This was posted 3 years 6 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Roadside Assistance for First Responders, Hospital Staff, COVID-19 Healthcare Workers @ AAMI (Includes Non-AAMI Customers)


Free Roadside Assist for first responders, hospital staff & COVID-19 healthcare workers until 31st December 2021.

Thanks to all our hard working front line workers for all they do :)

Supporting those who support us
We've always helped Australians get back on the road. But now more than ever, it's vital those on the front-line get to where they need to be.

That's why we're now offering FREE Roadside Assist to the everyday heroes who help one and all in the fight against COVID-19.

How we're helping
We’re offering FREE Roadside Assist to all doctors, nurses, hospital staff, paramedics, police, SES volunteers/workers, fire fighters and COVID-19 testing & vaccination workers Australia-wide until 31 Dec 2021. AAMI & non-AAMI customers.

To get you where you need to be, we’ll assist with flat batteries, flat tyres, emergency fuel, towing and lost or locked keys. Read the T&Cs for all the info.

previous deal

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closed Comments

  • +3

    This is handy, unfortunately already got free roadside assist with my car insurance renewal a few months ago haha

    Good find though OP 🙏

    • +1

      Just remove it and then reinstate when this freebie ends.

      • +4

        Or have both, then if you ever need assistance, call both and see which arrives first. Unless they're both AAMI.

        • Both AAMI haha. Til next year when up for renewal and go and find someone cheaper

  • +3

    Just like some of these previous deals, Defence personnel on the frontline of the COVID response aren’t eligible :/

    • +24

      Defence personnel, with all due respect to their profession and sacrifices made past & future, shouldn't be on the front line of the COVID response in the first place. Troops don't belong on the streets enforcing lockdowns.

      • +30

        Rather see them provide support here in Australia rather than fighting a war overseas that nobody wants.

        • +4

          Sad defense contractor noises

        • +1

          "that nobody wants."

          And nobody stops.

      • +5

        At the end of the day, Defence personnel are just there as bodies on the ground, no different to the SES volunteers or health workers. The idea is to take the strain off healthcare workers and police officers so they can do the jobs they’re actually trained to do, rather than spend time doing work that anyone can do. The alternative is health workers wasting time directing cars at vaccination clinics, or extra police officers standing around 24 hours a day at quarantine hotels.

      • +6

        Defence force have been helping at testing sites, some have medical training. There are a lot of different skills in the defence force.

      • +1

        Troops have no legal authority to enforce lockdowns. They only offer support to other agencies. If you are paying them their salary, might as well use them for something. I'm just saying..

        • Troops can arrest people if they believe on reasonable grounds that a person has committed an offence or is committing an offence.

          So can any civilian, you do not need to be a police officer to arrest someone you believe on reasonable grounds has committed an offence.

      • +1

        What should they be doing then?

        • +6

          Sitting on de-fence?

      • Why not? Why have thousands of trained military personnel sitting around doing nothing, when they could be relieving the stress on overstretched coppers? Our military should have been put in charge of the vaccination effort from day one. They are the ONLY organisation in Australia with the logistics capability and training to coordinate something like this. We should have had the one organisation doing this for the whole of Australia instead of the haphazard way each state is doing it now.

    • +5

      OMG. Some1 is always butthurt when one group gets benefits and another doesn't.

      Perhaps be a little grateful to the company who didn't have to offer anything (yes, OF COURSE they are doing it for the likes). Or at the very least happy for those that benefit this time around.

      • +3

        You got two negs, one from butt and one from hurt, but I kicked but and only hurt left.

        • +1

          Lol yep. Takes all kinds. Me me me. What about me!

      • +6

        I think he just made a general comment that defence force aren't eligible. Not complaining or even showing any lack of gratitude.

        Not sure which one is worse, working in healthcare with covid safe rules and strict protocols vs standing on the street exposed to countless protesters who don't even wear masks

    • Only a few hundred military members have been engaged. Do you expect all 80,000+ military personel to get this offer because a small percentage of them helped out?

    • +4

      Last time u didn't need to enter any payment details to get this. After the expiry it just expired. Nothing to do. Just enter ur basic details and ur set.

    • +3

      Cheer up buttercup

      • +4

        Cynical as that guy is, they're right. This is a PR & virtue signalling exercise with the added bonus of a few apathetic users renewing their membership.

    • +3

      Cheer up. It's like a restaurant giving out ONE meal to people in need. It's also good will with some marketing intend underneath.

      Do you blame the restaurant for being cheapskate or 'offensive' for offering only ONE meal?

      Insurance company, like any other business, needs to sustain and also make profit for shareholders. They are not charity even though you may expect them to be one

      Disclaimer: I work in the insurance industry, I'm grateful that insurance companies stay afloat in this uncertain environment. And yes I expect some negs lol.

    • +2

      If it is that simple, just get such a secure job.

      • -1

        I did lol.

        • +1

          Well, then. Thanks for your help during the pandemic.

        • As if you got a frontline job… Sound like a Troll

      • Might I suggest becoming a Plumber.

        I have it on good authority you can earn $230 per idiot conned.

    • +1

      Is this why this troll's account is disabled

  • It's free real estate

  • Towing is generally limited to 22km.

  • +2

    Just registered, but do you even need to verify that you're a frontline healthcare worker? All I saw was merely a drop-down menu to select which profession you were

  • -3

    "First Responders? Just like "First Nations"is an un-Australian term.

    • +3

      In Aust we call them Emergency Services, unless we are now a state of the US of A?

  • Already have it with my state's automobile club and that provides significantly better coverage. However I'd still be eligible for this so it's a good deal :)

  • +1

    Thanks, doesn't help me but have shared it with people who are eligible (nurse & SES)

  • +1

    once again, this confirms us pharmacists are just retail.

    • +2

      Well to be fair that is what pharmacy has become.

      There are of course some owners who run pharmacy properly but most are glorified government protected and funded super retail entities.

    • Pharmacies are not just retail.
      But the store layout of pharmacies in Australia are designed for retail.
      You cannot buy prescription medicine without walking through the retail sections, as the dispenser counter is always at the rear.

      • exactly, get rid of retail and just have your dispensing area and counter - Instant non-retail pharmacist with ego boost.

    • +2

      what do you mean, does your pharmacy not offer vaccinations?? its the 2nd last option (vaccination centres including pharmacy)!!!

  • +1

    I’m with the SES. Thanks OP!

  • thanks

  • For 3 months? Eh.

  • I'm surprised they didn't say for the vaccinated

  • Can anyone confirm if age care workers are eligible?

  • 3, 2, 1…….

    "But what about me………"

    Well done Aami!

  • I would have thought that the marketing people behind this would have learnt something from similar promotions last year, where there seemed to be many more occupations with direct COVID-related work that were not included, than were.
    And, similarly, there are some occupations listed in "…the everyday heroes who help one and all in the fight against COVID-19…" that have most likely not been involved in anything COVID-related.

    Free is free, but this is just poor and cheap marketing and reflects badly on AAMI in my view.

  • Thank you so much OP for supporting us. :-)

  • How do I become First Responder - what are the options please?

    • +1

      volunteer fire fighter?
      Ambulance community officer ?

  • None of those folk can do their work without IT support - no love for IT support (used to be on that team).

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