Great monitor for the price.
First time poster hope I did it right
Great monitor for the price.
First time poster hope I did it right
ViewSonic is definitely one of the top monitor brands and they've been around a very long time. Definitely a good deal.
Don’t forget to add the store eg “@centre com“ as well as “+ shipping” if shipping is applicable. I’m sure a mod will fix it soon. Good first post, cheap monitor for the specs.
Thanks for the tip! Will correct.
Yep, OP can add delivered because its free shipping
This was $299 at multiple retailers for weeks/months earlier this year and even then in my opinion it was still asking more then it's worth as this isn't the same monitor as the highly reviewed vx2758-2kp-mhd as that one was actually good. This monitor has horrible overdrive tuning and stock panel performance
Yep, I just watched a review and was disappointed at the gtg response times. 9.52ms is pretty mediocre tbh, but I think this monitor is marketed to a more casual audience who plays games but mainly uses it for other tasks with 1440p.
I got this for $284 through ebay/sydneytec a couple of months ago. Unless you are a "monitorphile" and are acutely aware of the the nuances of monitor differences this is a fantastic monitor for $284, even at $349 I would still buy it. After two months of ownership ( plugged into a RTX 3060Ti via DisplayPort) I am totally happy with it..beautiful vibrant colours, set at 1440p 144Hz super smooth utterly clear motion, inbuilt speakers loud and clear enough. Lots of BF5, MSFS 2020, Fortnite, youtube etc and cannot fault it. Great monitor!
Ah was about to say I love mine then noticed it's the 2758!
actually can't believe it's IPS 27inch 2K at this price, the manufacturers always sold those specs at 1080p for around 300 for the longest time. Now its finally catching up.
Not the 1ms response time is MPRT not GtG - still a great deal though!
More info here…
This panel has a fair share of problems that makes the Dell S2721DGF a much better buy at only ~25% more on sale.
It's actually quite terrible in some aspects, such as inverse ghosting at the higher end of the refresh rate window.
disagree with the "quite terrible" you own one?
Did you not watch the video and see the results? It's objectively terrible compared to the competitors when it comes to inverse ghosting and grey to grey response times. It's terrible value for money when you compare it to the alternatives which do not exhibit any of the issues outlined in the review of the monitor.
Just because you really like the monitor and don't see the glaring issues, doesn't mean those issues are not there and that other people wouldn't notice it.
maybe I don't see it..coz its not there? maybe its a batch issue.
@Gr8deel: Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. It just means you don't notice it.
@studentl0an: ah no.. .. basically you don't know for a fact that there isn't a batch issue…nor do you know for a fact that I can or can't see inverse ghosting etc. For the average user the monitor is excellent based on extensive use with various games, apps, videos over last two months.
@Gr8deel: I know for a fact that the objective analysis of Hardware Unboxed is worth many times over your subjective conjecture. They actually have the tools to test monitors, and don't rely on the human eye which has many variations in visual acuity and signal processing.
Perhaps you could get the testing apparatus that monitor testers use and prove otherwise? Until then, it's your word vs the world.
@studentl0an: or just offer my personal experience of a monitor that at $284 -$349 ( and for someone that can only afford that) is great value ..and reassure them that someone going on about nuanced technical details and doesn't have personal experience like yourself shouldn't put them off. Sure ..they should read and consider the reviews but if its in their price range, for the average person its a great monitor.
@Gr8deel: You simply purchased a shitty monitor and as long as you think it was a good deal that's great. Hopefully your argument here isn't what convinces anyone to actually buy one though.
I did not see this at the time but thanks.
I'd recommend the S2721DGF for a bit more if you have the money and patience. I bought mine for $500 and now it seems to be $400, at that price it's a bargain. (Despite Dell's shitty delivery times)
Got an email from JW for the same product at the same price if people want alternatives. Also free shipping since its over $200.…
EDIT: Not free shipping. Monitors is part of their free shipping exclusion list.
Still have this monitor for about a year, highly recommend for casual gaming. If you're into strictly fps I probably would invest more into a 240hz 1ms GTG like the Alienware 27 AW2721D Gaming Monitor
Was gonna get this monitor when it was 299 but jumped on the dell sds2721dgf @399 on the afterpay deal.
27inch 144hz IPS is getting to that sweet spot these days, amazingly its 2K this monitor for $350.
Not even a year ago it used to be those specs but at 1080p for that price, time sure flies.
I don't know much about this brand, but the monitor looks promising. Good post OP