Hi guys, anyone shifted a utilities pole underground before so a driveway can be shifted? Any idea how much it costs? Pole look something like this. Thanks
Shifting Utilities Pole

The best people to ask is the distributor in your area, however even if they are willing, and it's even feasible, it'll cost you a fortune.
Our neighbour did it, I think it cost them around $300k
Holly cow. Did they get more than $300k value - e.g. water views or access?
Sorry but nobody would pay 300k to move a pole to underground…
Nobody still breathing anyway.Sorry but nobody would pay 300k to move a pole to underground…
A block on units in the area did this. They had to put about 5 poles under ground if they wanted to build the two story aparts at the front of the street, as the balconies would be too close to the power lines.
So people do pay these prices.
Sounds nuts, but in rural areas it can cost that to bring power to a block.
We've got one in our front yard, I've looked online before to see how much it would cost to move it and it didn't seem cheap so I haven't done anything about it.
Underground one house (including pit) will be around $3000?
When I used to work at an engineering firm, in some cases we'd be paying $19,000 to $90,000 to move a pole.
It depends on what other services and lengths of cables etc exist. Eg. If you move it 10 metres one way, then all the power ca keys on the other side need to be managed as there'll be more sag in them and/or their alignment may change (which could be issue if say trees are there or cable alignment then goes over someone's property etc).
I'm currently working in utilities relocations for our power supplier and you have a distribution pole that directly connects your home. If it acts as a 'stay' pole, supporting the pole it branches off from then you'll be up for significantly more as they'll have to relocate it/increase the bearing capacity of the existing main pole.
If it's literally just a distribution pole, i'd say up to $20k. Although this is heavily depending on the type of assets already running underground.
If it's a stay pole, the works can be anywhere from $20k-$100k depending on the voltage of the system and extent of works. (distribution is low voltage, transmission is medium to high). I have seen light poles cost upwards of $75k because they want to discourage people from touching them.
IMHO don't touch it unless you want to open a can of worms.
Unfortunately most state energy companies have a monopoly on works so what they quote you is the be all and end all.From the looks of the sign that straddles the pole your house is on an intersection/corner of which the council may have an issue with the location of your proposed driveway. I'd probably start with the council's transport engineers before going to utilities.
User name doesn't check out.
I'd check how much somebody on Airtasker can do it for.
It's a utilty pole..
Which state are you in? If you're in NSW, QLD or VIC it goes a little something like this:
- Ring your local electricity distributor (not retailer)
- Ask your distributor for a list of ASPs (Authorised Service Providers) for underground consumer mains from the street to point of attachment (PoA)
- Fit a comfortable chair*
- Start phoning the ASPs and ask for quotes
*The chair will come in handy when you pass out after hearing the numbers being quoted.
Never done it but I've seen this question asked before on various forums and the few people that have had it done were all around the $20k mark but I believe that was just to move it but still keep things above ground. If you want stuff moved underground then I'd expect at least double that.