Disclaimer: I hate Murdoch's cronies in the media but I received this email, so on the basis of:
a) free speech, and
b) that The Australian can't be all bad if Phillip Adam's writes for it, and
c) unless you continue the subscription you are not (directly) putting any money in Limited News' pockets:
"The Australian has just re-launched its new website, tablet app and smart phone site. On top of this free content, they have introduced a digital pass, which gives you access to subscriber only content and usability functions. To introduce it, they are offering a Free 28 day Digital Pass."
How many times is this? (Sorry to sound ungrateful.)
They've had free trial passes ever since the paywall went up last October. The offer is actually worse now, though — previously it was a 3 month pass, now it's only 28 days: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/57168