So I'm looking at moving from Melbounrne to the Gold Coast in the new future, and was wondering what the best way to ship a PC and two monitors would be. Couriers? Also what kind of price I would be looking at if anyone had donne this before!
Best Way to Ship a PC and Monitors

LBogo111 on 01/09/2021 - 09:46
in the new future
What is this new future you speak of?
near*, and hopefully a future where people like me re-read their posts before submitting them
Ok. I thought it may have been a place of beautiful one day, perfect the next, covid free, cheap Tesla's and Pam as mayor.
Have done the move twice now back and forth. Both times I used a company called backloads who run a consolidated interstate removals service. No issues although I did pack my monitor in its original box and removed the GPU from my tower. Have fun on the Gold Coast, great weather but the locals are… an interesting sort.