The comment forms for deal posts now have a checkbox above the preview/submit buttons that say:
"I work for <store name>" where <store name> is a placeholder for the name of the store for the deal.
This checkbox should be checked when commenting on a deal if you have an interest in the business in any way, including but not limited to:
- You are an employee of the store
- You are part of a franchise for the store
- You are a third party company who is employed to promote the store or do its marketing
- You have in any way worked for the business ( designer or maintainer)
Once the checkbox is checked, your username will have the 'REP' symbol next to your username for the current thread only.
This checkbox is useful for the cases where you are not the official representative for the store on OzBargain, but you are associated with it. An example would be, you are not the Vodafone official representative on OzBargain but you work in one of Vodafone's many retail stores. (For official representatives, this checkbox will already be checked by default.)
The checkbox will be checked by default if:
- You are an official representative for the store.
- You are the original poster of the deal and you checked the 'I am a Store Representative' checkbox when posting the deal.
- You have previously checked the checkbox in another comment for the current thread. (This does not affect other threads). In other words, this checkbox only needs to be checked once per thread. Once checked, it will 'stick' for any further comments for that thread.
Damn Sock Puppets