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5" screen
Garmin Nuvi 1450T $99 with Free Shipping at Dick Smith

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Shame the Free Lifetime Maps deal doesn't apply to this one anymore.
+1. Would have been awesome.
Purchased this from DSE mid-Jan for $199 (they have $100 off this model quite often) with the free lifetime map upgrades.
Garmin is selling lifetime map updates for $189 and one-off update for $99, so the previous deal is better than this one.
Was about to post this, great price. Would buy if I needed one but I'm going to show it to my friend because he's in the market
I got this very model, very happy with it.
Choice also rated it quite highly in a past comparison.I currently have an older Garmin model with Lifetime Maps, I'm assuming its not possible to transfer that benefit to this particular model. Any ideas how much it costs to purchase Lifetime maps?
I'll be heading to Singapore in July. Can I get this GPS and use it there? I usually just rent a GPS unit along with the car, but I figured maybe it's time to get one to keep.
Only if you buy maps for it from garmin. Will probably cost more than the device. Depending on how much GPSes cost there and how much you usually pay for rental car GPSes, might be a better idea to buy a cheap one from there
Google malsing. You can get local maps for Singapore and Malaysia for garmin devices free and relatively updated. So yeah you can use it in Singapore.
definatelly best price every seen.
How do you know it will be $99? The link screen says nothing about the price.Edit: Found it. Top page shows this special deal. Thanks.
I went back and forth a few times too, saw it on front page, clicked it too fast, saw $299 thought WTF?
Great price
One of the reviewers mentions there is no speed and red light camera alerts.. Can anyone please confirm ?
Would be a big deal breaker if there were no alerts for such things!
As per the "Overview" on the Dick Smith page:
" It also comes preloaded with speed and red light cameras for the Australian map."
For the traffic updates, is it free for lifetime?
I don't think they charge for the traffic updates - it's a function for the this model, and it's not subscription based.
However, I have found the traffic updates pretty useless to be honest
Are the traffic updates very slow or just not that helpful? I was hoping it could save me from potential traffic jams (seems to be a lot lately).
I think they are inaccurate (which is probably due to being slow). However, I haven't used the function a lot so you should seek other opinions.
If they only had Etrex's
Nice deal for a brand item, but these days you can get the Chinese GPS which are cheaper, better CPU & resolution as well ability to install other GPS software.
Nice little GPS nonetheless
What is this Chinese GPS you speak of? Care to link?
Awesome got one
great deal adding employee discount makes it that little bit sweeter. Have been shopping around for a new GPS
how much is employee discount?
5% - $94.05 :)
yep it's not huge but a good quality GPS for decently under $100, I'm pretty happy. I sell this model all the time and would actually recommend it
just got one, waiting…
phew, just bought one after 3 x errors.
By error do you mean a website timeout?
I got that but I received a Paypal email saying I submitted the order. Did you receive a DSE email after ordering (I didn't)?
error during purchase within D.S. site.
After sucessful order, I received a confirmation email from DS with order information and tracking status link. Email was instant.I also experienced an error during purchase. Got an email from Paypal but not Dicksmith. Hmm..
Just got one. Besides some error message hassles, it was an easy purchase.
Bought. Thanks OP!
Bought one, very straight forward, no hassles.
Got confirmation from the dicksmith webpage as well as into my email address as well as paypal.
Good find OP.Got one! thanks.
Got one, thanks OP! Much appreciated.
Got it. Trusting you guys.
After the Camera deal night of fail & swearing never to ever, ever buy from them again, it actually went through OK this time. Damnwell got me on the 16GB USB drive as well.
Same trusting the might of OzBargain! I didn't need a GPS but there goes my $100. :$
Same here. Parents have TomtTom navigator so I mainly use that. $99 is worth it for a good brand name GPS with large 5" screen, for the rare times I might need a GPS when parents are away using the TomTom.
Their website is truly horrible when ordering and its not just because of any potential overload due to this offer, I've had it before.
Took me five attempts but got there in the end. And I already had an account!
No problem ordering here. Just ordered one without creating a new account and it went through first go. Chose PO BOX as delivery address. Also got DSE and Paypal confirmation email instantly as well.
I still haven't received any confirmation email from dicksmith. It appears under "My Orders" though. Should I be worried?
I placed the order again and it worked fine, with an instant confirmation email. I also sent off an email telling them to disregard the first PayPal charge (as I did not even have an order number for it).
But did the first order appear in your "My Orders"?
I ordered as a guest.
email was pretty instant for me
Placed the order and used my DS account.
Got a confirmation email and it's seen in my account.Is this model better than the TomTom XXL 540?
Ordered one at 8:30pm. Looks like it's still live.
Nope, just refreshed and now back at $299. I must have been the 1500th.
It was supposed to end at 8pm, they probably just let it run till 8:30 because they didnt get enough buyers.
I bought two. One for me one for friend. My previous Garmin suction bracket broken and it costs over $30 to replace so worth to pay a bit more to have a new one instead. Lifetime map update is a bonus if doesn't cost but I don't see the necessity to pay for it. We all know how many decades on average for this government to build a new road.
The road might still there but the speed limit and street flow might be not valid anymore. Anyway it still a good bargain.
lol if you're in Brisbane you get a new road every six months, it's ridiculous
Yep, I'm in Brisbane and didn't bother getting this, news roads all the time, and a GPS without free map updates is useless. My current GPS thinks it's flying in mid air anywhere near Brisbane airport right now LOL!!
So upset I missed this one! Another reason why I have to access ozbargain 24/7!
Mine arrived in my PO BOX this morning in Sydney. Assume it was sent Friday.
Got mine today too, registered online, have a free map update available to download until June 2012.
Thats fine. Latest map update is
Version: 2012.40
Released: Dec, 2011So there should be a new map update available some time late march april as thy get release 4 times every year.
Hey fellas,
Where do you get what version of maps is already on the unit ? And what software did you use to register the unit and get advised of a map update ? Sorry but I'm a noob with these things..Its all on the Garmin website. You basically download a web browser plugin, install it, register, then you can see the details of your attached to the computer GPS.
Wow,that was too easy..Thanks vmile :) Guess I'll wait a few months now before I claim that free map to make sure I get the latest available..
I think you only get 60 days from the first time your GPS acquires the satellite i.e. first use to claim free map update, so if that's the case, don't wait too long ;)
Info on that little booklet it comes with
If anybody is after a case for there recently purchased GPS. Officeworks have one to suit a 5" GPS for $5.98.
Interesting price.Tempted to buy this. My Navman MY30 is good, but am looking for a larger screen.