Getting Ready for Summer

I am fat so I need big sizes ( 3xl plus )
I have nothing but cotton shirts, is there a cooler shirt I can get, all guides for summer musnt be made for Australia - they mention jackets!

Masks are also going to be a nightmare this summer

Anyone know where I could get some reasonably priced short sleeve button shirts?


  • is a relatively affordable store that was heavily advertised in the UK to cater for larger sized men. I believe they serve Australia through third parties. Worth a look.

    • thanks so much, are button shirts cooler than cotton t shirts?

      • I'm not sure. I don't think you'll notice a real difference in peak sun heat.

        You may do with products specifically designed to remain cool though like these:

        They have larger sizes too. I think it comes down to personal preferences and subjectivity though.

    • +3

      You could lose 25% of your judgmental attitude by summer with ease….likely a udemy course for it and all

      I don't get how so many people are under the illusion their snarky judgements are warranted.

      • -2

        How's that helpful?
        Being an obesity apologist is detrimental to society as a whole.

        • +4

          Okay so essentially your mistake is not 'being fat is unhealthy'. That is of course quite true. Your mistake is thinking that everyone who is fat needs to be reminded of this at every turn, that doing so is a righteous cause, and that you are the hero for the job.

          'you could lose x with ease' is also not useful. By virtue of their circumstances they do not find it easy. They find it hard. The assistance they need in that area acknowledges the difficulty.

          As someone in the fitness industry with university level nutrition qualifications, I also have to say the science just doesn't support your claim. For many reasons both physiological and psychological, it can be extraordinarily difficulty to decrease body fat, particularly in a long term sense. I just don't think you are a useful ally to a movement and lifestyle (health, fitness, bodybuilding, sports, diet advice industries and subcultures) I am part of, with your tactics and your attitude.

          Ultimately though there is a time and a place. Let's say we steelmanned your statement and made it 'I know it's hard but I really stress you think about decreasing body fat for your own health and wellbeing, blah blah advice' or something like that. This isn't the time and place.

          OP hasn't asked for that advice in this forum. They are asking for advice regarding clothes. I very much doubt you are the person with the genius idea that they've never thought of before. Don't be fat isn't a new idea to them. So you come off as patronising, not helpful.

          There's a difference between fat acceptance, and pointing out that your tactics and attitude aren't helping the advocacy of fit and healthy lifestyles.

          You can be the hero that helps others. But you need to change yourself first.

    • +1

      The fat are like the stupid - they didn't intentionally get that way, but they were probably a little lazy in some lifestyle choices, indulged bad habits a little too often and there's probably a bit of upbringing/genetics in there that they can't help either. Some people go out of their way to detest them, but most people probably view them with some pity, knowing that they're letting themselves miss out on some of the better parts of life.

      Your homework is to figure out why I'm using the "like stupid people" analogy to explain this concept to you.

      • -4

        Well no, the science shows that genetics doesn't have much to do with it at all. If you can't overcome bad habits with mental fortitude then you deserve all the bad fortune that comes your way.

        • Thanks for proving my point, I guess.

          • @CrowReally: How boring.

            The OP is at least a 3XL, which means that he probably weighs in at at least 130kg. Your solution to his difficulty breathing and his obesity is to buy bigger clothes? The guy is 30 years old. At this rate he'll be dead within 20 years.

            How about trying to actually help him instead of cringeworthy attempts at trying to "burn" me like some sassy Twitter slay queen?

            The dude is sitting on his ass and putting away 6000 calories a day and it's only going to get worse from here. If his life isn't misery at the moment, it will be very soon. OP, if you're reading this, shoot me a PM and I'll do my best to help you. I'm a scientist and a bodybuilder and I'm very knowledgeable when it comes to weightloss and nutrition. I know it's tempting to let these dweebs mollycoddle you but resist the temptation. You can still make it.

            • +3

              @TruthNuke: I don't know who you are, but you messed up big time.

              SlavOz is the established troll on these forums and the only thing that he wants more than attention is an internet tough-guy "eff your feelings" persona.

              You think you can just waltz in here with an ironic username and edgelord your way onto the throne?

              I hope for your sake this is a burner account. He has a unique set of skills, and he has your scent now.

    • +2

      Simply amputate a limb and you could do it overnight!

      • Out of the box thinking here.
        Heard doctors actually do this on people with diabetes…

  • +2

    both offer extra big sizing for a big fella and usually offer some reasonable stuff at a cheap price! :)

    • +1

      Thanks so much! Appreciate it

      • BTW - you can send stuff you don't want back! Free returns!
        Think there is a MOQ for free freight, just check the site.

  • Bamboo clothing is more breathable than cotton, has moisture wicking properties and is also thermo-regulating so good all year round, but esp. in summer.

    Bamboo Village has larger sizes

    Linen and hemp fabric are also good in warmer weather.

    • Looks great, thank you :)

      • +1

        Bamboo Village also have a free shipping offer atm for Father's Day - code: SHIP4DAD21

        • oh awesome, theyre very nice shirts!

          What kind of shorts would suit a shirt like this?

          • @[Deactivated]: hmmm … not sure as my husband lives in tshirts.

            You can try the lightweight jersey shorts or call/email the company and request assistance as to what would go with with their button down shirts.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Thanks heaps for your recommendation, I bought 3 of those shirts

    • Linen and hemp fabric are also good in warmer weather.

      Can't speak for hemp, but I just sweat the crap out of my linen shirts in summer. They are good if you want to wear long sleeves and collar for sun protection, but still sweat out the underarms. I guess that is the price you pay.

      Also careful of tears in the washing machine with linen shirts, more delicate than I thought!

      • still sweat out the underarms

        Could it be due to a higher gsm? I've noticed a difference in the density of the linen fabric between various shirts.

        linen shirts, more delicate

        Yes! We also have flax linen sheets and even though we have a front loader, if they happen to get tangled and you try to pull them apart, it feels like they will tear. Recommend placing linen clothing in mesh laundry bags.

  • Kmart. Big W. Target. Lowe's

  • You are 6 months too late.
    As an OB, now is the time to buy winter clothing at about 1/3 original price.
    Summer clothing March next year.

    I think Myer may have an oversized selection and may have some last seasons stuff still cheap.

  • You need cotton, and way larger than you, to allow air to flow freely.

    I can't wear sunglasses whilst wearing face masks, they just fog up.

    and as I think we will be wearing masks for quite a long time yet, i've opted to purchase
    a battery rechargeable mini-fan device that attaches to the mask, assisting air flow.

    $20, can make a huge difference to your comfort.

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