Found this combination security lock on sale at Woolworths. Do not know which store will have the deal, or when the deal will expire. This bargain is not listed in the Woolworths Weekly Specials post.
"Dolphin" Universal Combination Security Lock $2.99 at Woolworths (Save $2.00 40% off)

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Photo taken at Minto NSW store. Guess-timate 6 left (I did not count).
Current lock setting: $9.50.
Sorry, what does "current lock setting" mean?
ebay has combination and keyed cable locks for ~$2.50 shipped from Hong Kong.
is Dolphin a real brand or just a glorified home brand? i saw woolies has a large range of their products, but couldn't find their website or manufacturer info. i bought an LED torch, was quite good quality though at half price.
i need this for my bike. please confirm if anyone see this at wollies sydney cbd
This most likely will not work with your bicycle. The lock is for office equipment (PCs, monitors) with the so-called Kensington lock slot. Does your bicycle have such a slot?
ups sorry didnt check the pic. yes this is for laptop (universal word is bit misleading)
Which Woolies and are there any left?