Can I Find The Registered Address for an ABN?

Hi all!

This may be a long shot, but, I paid a sole trader to do some work and now they've stopped replying or turning up. I've tried to reach out to them for weeks and I just wanted to try to get my money back.

I thought maybe I'd lodge a claim in small claims court but need an address to serve him. I was wondering whether anyone knows if it's possible to get the address online (since I have the ABN)?

Thanks so much :)


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    • Thank you! It tells me the suburb and postcode but not the address for service of documents sadly as far as I can see. But thank you :)

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        You might be able view the record on the ASIC website. You can pay for more detailed records. No guarantees though.

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          I think if he is just a individual/sole trader, it won't be in ASIC but only in ABR.

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            @bazingaa: Yup I tried ASIC Connect and they don’t recognise the ABN! :( Such a stressful mission lol

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    Sole traders don't have registered addresses for service of documents though when they first register an ABN there is usually an address linked to it. This isn't updated however so often not where they actually live.

    Pty ltd companies have registered addresses (often the accountants office). To serve documents on a sole trader you will need to find out where they live and serve them personally. If you mail the court documents to their last known address, email them to them and do your best to make them aware, the court might be satisfied service was achieved.

    If you can find out where the person is likely to be, you can pay a process server if you don't want want to serve documents yourself. Will cost you around $100 or so for them to make a couple of attempts.

    You might have as much luck searching Facebook, white and yellow pages for the person's name you need to serve.

    • Pty ltd companies have registered addresses (often the accountants office)

      Funny thing is, I am getting letters addressed to a pty ltd which I think was set up by previous renters at my current home, specially from ASIC etc, I always RTS (unkown at address) them but they are keeping coming few times a year.

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      I wonder if I can send them a PDF on their phone hahah. I think I know whereabouts they live so I may try the alternative options you've provided. Thank you so much that was very helpful! :)

  • Share the ABN on here. With the Ozbargain brain power, I am sure we will find something

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      This is most likely the one for cash tradies 26 008 672 179

    • I guess it can’t hurt to share it so people are aware. The ABN is 79 566 801 363. Dodgy all around, named Ryan Wood-Ward.

  • I paid a sole trader to do some work

    Did you get an invoice? This should have name and ABN at the bare minimum. More likely to get details from the phone number and/or email address than the ABN.

    • I have the ABN, mobile number but no email address. Also did not get an invoice - I'm not sure if he was even declaring his income to be honest. Thank you for your suggestions!

      • If he has done this to you then chances are he has done this to someone else too. These type of people usually have some sort of negative attention on forums, Facebook etc.

        If you haven't already, advise them via text that if the matter isn't resolved in 7 days you will lodge an application with the relevant tribunal. Worth a shot though with no invoice and being a sole trader it might be an expensive lesson.

        • +2

          Guess what!! I found his address!!!! :D

          • @nina1210: Care to share his address, there are several other people looking for this guy

            • @Peachey: Mate, this user hasn’t signed in for a year and a half.

  • Go to… search his business name or ABN or name and the address of: "Address for service of documents:" should pop up. This may be the delivery mail address but its an address

  • Hi. I was searching this guy’s name and his ABN, I find your post in here. I paid this guy $650 for deposit to buy his car and he never shown up. How did you find his phone number or address?

    • +1

      Not sure if you’re going to have much luck, doesn’t look like @nina1210 has logged in for nearly a year and doesn’t have their messages turned on. Ryan sounds like a right dropkick, hope you get your money back.

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