Unlimited Mobile Data Plan

I'm after an Unlimited data plan without many cons for as cheap as possible
Speed is not as much of a concern as unlimited data
I've seen Felix and Vodafone 5G I'm wondering if there were any cons with sharing hotspot or usage limits
Can you please list what plans you know are available
Your personal experience if you've used them
Also what cons/speed throttling or fair use limits may apply


  • +1

    what kind of GBs do you think you will use per month? 500gb? 1TB? 2TB?

  • Optus has a $65 plan with 200GB and then capped speed?

    How much data do you plan on using? I have 180GB with Telstra for streaming, gaming, normal browsing, youtube etc. I usually end up about 150GB of usage but even when it does cap out, I can watch netflix fine.

  • +1

    Using cheap mobile broadband /data plan with capped speed as home internet hotspot runs with danger that they flag you for breach of fair use. Even if someone here been using it and not have their service terminated doesn't mean won't happen to you.

    That said, I used the $15pm Telstra plan with capped speed and it was fine for me watching Netflix on my mobile tablet. Just not as wifi hotspot.

    Yes, telco can tell whether you are tethering or not.

    • -1

      What kind of danger will l be in? I’ve been using it for a few months, now I fear for my life…:(

      But in all seriousness, if they cancel you just move on. Not much consequence other then getting booted.

      • OP asks for cons and I gave. Good on you making decision on OPs behalf.

        • I didn’t realise giving an alternative opinion would hurt.

      • Maybe blacklisted by that telco.

  • New plan: $85 per month, max speed unlimited data, 30GB hotspot data limit and 2Mbps capped speed thereafter.

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