Hi OzBargain,
I'm in the market for a semi commercial, single group espresso machine and coffee grinder.
I have been looking into the Rocket Appartamento and Biepi SARA which are both Italian made and very similar in specifications given they are an almost identical design.
My limit is about $3000 for the machine and while this seems like a lot of money, I am a coffee enthusiast and it is important to me. I have owned a few different machines over the years at varying price points and I can definitely tell the difference in the quality of shots pulled from a $500 vs $10000 machine.
Are there any other recommendations for machines that I should consider? I would like one with the option to have it plumbed in.
I have an OK grinder for the time being but are there any recommendations for a quality reliable grinder as well?
Cheers crew.
Nothing to add except a La Pavoni lever machine is in my future. Might require either a lottery win or a divorce, but it is there.