HSBC Everyday Global - Which Banks Support Sending Single Credit Transfer Fast Payments

Hi all,

Recently signed up for the HSBC Everyday Global account for the 2% cashback. Not my main account, so wanting to be able to fund it in real time as required.

Naturally, there's Beem It as one option, but I'm also interested if people have experience knowing what banks support sending fast payments to HSBC? HSBC have only implemented the very basic Single Credit Transfer option of the NPP, Osko from other banks does not work:…

How do others fund the account?

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  • +1…

    This search engine might help (data is dated)

    I've used 86400 to instantly transfer to someone's HSBC account.

    • Useful source, thanks! Thanks for the top on 86400.

  • +2

    I find my ING Orange ED to HSBC transfers are instant, (from 1 account, from other Orange ED its not).

    But just try paying 1 cent as a test, put description/reference as to what you need

    • Yes, odd - my ING OED is slow, transferred during the day. Didn't arrive until the next. Tried it twice. Same slow result.

      • +1

        I think may be ING works OSKO payments only if its like a regularly depositing account (when paying to BSB and ACCT No.). But that being said i think it had always been instant from that one ING OED account, (may be do smaller test transfers like less than $1 again)


        HSBC to anybank is usual long

  • FYI Osko banks are obligated to support SCT payments too. You don't need to shop around for this, they will route the payment accordingly.

    • You'd think so, but I have two bank accounts I use (ING and Westpac), both didn't transfer to HSBC quickly - both occurred next day. I've tried twice from each account in case both had a "first payment to a new source" style security arrangement that hold the payments. No difference. Both initiated during business hours, all 4 payments didn't arrive at HSBC until the next day.

  • +1

    BOQ to HSBC is not instant. However, they are same day. Sent money in the morning, got the money in HSBC in the arvo.

  • +1

    CBA to HSBC is instant

  • Recently signed up for the HSBC Everyday Global account for the 2% cashback. Not my main account, so wanting to be able to fund it in real time as required.

    Need to deposit $2k by end of the month to get 2% cash back. I'd suggest put in $2k and then transfer whatever of that you want out.

    • I just get 1000 cashout and deposit to nab, then osko transfer to wherever i need

  • +1

    uBank. Note first one or two payment is slow then fast after.

  • +1

    We're in 2021. All Tx should be in real-time and the Tx finality shouldn't take any more than 60 minutes.

    Some banks are still playing by their own rules but that will change in time when they start dying off.

  • Most banks that support Osko (which includes ING) are able to send fast payments to HSBC. The banks that do not support fast payments to HSBC include Citibank and Up Bank, from my experience, even though fast payments from them to some other banks (especially Osko ones) are possible.

  • NAB, ANZ are almost instant to HSBC, but a day wait for any finds out of hsbc. They support fast fast payment. However, for st George , I notice they do not support fast payment even through PAYID, they will say not recognised OSKO institution.

  • If you have used osko instant transfer from your accounts, you may want to avoid HSBC.
    From all aspects banking experience, I won't rate them.

  • +2

    I know this post is old, but still relevant.

    If the receipient bacnk does not support OSKO but support SCT, most sending banks supporting OSKO will use SCT for a near instant transfer.

    The only banks that I know that insist on using pure OSKO and not SCT are MEB/BOQ & St George.

    HSBC, Macquarie and AMP are known to only support SCT.

    CBA/BankWest, ING, UBANK (NAB), Great Southern Bank, Hiver have no problem sending/receiving via an OSKO/SCT mix on the NPP.

    If you tansfer from a pure OSKO bank to an SCT only supporting bank, the transfer will be via BECS and BECS scheduling rules apply (funds will arrive same day most of the time).

    Avoid (from my own experience) sending fast money from MEB/BOG/STG to AMP/Macuarie (especialy on weekends).

    You can work around the issue by sending money to another bank first (e.g. CBA) and then from there to the final SCT only bank destination.

    Never send money directly from an SCT only bank to St George as money will not show as arrived until next morning around 3am (but credited same day). This is because St George only does BECS transfer updates overnight and not during the day.

    Banking in Australia is not ideal as banks are left to decide what they impement with no effort spend on consistency accross the Australian banking system.

    Australian government does not do much either to ensure consistent inpementation of the NPP (they only care about getting re-elected - talk a lot about financial institution regulation before election time and do very little aftrewards). The RBA is pretty much irrelevant as well, other than having power over rates that is gradualy diminishing via government interference to suit the political needs of the day.

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