Super Quick Road Rules Questions

In NSW, if you are sitting in the spot where the yellow circle is, you can cross the double lines to go into the arrow lane cant you ?

We can also go across double lines to pass a parked bus, or a bike in the lane right? I have seen many parked buses with the lights flashing, and no one slows down to 40

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  • +18

    Only if your with 5km of home..

    • +1

      Can we talk about anything without bringing up covid?

      • +6

        I thought it was a good joke. Don't be sad all your life.

        • +4

          If hes joking its funny, sorry I have just dealt with so many rude people lately cause of it, and its making me rude haha

  • +4

    yes you can go into the lane with the arrow

    • Thanks, just wanted to make sure.

      1 more question if you dont mind, whats this marking area called?

      • Pretty sure thats a chevron marking

        • +1

          I appreciate it thanks for your time

          • @[Deactivated]: …..And for my first witness, i would like to bring in Drakesy of Ozbargain…………….."Well hello Judge, yes you can go into the lane with the arrow, thankyou, thats all"……….Case dismissed, the experts all agree and the trial of the 21st century ends with a 1 million payout to gammatsunami, well done sire.

        • +3

          Chevron is an upside-down V shape?

      • The easiest way to explain that painted section… That area is otherwise considered a traffic island. You should not enter that area unless needed to avoid an accident or there is a section marked clear for turning on the likes.

        • Thanks so much, do they also use it as a visual representation of how you should be 2x chevrons away from the car infront?

          • @[Deactivated]: I'm not sure. I've not looked in years. I imagine it will say the 3 seconds recommended distance and/or car length reference, but again, I'm not sure. Only just started to look at the motorbike rules during the week, waiting for the chance to do my stayupright.

            • @mickyb80: Thats fair enough, theres certain things I am unsure of, and even if I see other drives do it I dont take it as a fact since some people break the rules.

              For example my last stupid question if you dont mind. If you have a green light at an intersection, but there is a stop sign right next to it, why is the stop sign there? If you have green you can go, and if you cant go youd have the red light. This isnt a turn left after stopping sign either, its red stop with 3 black lights.

              I assume its just there incase the lights are out?

              • +2

                @[Deactivated]: Don’t assume. Look it up. Yes, stop sign with three black circles means of lights are out treat it like a stop sign.

          • @[Deactivated]: Yes, it's on the highway up from Sydney to Hunter Valley.


          • @[Deactivated]: Yes they do.

      • +2

        whats this marking area called?

        "Painted Island"

      • 1 more question if you dont mind, whats this marking area called?

        This is a painted island.

        Road lines and markings on NSW roads

  • +1

    "In NSW, if you are sitting in the spot where the yellow circle is, you can cross the double lines to go into the arrow lane cant you ?"

    a. Yes.

    "We can also go across double lines to pass a parked bus, or a bike in the lane right? I have seen many parked buses with the lights flashing, and no one slows down to 40"

    a. Not exactly. You can not 'switch' or 'lane change' into the other lane - that would be classed as 'crossing double lines'. However, if clear and you 'drift' into the lane to avoid an accident or an object you are ok to do so where needed.

    • Thanks so much, I am trying to brush up on my rules so I am more confident on the road. Thanks again.

      You can also cross them to go into a road I assume?

      • No problem.

        You might want to check on the RMS website, I think there is a road rules book on there you can download.

        If travelling interstate or overseas (post C-19) then you will want to check up on the local rules in the relevant locations if you decide to drive there too. NSW differs somewhat to Vic on a few things like U-Turns at certain intersections/traffic lights etc.

        • I will do that, everyone told me when I was learning to drive never go across double lines, so I am learning something new today. I didnt know you could cross them to get into another road, or to go from the road onto the highway.

          • @[Deactivated]: As a general rule/general circumstances, they told you right - NO you cant. It's only in certain situations…
            Not easy to remember all the rules…

            • @mickyb80: I will only cross them to enter or leave a road, thanks :)

              • @[Deactivated]: Pretty sure qld rules are you can't do that. Only to enter or exit private property. So if the road with a circle is a driveway you are ok. If it is a road then no you can't.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            everyone told me when I was learning

            There’s your problem. DO NOT rely on what others tell you regarding the rules. Most people only know what they’ve remembered, not what the actual rule is.

            Learn where to find the rules online and look them up if you have a question, especially if someone tells you something that is questionable.


          Final one I swear, I go be the star, go aross the arrow area and start going the other way cant I?

          • @[Deactivated]: If I understand your question properly, you're asking if you can chuck a U-turn there.

            My understanding of that would be 'legally' no.

            Lot's of things we humans do each day that we are 'not meant to do' if no one is looking.
            I'd prob wait until I came across a u-turn point on the highway or overpass where I could exit, then pull over to the left, do a u-turn then loop back and re-enter the motorway/highway from the overpass.

            That photo looks like an area HWP would sit with their camera and ping people while eating donuts! hehehehhe

          • @[Deactivated]: no can’t u turn there unless you are emergency vehicle, there’s signs listing who can u turn.

  • +3

    you can cross the double lines to go into the arrow lane cant you ?

    Possibly. In NSW, Road Rule 134 (3-1) deals with this. Although, other states may vary. It is also pretty grey in what it says, as it does not specifically mention "2 parallel continuous lines" as other parts of the legislation do. (I'll get negged to oblivion with calls of "DoNt YoU rEaD tHe rOaD RuLeZ???" if I said "no, you cant")

    The other part of this legislation (Road Rule 132, 2, note c) it says; "(c) in the case of a dividing line that is 2 parallel continuous dividing lines, a driver may only drive to the right of such a line in the circumstances set out in rule 139(2), as supplemented by rule 139(3)." (RR139 deals with avoiding obstacles.)

    The RMS Road Markings website says; Double dividing line: You can cross double unbroken lines to enter or leave the road by the shortest route.

    (NB: It is not categorically stated in the Road Rules that this is acceptable across "double dividing lines", the Road Rules only reference "single dividing lines")

    We can also go across double lines to pass a parked bus, or a bike in the lane right?

    Again, "possibly." This is covered in "Exceptions for avoiding obstructions on a road." (Road Rule 139, (2) & (3))

    I am trying to brush up on my rules so I am more confident on the road.

    You can start here

    • It says you can if you are going to enter or leave the road.

      So I guess I can if there's a road to the right I want to go into or from.

      The reason it's confusing is at other areas that have 2x unbroken lines going into a road they usually put a break in the lines to show you can cross them.

  • Qld driver here so may be different. In your first example you can cross the double lines as it looks like a private driveway. But you cannot cross double lines if that is a signed road and in your example to turn right you would have to cross the double lines.So the answer is it depends on whether it is a road or a driveway. As others have said read the rules for your state linked above and if going interstate always have a quick look at what the differences are. I know there are different rules for emergency vehicles amd getting out of there way for example between qld and nsw.

  • wow, I thought it is same in all states. Here in Victoria, you can't cross double lines unless to avoid a hazard.…

    "You are not allowed cross over these lines for any reason, unless you have to avoid an obstruction* and it is safe to do so.
    You can't overtake, turn, or enter or leave the road across double lines."

  • You can turn into a side road/driveway. You can "cautiously" pass a bus - but stay as close to the bus as possibly so.

    I don't know what you mean about a motorbike. Is the bike "parked"?

    If you are referring to overtaking the motorcycle - then NO!

    What are you thinking? Stop trying to KILL motorcycle riders. They have as much right to the road as you.

    If you are unsure, or want to KILL motorcycle riders, I suggest you speak with the police and ask what you can and can't do. Tell them you are having difficulty in understanding Australian Road Rules, and ask to have licence suspended until you demonstrate a level of competency.

  • No.

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