MX Master 3, $126.65 as part of the Digidirect's Extendad deal. Free shipping orders above $49.
Logitech MX Master 3 $126.65 ($116.65 with Newsletter Signup) Delivered @ digiDIRECT

Last edited 27/08/2021 - 01:59 by 2 other users
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What issue is that? I own one.…………It's all over the Amazon reviews, there's plenty of Logitech forum posts about it.
Some people just get confused about how the weird ratcheted scroll works, but even if they disable SmartShift they still have inconsistency issues.That's for the MX1 - mine is fine, and hasn't had the issue yet. But, thankyou, I'll keep that in mind if I run into it.
I was asking if the issue I posted about with the MX3 has been resolved. Seems not.
@3v3rqu357: …All 4 links I posted above reference the MX3.
I understand different scroll issues existed with the MX1, but the MX3 absolutely also has widespread scroll wheel issues, which makes me really hesistant to buy one, as my MX1 works fine still; it's just old.
@runean: Just buy it. If it's faulty, that's what warranty is for. I've got two MX3's and a MX2 and they're all perfect.
@KangaDrew: Logitechs warranty in Australia is horrific, but I'm glad to hear yours work fine. I'll consider it.
Yeah it got a total redesign in the MX 3, the manual mechanism that used to mess up is replaced with a magnetic system is my understanding. I have a MX 1 too and never ran into the issue.
I had all of them. Never had an issue with the scroll wheel.. The mx3 metal scroll wheel is the best to date
How long does the newsletter thing take after verifying? It didn't mention $10 bucks off
I would suggest checking with them if it truly in stock. Last time I ordered something, I got an email 2 says later that it isn’t in stock and will need to be ordered and may take 7 - 15 business days possibly more due to covid lockdowns.
Be warned they don't have these in stock.
I purchased this on Monday 23/08/2021 and on 24/08/2021 got an email that it awaiting stock, expecting 7-15 business for stock to be arrived.
Better get these mouse from JB Hi-Fi using zip and add $1 item for total $150 to get $30 cashback from zip so total pay only $120.
JB Hi-Fi got them in stock and offer free delivery in lock down state, only down side is $3.35 more expensive.
The choice either save $3.35, wait at least 7-15 days + shipping time or pay $3.35, get the item ASAP and easier warranty claim :)You can also get JB to price match the mouse :)
I bought one and delivery took 2weeks though
I bought and they then said out of stock. No contact for 2 weeks so I cancelled. Bought from Umart at $129 but it had scroll wheel issues and when I returned they were out of stock..
Contacted digidirect today and they were still out of stock.
Price matched digidirect at OW. $120.32 delivered.Here was the scroll wheel issue I had with the one from Umart:
The wheel would judder back and forth on release when scrolling.own this, too heavy, don't buy it, Mx anywher3 or G pro are much better.
Personally I think the MX Master mouses are overrated - Used to own an MX2 but it was uncomfortable to use for me
I prefer my M720 Triathlon instead, it has all of the functions of the MX Master, lighter, cheaper and you never have to worry about the battery going badMuch smaller, which is a HUGE selling point for me. It seems the trend in mice is to make them TINY, and I don't get it. I like a palm-filler.
Also no side thumb wheel, but I do agree that's overrated.
It's not overrated once you realise the multitude of configurable application capabilities after mapping the thumb scroll. Excel is a perfect example of where you can gain an increase in productivity.
I think that's about the only use case? I'd love to hear even 5 of your multitude.
The reality is due to it's rarity, VERY little content is designed to be scrolled laterally. Every web page dynamically scales to match width, having two scroll bars is generally considered 'ugly'. Hell, phones are portrait, and nearly every single application scroll is vertically - left and right is genrally used to pop out menu panels.
People also love to praise Logitechs 'fast scroll', and I don't get it at all. You've been able to hold down middle mouse and pan for over a decade, in every direction.
I honestly have no idea what to use my side scroll for. It's also kinda impractically small on the MX1, and overly sensitive for most needs.
@runean: Who in their right mind would actually want to hold down a middle mouse button and pan when you can flick your finger and kick off a much more controlled (and faster) vertical scroll? You're definitely in the minority on this one as the MX3 is probably one of the most popular mice on the market these days.
Excel/Word horizontal scrolling
Volume control
Zooming in and out
Editing video clips in a timeline
Switch between browser tabs
Brightness control
Navigation between apps
Slide navigation in PowerPoint
Increase/decrease text size
Page up/down in WordAnd the change in designs between each of the MX mice is a vast improvement on the next. So comparing the tiny plastic wheel on earlier iterations against the larger, metal wheel on the MX3 is an apples and oranges scenario. The improved design of the metal thumb and scroll wheels on the MX3 are vastly superior to it's predecessors.
@KangaDrew: Agree, no one uses the pan feature on windows, it's annoying. The infinite scroll wheel is a must for me, can't live without it - That's why my mouse will forever be Logitech lol
That list is too forced, you can do most of them with the help of Ctrl and Shift key.
And you can only map one function to the thumb scroll wheel at a time anyway. So doesn't matter with how you map it, you still need to rely on the keyboard to do the rest.It's an excellent mouse nonetheless, You can't really go wrong with it if you like the aesthetic and have the cash. Just want to say that you can opt for a much cheaper mice with 95% of the functionality (5% for that thumb scroll wheel)
@Danny N: Yeah, same here - infinite scroll is king. I've been using Logitech mice and keyboards since the late 90's and will continue to use them until such times as they start to suck lol
You can map the thumb wheel to various applications, so while you are correct in that you can only map it to one function within a single app, you can map it across multiple apps, increasing the amount of possible options.
At the end of the day, YMMV (like anything really). I use the entire Office suite along with various other apps every day for work, and I use the thumb wheel daily. But for some, it's not useful, which is fair enough as not everyone is using it the same way.
@KangaDrew: How is 'holding, dragging and then releasing' so much harder for you than 'flicking, waiting, and then interacting a second time to try and catch it at the right spot'? With panning, you can even dynamically change the scroll speed by moving the mouse while you hold it, unlike wildly yeetind yourself downward. Weird. 'Who in their right mind' indeed.
I'm in the minority insofar as people LOVE gimmicks, and this one sure has the both of you, despite that this entire line of mice is known for defective scrolls because they overcomplicated the mechanism. That said, I'm glad you enjoy spinny wheel go brr, I've heard many people say they enjoy them as fidget spinners.
I love my MX, but I turned off infinite scroll immediately, because it feels terrible and lacks tacticle feedback and granularity. I love my MX for its size and buttons, not for its funny wheel.
I think most of the things you suggested are terrible ideas. I wouldn't want many features on something so easy to accidentally touch - plus there exist trivially easy and popular key shortcuts for every single one of these that are worth doing regularly. I mean… how often are you changing your brightness or font size on the fly..? Legitimately the only valid use I can come up with is side scrolling, and maybe zoom in certain documents, but even then, CTRL+Scroll and Shift+Scroll have done that for decades.
I agree generally that the MX3 is an improvement, albeit I do like the overall shape a little less, plus the skates are definitely worse. That said, as I posted above there are many issues even with the newest revisions of MX3 scroll, and that puts a bad taste in my mouth. To see a whole product line of mice suffer the same hardware issue? As you said, 'Until such times as they start to suck'.
@runean: I pretty much only use the side scroll wheel for swapping browser tabs, but that alone makes it completely non-overrated in my opinion.
anyone who wants this im not using my $10 coupon
Does anyone know if the scroll wheel issue ever got fixed with these? I have an MX 1, and I am unsure if it's worth the upgrade - mostly want the better sensor.