this day.