I've been browsing furniture and recently T & W put up their sitewide 10% sale - and I've been noting down prices for furniture in the last 30 days for items that I need and this business has jacked all their prices up 10% leaving no genuine sale. Another unethical company identified.
10% Sale at Temple and Webster (Every Product Priced Jacked by 10%)

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Have you got an example? I had a look at a few on the wayback machine and prices seemed the same before the discount?
I ordered a few things with this sale and the items prices didn't go up
They would be playing with serious fire if they have done this. It’s core ACCC to go after an organisation that might do this stuff.
Do you have evidence?
Are you confusing a consolidation of discounts. Like before this sale, some individual items you were watching could have had a discount of 10%.
So a desk $100 at $10 off would have been $91. Now they have a site wide 10% off, they removed the individual 10% off.
Advertised as 10% off normal prices isn’t the same as 10% off already discounted items.
If it went up 10% then down 10% you're still saving money.
I haven't noticed price jacking; however, the delivery fee has gone up about an extra $10