TL;DR Wanted to buy a house in Sydney but can't afford it anymore, where to buy house for living with a good future prospect?
I've moved to Australia permanently 3 years ago and I have been thinking of buying a house for myself since last year with 70K saving (aiming at a 10% initial deposit) but Covid made sure I don't even dare (prices went up around 17% since last year) I've moved here by myself and as a 27yrs old bloke who doesn't have any experience on the property market or doesn't know people with very good understanding, my only source of information is the internet and I thought I'd ask the eagle eye ozbargainers who can find the best info about the market.
It's probably posted here before but couldn't find what I was after. I want to buy a house with a little backyard but would prefer to live around 30-40 minutes driving distance from any state CBD. I'm not married and doesn't have any kid so it's easy for me to move but would prefer to move somewhere with a good prospect in few years and there are jobs in the market (I'm from IT). I'm considering around Brisbane but this is just my initial thought. I'd really appreciate it if I could hear your thoughts or if you could point me to some good resources/forums I could study to make up my mind. Thank you.