After multiple requests over the last couple of weeks I've managed to secure a deal on these Aqara Temperature and Humidity sensors in a pack of 2.
Like other Aqara sensors they can be setup to send you alerts or trigger actions with other smart home devices. Examples of use is that when the temperature/humidity reaches a certain level you can have your humidifier/air purifier turn on, or have it send you an alert to your phone.
It requires the use of a Zigbee hub and it's compatible with many brands including Aqara, Xiaomi, Conbee, SmartThings and more. It also supports Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa and Home Assistant.
- Apply the coupon 5PP6NITV at checkout
AU$ based on current Mastercard rate, free shipping and stackable with cashback.
Other Deals:
Why are these so expensive now? Back in 2017 I paid $7.99USD from Gearbest. In 2018 I paid $5.99USD and then $6.99 from Gearbest.