I recently purchased some Brooks Glycerin 19 running shoes from The Iconic.
They took just over a week to be received due to the current postal issues.
When I received them, they seemed pretty normal, until I realised that the only original packaging they came in was the box… no tissue paper or cardboard or scrunched paper that normally comes with the shoes. The last Brooks I purchased also came with a little pamphlet.
I contacted the Iconic about this and their response hasn’t been helpful. I asked for them to confirm that my shoes were someone else’s return, which they weren’t able to do so. They wanted photos of what I had received.
Thing is, I purchased these shoes during the Shopback upsized cashback, so I’m assuming that if I return or replace the shoes that will void the cashback.
I also feel that I didn’t purchase refurbs or seconds, I purchased new shoes.
Other than the lack of original packaging there doesn’t seem to be much wrong with the shoes.
Any ideas on what I can do other than nothing or return them?
Has this happened to anyone before?
Sometimes you will find they just don't have tissue paper. Don't worry. Unless they look 'wore or dirty', there is nothing to say that they are not brand new. You can return for free. That's the way it works. Just the same as walking into an Athlete Foot and paying full retail. The shoes have probably been tried on by someone else at some point.
Clothes are no different in a retail store - be that Zara, H&M, Saba, Glue, Myer, YsL, LV, whatever… Even walking into a watch dealer and trying on a $20k+ timepiece. I've had $65k timepieces on my wrist, seeing what they look like before deciding to buy something else.
Testing driving a car - same.
Even if it's a custom order, brand new car - chances are, 10 people +/- have been in your driver's seat before you!
As for returning and your shopback - return, then your cash back is $0.