Just wondering if anyone has made any small claims against anyone?
I recently purchased a very limited edition console in unused condition. I checked the item at the time it was in a brand new condition and sealed, when I opened it looks just like new with all the wires still with tags on it and not one bit of scratch.
When I get home to test out the item it is not only not in working condition, it was also modified (jail break) and it can't play genuine games.
I know its my fault that I should have tested it on the spot, but I didn't want to go into their house to charge up the console as they have two big dogs and I am bit scared of the dogs.
Anyway they are now denying they ever sold the item to me despite the fact I have the receipt with their number and house number and address on the receipt. They also claim when they sold to me it was in the new condition and I am the one who changed the console to jail break one.
The console is $480 in value.
Question becomes:
I know if I were to take them to a small claim tribunal its their words against mine. However I think regardless what happens I still want to have a try as its a matter of principle. Yes it will cost me a bit more to take them to the small claim also.
If I were to take a polygraph test and go to the court to prove I am telling the truth and not lying. Would that up my chances of winning my case?
Anyone has any similar story to share?
Thanks many.
Nope. It's buyer beware and all on you unfortunately. Zero repercussions to the seller.
That seals it. Lesson learnt.