Hey everyone,
Partner and I are interested in buying a 800k townhouse (3 BR 2 BA) as our first home. The location is very ideal for both of us and ticks all the boxes in terms of amenities.
Since I'm young and very inexperienced, thought I'd reach out to the veterans out here and get advice to make sure we're not rushing or overlooking things. About us:
- combined salary of 160k pa
- we have enough for a 20% deposit
- currently getting pre-approval sorted
- house will be off the plan with expected completion date of late 2022
- will be inspecting a different house built by the same developers to get an understanding of the quality
- currently living separately with our family w/ no rent. I'm giving my parents ~$500 a month to help out though
Given that I'm only 23, should I consider saving up for a couple more years?
Thanks everyone!
Update: It looks like the consensus is that off the buy plan is a bad idea. Thank you - we will definitely look at all our options and research further before making a decision.
In this market who knows what 2 years ahead will look like but I never think buying off-plan is a good idea.
That is my opinion (Happy to hear what others say). Good job on saving up the 20% though!! ❤️