This was posted 3 years 6 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, PS5] September 2021 PS Plus Games - Overcooked All You Can Eat, Hitman 2 & Predator Hunting Grounds @ PlayStation


Overcooked All You Can Eat will be the PS5 game for September.

As usual, these games will be available on the first Tuesday of the month (September 7).

Full credit to Billbil-kun from Dealabs.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    I was just thinking about when they will announce it because it was nearly the end of the month! Then I visit ozbargain and dealbot already posted it.

    Pretty decent lineup.

  • +1

    MVP= Dealbot, was wondering what PS+ was going to be this arvo.

  • +9

    This is the best PS Plus month this year so far. Great games

    • +7

      Nah, predator hunting grounds is a dud…😬

      • +3

        Dud's a bit strong I think. It was good fun, when it worked. Problem was it didn't work quite often…

  • +2

    Thanks Op. good thing I didn’t buy hitman 2 last month on the psn store. I bought hitman 3 and hitman 1 was free a while ago.

    Aliens fireteam will probably be on there in a few months…😅

  • +2

    Anybody still playing Predator? Didn’t it bomb on release

    • +2

      Unbelievably so: Console versions specifically suffered from horrible netcode and inconsistent framerates. Current queue times can be upwards of 10 minutes, so it'll be nice to see the playerbase bolstered, even for a little bit. It's really not a bad game, just suffering from map variety and content outside of paid DLC/Characters.

      • Battlefield 5 was like this until it was free and it's still going strong.

      • +1

        Like evolved before it, a paid assymetrical 5 player game is destined to flop.

        Any acceptions peeps can remind me of?

        • Dead by Daylight has average 70-100k players per day, but that's not AAA priced like Predator was on release. It really is a stale genre to charge an entry fee for, especially with MTX on top.

  • +1

    Is it worth me downloading, and trying any of this month's games?

    I need to buy an external HD, literally got no room when COD takes up 1/3 of the drive.

    • +2

      Overcooked is a good co-op game. Not sure if this new one has multiplayer or not.

      • +8

        Bought it recently FML.

        But worth the money. Very fun and quick game

        Multiplayer is in this as well as online vs

        • Catastranauts is another game to look at if you liked overcooked.

    • +1

      Samsung T5 is a pretty good option for an external SSD. Great for all the PS4 games.

  • +3

    games just get worse and worse…
    might as well hold off renewing

    • I actually agree with you not sure why ppl neg

      • Yeah, literally nothing decent for PS5. I generally wouldn't even look once at these games.

        Some of the PS4 seem decent, but I didn't buy a PS5 to play PS4 games.

    • +1

      Who pays for PS Plus just for the free games? They’ve mostly always been crap. Once in a while there’s a gem, but not enough to justify a subscription. I just see them as a slight sweetener for having to pay for online gaming.

      • +1

        I have PS Plus and don’t play online games or multi player. I mainly purchased PS Plus for the PS5 collection. It’s worth the $60 a year for me.

      • Pretty good to have free games to compliment my online gaming subscription

  • +6

    Better than last month at least

  • +6

    Can't wait to replay Overcooked again. Didn't want to buy Overcooked all you can eat because already own 1 and 2 seperate. But this is great! Such a good co-op game. Played Hitman 1 and really enjoyed myself. Is Hitman 2 better then 1?

  • -8

    If this is Sony's idea of competing with Game's Pass, I'm glad I passed. PS5 sold, PS+ subs & digi games down the drain. Still, I figure I'll be better off with a PC due to things like Overcooked & Hitman 2 being free on Epic, months ago.
    I hope PHG is running well now, that was so disapointing (on all formats).
    Returnal would be nice to see as the PS+ PS5 freebie - enough customers, including myself have paid for that 4hr game, frustratingly fluffed out with perma-death & the removal via update of the always changing landscape feature.
    …but it seems like King Sony only flicks the scraps to its loyal customers.

    • +3

      Psnow competes with game pass but unfortunately isn’t available in Australia. If bought into the ps eco system for ps plus you’re doing it wrong. Ps plus is for online multiplayer (like Xbox live gold).

      • -1

        Another f u from Sony, specific to its Australian customers - no PS Now, no plans for it here.
        Why would they offer more when we're lapping up PS+ & scraps?

        • +2

          Can't you just use international accounts for psnow here? Psnow shows on my ps4 on my Uk account.

          • -2

            @C Scott: Tbh, I don't know, I sold my PS5. PS4 is the go atm, if you could sly PSNow, you're on a winner.

    • +1

      game pass for Psn doesn’t exist Sony is still making it..they recently tested movies and music in Poland.

      Psplus is for multiplayer and free games every start of the month. And you don’t deserve anything don’t expect triple a titles months after launching

      • -2

        Yep, $80/yr for network access, or multiplayer as you put it, with games included…they're not free.
        I didn't say I deserved anything, I said people like you, loyal Sony customers do, based on thier shocking display of greed & contempt towards thier subs.

        • -1

          Lmao check my history I’m an Xbox dude

          • @Bootyborne: I'm lost, why do u want me to check ur history?

    • +1

      I only use PS Plus to obtain those games where I have slight interest but won't pay money for it.
      Such as "Days Gone" recently.

      After all, it's $80 per year full price compared to GamePass' $120 per year full price.

      But then again, nobody in this forum paying full price for PS plus. haha.

      I'm happy enough to obtain a couple of AAA games that I won't pay for.

      • -2

        Half price PSN for new & expired members only - another kick in the guts to loyal Sony subs.
        The monthly's are scraps to buy your loyalty. Zero of them being good over the last 5 months, it's just $80/yr for network access & I jumped ship for the better.

        • Most PS user in this forum would know about the yearly deal for ps plus. I've never paid more than $50 for ps plus.

          Not arguing.
          I have game pass too. Just don't compare between the two.

          Not apple to apple


          • @Flying owl: Are you sure they're not the same though?

            Both include network access & a games library.
            One costs more & has a bigger library including new & existing games with a few current-gen AAA's. The other offers 1 non-AAA game, (if you are subscribed in the month it's released) that may or not be current-gen…Overcooked lol.
            EA Plus is included in one & an add-on in the other.
            The difference appears to be only in the amount & quality of content…and how much is charged for this difference, of course. Maybe I'm missing something?

            Sony is forcing PS+ to compete with all GP variants, by offerring no variant themselves. They're not offerring as much as thier competitor, but it's cheaper. Then they discount it to get you invested in thier eco-system & once in you're trapped. Bail and you lose your subs fee, which is perceived as full RRP in the mind of the buyer…potentially $80 to replace it is the perception.

            I have neither btw, but due to this discussion I've looked into GP for PC & it's not bad - genuine thanks.

    • +5

      Returnal is one of the best games I have ever played. A run might take 4 hours but there is plenty of content, so good.

      • Yep, big fan of Housemarque from the beginning. Resogun was a non-disc $40 launch title & still rocks. Returnal is identical in this regard, except price…therefore it is overpriced. But what can you do? There's no other option.

        • Negger's gonna neg.

        • Well the price of ps5 games is too high in general. But as the best ps5 game to date, it warrants the price tag better than anything else yet.

          I'm back to playing ps4 games on my ps5.

          • @Rarak: Unfortunately it still doesn't warrant the price.
            Last gen games on your current gen console…that honestly sucks dude & probably not what you expected at purchase.

            • @Unsafe: They are now super cheap though, better controller and most things load faster.

              Enjoying it personally.

    • +1

      Someone is salty.

      As others mentioned, you're comparing the wrong thing. Xbox live gold is equivalent of psplus and i dont believe it's as competitive as psplus.

      Returnal is way too recent a game to release. Plus many would disagree that the quality isnt there - its an amazing game if you dont mind roguelites. Sounds like maybe this month would work for you - a bit less difficult and can take your time with games like Overcooked and Hitman.

      • -1

        Not sure what "salty" means exactly.
        Returnal IS quality even though it's not a AAA title, that is where it being similar to Rouge ends, as adding permadeath does not a Rouguelike make.
        Rogue was not a launch title for $109, exclusive to a console for $749.
        With zero other PS5 exclusives of quality, you're paying around $950 for Returnal (with a PS+ subs) as your only next-gen experience with Sony. And you're stoked with this because Returnal in your opinion is Rougelike.
        Overcooked & Hitman 2 = old PS4 news bruh…but hang in there, Returnal will become less difficult for you, when you realise it's just unecessarily beginning the entire game again you're scared of.

        Edit: Ahhhh, I get it now. "Salty" is when someone attempts to have a go at another person's character, when they can't reply to the content, using facts.

    • Yeah… Nah.

      Check you facts before posting:

      • Gamepass was an alternative to PS Now, Gamepass improved better.
      • It’s clear that you never finished Returnal, even with the updates, the landscape is still changing every time you die, and there no way it’s a 4 hour game.
      • Ps Plus is not competing with Gamepass, is a similar service like Xbox Live.

      But nice try.

      • -2

        ^These are not facts.
        This is: Your grammar is appalling.

        • +1

          They are, you are too stubborn to accept them.

          • @kazuyamishima: Oh…well since u put it that way, I guess I'll just apologise & go buy a PS5 again. Well played.

  • +9

    For those looking to start a new subscription to PSplus, don't forget to get it half-price:

  • +7

    Hitman 2 is a good game. Dare say any fan of the series would have it though.

    • +1

      I got it a few months ago (kinda went a weird route to buy it - started off with Hitman 2 on Xbox… purchased the extra Hitman 2 content shortly after…. but not the older Hitman levels DLC). Ended up buying Hitman 3 on the pc and all of the content (so Hitman 1 & 2 levels are playable in Hitman III). Then I figured "screw it" purchased Hitman 3 on the Xbox as well…. then I recently purchased the original game on the Xbox (I wasn't content on owning the maps in the later games…. I had to buy the original base game, purely so I could replay the original levels and earn more Xbox Achievement points for doing so (more money than brains… but then I didn't spent too much money, it wasn't like this was a full RRP experiment which would be silly to do even in these covid times).

      • Haven't bought hitman 3 yet. Waiting for a good price.

      • Sounds like me with skyrim.

        Ps3 special edition
        Ps4 remarstered
        Ps4 vr
        PC steam with all dlc

        This also goes with

        Fallout 3 on ps3 original and goty as well as pc
        Fallout NV original and goty on ps3 and pc
        Fallout 4 ps4 and pc with all dlc.

    • Apparently you can download the Hitman 3 starter pack which allows you to play Hitman 2 levels with PS5 features.

  • +9

    I'm not feeling the love from Sony in recent months.

    • +2

      I have both Microsoft is much more gamer friendly and sharing the love my p5 is just collecting dust at the moment until god of war

  • +2

    Well, that answers that, I will not bother with the $40 deal.

  • Any of these games actually PS5 games?

    • +5

      Literally the first sentence

      Overcooked All You Can Eat will be the PS5 game for September.

    • I know what u mean. Overcooked must be enhanced, defs no next-gen title to suit a next-gen console. There's just not enough PS5 exclusives to give away.

  • +3

    Pretty weak imo, not gonna lie.

  • Overcooked All You Can Eat is a great game but it was extremely buggy in comparison to the 2 original games last time I played it not too long ago. A lot of levels where meals will just disappear or a character will be glitched out of the playable area prompting you to have to restart the level. There was even a few levels in one of the DLC packs where it would say a certain meal is required but the game would just refuse to accept that exact meal when you try to serve it so the level was impossible to pass.

    • That sucks, I was hoping to use this as a way to play casually with my partner. Do you know if they are still patching it?

      • +1

        I haven't seen an update for it ever since, but my partner and I still had a lot of fun playing through it. It was just quite annoying to be constantly running into bugs in an upgraded version of a game when the original never had any of these same issues.

  • +2

    The only month I have enjoyed the content was a few months ago with battlefield 5, sniper zombie. All other months have just ended in in the digital pile of shame…. if that.

  • Also I shower the add ons as well for any decent free stuff.

  • Interesting, I saw a youtuber saying Tony Hawk Pro Skater was going to be the PS game for September last night.

    • I thought i read that somewhere else also…maybe it was for Gamepass?

  • Is ps5+ still running half price membership?

  • Overrated badly.

    Xbox Game Pass is much better.

    Not sure why people fall for this stuff?

    • +8

      When you play online games, you have to buy PS+ anyway. So I just see these games as a bonus.

      When you look at the list of games PS+ has offered over the years in addition to the PS Plus Collection, you can't ask for much more. Yes, Game Pass has newer games, but Sony puts a lot of work and money into its exclusive games, they can't just offer the new Ratchet and Clank or Ghost of Tsushima on PS+ a few months after they release.

      • A Plague Tale
      • Batman Arkham Knight
      • Bioshock Collection
      • Bloodborne
      • Borderlands Collection
      • Call of Duty MW and MW 2 Remastered (fantastic campaigns) + a million other old CODs
      • Control
      • Crash Bandicoot n-sane trilogy
      • Days Gone
      • Detroit Become Human (amazing interactive story)
      • Deus Ex
      • Fall guys (big deal when it was popular)
      • Fallout 4
      • Final Fantasy 7 and 15
      • God of War (my favourite game ever)
      • Hitman 1 and now 2
      • Hollow Knight
      • inFamous Second Son
      • Just Cause 3 and 4
      • Metal Gear Solid 5
      • Monster Hunter World
      • Mortal Kombat X
      • Need for Speed Payback
      • Nioh
      • Onrush
      • Outlast
      • Persona 5
      • Ratchet and Clank
      • Resident Evil 7
      • Rocket League on release in 2015 (yes it's free now, but I'd put 1800 hours into it before it was free)
      • Shadow of the Colossus
      • Sniper Elite 4
      • Battlefront 2
      • Star Wars Squadrons
      • The Last of Us
      • Uncharted 1-4
      • Until Dawn
      • XCOM 2
      • Yakuza Kiwami

      Even throwaway games like Man Eater, Plants v Zombies, and the sports games like 2k20 provide some short fun.

      So I'd say for the ~$400 I've paid for PS+ since like 2014, this backlog of games above is pretty fair. No, we shouldn't have to pay for online in the first place, but that's not the argument here.

      • +2

        For the record PS Plus IS about the games. It started as games per month service and online the tacked on afterthought years later. It'll always be about the games for most people. Not everyone plays online games enough to justify subscriptions. Besides online multiplayer isn't fully sub locked anyway. Free to play is available without plus. Paid online multiplayer as the excuse for subscriptions is numbered. Xbox will be first, then Sony. idk what the hell Nintendo will do.

  • Shovelware plus strikes again

  • Nice :) am interested in all 3.

  • +1

    pretty good month. wouldnt pay for any of them, but overcooked was already free & that was good with the gf. hitman & predator look fun for a few mins at least.

  • +1

    Just recently bought Overcooked and Hitman 2. You're all welcome for the sacrifice.

    Protip. After you claim Hitman 2 you can import the levels into Hitman 3 (Free Starter Pack) and enjoy all the upgrades

    • +2

      If you're into trophies, then play it in Hitman 2 and get those trophy unlocks, then transfer progress to Hitman 3 and it'll auto unlock trophies in Hitman 3 once you launch the game.

    • What upgrades do you get?

  • any deals on ps plus?

  • +8
    • +2

      Why is overcooked showing up as $54.95? Was able to get hitman and predator for free🤷‍♂️

      • Same for me. PS5 Edition is $54.95.

      • +1

        Same! What's the go

      • +2

        It's now been fixed. Can add it to your Library for free.

        • +1

          Champion! Thanks for letting us know!

  • Keep the shovelware coming sony

  • Hitman 2 - what a stupid save/load system

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