Currently lowest price in stock. Deal until 6th of September. Pickup may not available, stock is apparently at supplier.
It's a Ti version, not a regular 3080
Free delivery at checkout with $200 order.
Currently lowest price in stock. Deal until 6th of September. Pickup may not available, stock is apparently at supplier.
It's a Ti version, not a regular 3080
Free delivery at checkout with $200 order.
For a Ti version? Staticice has the lowest listing at $2169 of all stores? And obviously not in stock.
Assuming that your mistaken this is a 3080 Ti not a 3080, the 3080 Ti has an MSRP for $1920 so this isn't much a bad deal and pretty much the cheapest you can find a 3080 Ti right now (roughly 20% over MSRP).
2000 or less? For a ti??
Don't have to pay import tax for Mightyape? pushes it above.
Was not aware, thanks
You need to pay GST and import tax on this one bud as its from NZ, $2500ish shipped.
Ahhh didnt know! confused me
Agree, not a deal at all this one.
I'll give you 800
That much?
$599 cash right now
mY 970/1060 iS StIlL GoInG StRoNg
You might need a new keyboard though
Must be suppliers trying to clear all that high priced stocks they've been stuck with. lolz.
Doubt that.
Soo… pretend you're a supplier.. you've been sitting on stocks for 6+ months as people refuse to buy at the extortionist prices you're charging.. What do you do..
Oh.. you heavily discount your stock to start moving it on as you're not getting paid for them sitting in storage.
Nah you list it at a lower price. Wait till you rack up orders. Reply to all the buyers that you are now out of stock and have no ETA for new stock and force buyers to either buy the more expensive items or wait weeks for a refund.
Where is the heavy discount?
@pharcyde: It was a general observation based on the numerous posts lately listing GPUs with $200 - $400+ off and them claiming to be a bargain.
I'm sorry, can't you tell I'm just over this ridiculous GPU situation. The sarcasm has been strong tonight, don't mean to offend anyone, but it is getting beyond a joke at times. Prices are almost as bad as the "Is it LHR" questions all the time.
@Revrnd: Luckily when they said my 3060 ti preorder was out of stock they offered an alternative full size 2 fan one. My original was the Asus Dual mini, the new alternative was the zotac 3060 ti oc
Someone from Scorptec downvoting everyone? :lol:
That, and someone with no sense of humour. Maybe I need to start puting a /s at the end of my comments at times, especially that one about suppliers clearing stocks.
seems that way eh
Where is the bargain?
Find one cheaper
What a bargain ! . Quick boys! buy now before it sells out
Not terrible. Glad I got my 3080 ti on sale a couple weeks ago for $100 cheaper from PCCG. ($2299 down from $2499l
Damn, people actually pay over 2k for a GPU.
Not too hard to justify when you can earn $70 a week mining (ERGO) on it. In 30 weeks its completely paid itself off, worst case scenario it takes a bit longer.
Either way for a card that will last me 3-6 years it was worth the upfront investment. :)
Ok, is the running cost factored in already?
@kml22: Running costs are widely variable. For example I usually leave my pc on anyways so cost of having the gpu run at extra 170W, equates to roughly an extra 30kWhr @ 17c / kWhr = $5.
A more realistic scenario for most people would involve paying an average energy rate (~34c/kWhr) + look at total power cost and not the relative difference then you'd probably be looking at up to $20 costs. Leaving you net $50 up a week.
1080Ti lads we will hold!
Dafuq…. Not even a top of the line card is as much as a mid to high end pc.
Wake me when this is over please.
Isnt it literally the second best card series? Only thing better currently is the 3090, the 3080 ti is ranked second?
I think they mean in the guise of 3080Ti's. it's a low - mid-range card in the 3080Ti lineup from Gigabyte I guess.
Get the vulcan gaming for $100 more. Gigabyte is poo unless u buy the Aourus
Vision is a great card.
Sorry, this aren't it chief. Pretty much close to everyday price for mediocre branded 3080 ti. Just try snipe one up at PLE, PC Case Gear etc if you really want 3080 ti