The full base game is available on IOS (iPad or iPhone) for $7.99 (in-game purchase).
[iOS] Civilization VI - Full Game (as in-App Purchase) $7.99 @ Apple App Store

Last edited 29/08/2021 - 11:39 by 2 other users
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OK, thanks…
Where is the bargain?
It's cheaper elsewhere on IOS? Please share and thanks for letting us know!
It's cheaper elsewhere on IOS
where ?
You missed the ? when you quoted me. I asked a question - I didn't make a statement.
where ?
Will need to check with onemufc; hopefully he will share the location - I couldn't find it anywhere cheaper and felt it was a bargain at this price; hence my original question
Says $7.99 here in game
Hmmm 2.9/5 rating, I will pass
That’s because the game is fishing for dislikes
Is jv the developer?
No, I did 'V', not 'VI'
Hi what exactly is the deal here?
It is usually $15 to unlock the base game. It’s currently $7.99. A bunch of the DLC is also on sale.
The game is very poorly optimized for the iPad. The late-game eras are literally unplayable due to each turn taking several minutes to complete. I'd stick to the PC for this one.
So much of ipad gona replace pc.
Playing this on an ipad would be a horrible experience
After putting a couple hundred hours into it, yeah nah. It’s fine.
No hurry to get this. They changed the business model to just charge later on in game
Plays horribly on iPad. Never receives any support or patches.
Save your money
No bargain.
It's cheaper elsewhere on IOS? Please share and thanks for letting us know!
It's cheaper elsewhere on IOS
where ?
If you have a switch, I believe that version is superior.
civ 5 is better lol
PC version is far more enjoyable and available outright without IAPs. Also, Civ 5 is still great.
The IAPs are expansions, champ. Which you also pay for on PC.
Have you played Civ without expansion packs? Civ without the packs is extremely poor value, not very fun at $7.99 even. Not really the 'full game'
It’s horrible on the iPad. Game crashes when you use a nuke. Every time. I got it refunded. Shame because I enjoyed playing on a tablet.
Damn Ghandi!
mutually assured destruction when you use them - have you learned nothing about nukes? HAHA just funnier it expands to the app crashing.
How much is it normally?