I want to know what brand of white rice you think tastes better and where about's you purchase it from
I want to know what brand of white rice you think tastes better and where about's you purchase it from
You must've had a really bad rice cooker.
Uncle Roger disagrees
It entirely depends on what dishes I am cooking. In my cupboard I have Indian Basmati, Thai jasmine, Spanish Bomba, Italian Risotto, and Australian brown rice.
My go to rice is 'India Gate' aged Basmati.
Hi, where do you buy bomba rice from? Thanks.
Spanish Paella rice is easy to get such as 'El Socarrat' and Calasparra from Amazon and most delis.
However Bomba rice is difficult to get here. I bought my current stash in Valencia, Spain in 2019, as it is so cheap there. I have bought Bomba from 'Wheel & Barrow' and Amazon in the past, but was expensive.
Edit…Just checked Amazon. They sell 'Santo Tomas Bomba Paella Rice'
have anyone try FORTUNE rice yet?
Whatever’s 1/2 price at Coles or Woolworths.. sun rice jasmine or medium grain usually, red and purple bags..
depends on the cuisine..
thai jasmine long grain
japanese pearl short grain,
korean black rice
vietnamese broken rice
glutinous rice.
are all in the pantry.
or the jasmine type by the same brand. I do microwave them for 50 seconds instead of the 40, but they are really nice.
I close my eyes and go "lalala" when people suggest cooking it myself. Once you taste the good stuff you can't go back to mircrowaved.
Once you taste the good stuff you can't go back to mircrowaved.
But… You suggested microwave rice
Whatever it is, make sure you slap the bag.
At the checkouts? or the one at home?
I don't eat much rice these days but I like the Riviana Basmati when it's 1/2 price at Coles or Woolies:
Try the costco kirkland jasmine rice, it's cheaper and better or on par with Lion/Panda rice.
edit. that price delivered is super good though.
Costco has this Niigata Koshihikari Rice I think that we eat everyday. Very high quality. One of the best rice I've eaten outside of Japan so far.
Little bit pricey for everyday rice. But if you can afford it, it's defs very good.
India Gate Classic Basmati Rice from the Indian grocer.
I like basmati rice. I don't mind the woolworths branded one. I've tried the Riviana one and was disappointed. Might try the India gate one next time it's on special.
Tried all the asian grocer, supermarket rice brands and best for jasmine we had is the costco kirkland jasmine rice, short grain the Niigata Koshihikari from costco too.
yeah i have half a bag left of the kirkland jasmine rice.. i dont rate it.
lion brand, pomelo brand, even gold pagoda brand is better from the asian grocers.
I picked up a 5Kg Riviana Basmati Rice Pakistan Long Grain from my local fruit and veg for $9.00 and will give it a try this weekend
Woolworths wants $19.00 for the same thing
I dont mind Riviana Basmati, Woolies often have it at half price, I prefer it over a lot of others:
Yeah it's the same stuff I bought from the fruit and veg shop and it is their regular price
I bought it from woolworths before when it was half price and I enjoyed it
I have had this same question for such a long time now… I have tried so many different brands of rice already but haven’t felt a vast distinction in taste until recently when I changed the method to cook them, I have stopped using my rice cooker and started cooking my rice on stove top. For some reason, rice tastes and smell much better this way…