Is Fallout 76 Any Good?

It was utter trash at launch but is it good now?

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  • 14
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    Why did they skip Fallout 5 to 75?


  • +2

    Seeing other players running around the map sort of killed the vibe for me. I just wish they had a single player campaign mode and an online mode or particular section of the map for multiplayer - similar to how The Division 2 was set up. But that's just me.

    • They do. It's part of Fallout First (subscription service)

      You don't really come across many people these days though if you don't partake in the events.

  • Meta critic says no

    • +1

      A lot of those reviews are from near launch, it's improved a lot a since then but I don't know if it's good yet

    • So did my colleague when I asked her out…

      • +1

        Did you try asking again around three years later? Her answer might be good now…

  • It's not very good imo.. But it's cheap enough if you wanted to have a go.. You might enjoy it.

  • It's enjoyable enough to run through the main campaign but the end game grind is very painful.

  • +2

    I enjoyed Fallout 3, NV and 4 a whole lot more than this. I would say that the Fallout franchise is much better played singleplayer rather than multiplayer.

  • I went in with an open mind and found its terribly boring, leveling is dead slow and the missions are just fetch quests.

    90% of the game is just walking to your destinations.

    I probably wouldn't even buy it for $10.

  • +2

    After all the updates they pumped out, NPCs etc. I'd say it's very much enjoyable. A lot of community events taking place throughout the game that has you working with other people and outside of events you typically won't come across them unless you go to their camp to trade. It can very much be a grind though.

  • I still prefer playing Fallout 3 and 4 on pc.. I like F76's concept, although it's just not for me. I prefer single player fallout games

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