Aussies, you've done the hard yards of getting vaxxed - and we want to say thanks.
We'll be sending every vaccinated Finder app user $5 to spend on Bitcoin or Ethereum. Download the app and claim yours.Here's what to do:
- Install the app (it's completely free).
- Inside the app, you'll see a card asking you to register your interest in the $5 credit, which you can put towards Bitcoin or Ethereum. Tap the link and fill out the form.
- We'll contact you soon with details of how to redeem your credit.
Free $5 Credit to Spend on Bitcoin or Ethereum in Finder App for Being COVID-19 Vaccinated (Min Trade Amount $25)

Last edited 09/09/2021 - 11:16 by 3 other users
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- 2 is gutter water journalism by Rupert.
When I read 'Sydney's weather today will be 19 degrees' the first thing that crosses my mind isn't wondering how this is a part of Rupert Murdoch's insidious agenda
forgot the /s
It's for the 'A Current Affair' style smooth brain that needs to be told what to feel via editorialized articles from junior staff trying desperately to gain clicks for credence in-house.
Other than the obvious spelling and grammatical errors by staff, it has a gossip magazine feel that churns through content from its international feeder outlets that are just as bad.
@FlatulentFrank: Don't disagree with any of that but there are tons of other sites that aren't owned by Newscorp that do the exact same thing (i.e. Pedestrian, Junkee, Yahoo News). Just dismissing someone linking an article on something interesting just because it's been reported from a bad outlet is silly.
@JD9151: Whataboutisms dont apply here. The comment applies quite well to a poorly constructed linked article, that is indeed gutter journalism as stated. Have you read the article? You cannot say it's anything other than what has been stated which is Rupert news nonsense.
@FlatulentFrank: Why not just call it bad journalism then? This sort of reporting on crypto would come from any outlet. If you're genuinely concerned about the state of journalism and the media landscape at large then you wouldn't need the bumper sticker phrases relating to Rupert Murdoch. Just being reflexive because an article comes from a certain outlet is silly and this is often rightfully pointed out when someone says some comment about The Age being 'left wing nonsense'
It's for the 'A Current Affair' style smooth brain that needs to be told what to feel via editorialized articles from junior staff trying desperately to gain clicks for credence in-house.
And that is different from all media how?
Feel free to post your noble, unbiased media outlets here, and we'll happily laugh in your face.
Feel free to post your noble, unbiased media outlets here, and we'll happily laugh in your face.
Well aren't you an unpleasant abrasive fellow. Firstly, you are not speaking for anyone but your own miserable self - so 'we' doesn't apply.
I would happily provide some outlets that are indeed independent! However, for you it would be wasted. A simple Google search can facilitate the results required, best of luck with lockdown champ.
Rent free lol
Doesn’t seem to want proof of the jab
Maybe you will have to provide evidence (i.e. your medical history) when they contact you later to redeem the credit.
I wouldn't be doing that.
Vaccine passport in disguise ?
can I have DOGE instead
Great to see Finder on board on crypto. This is the future guys, don’t say the OzBargain community hasn’t warn you of this.
People that love full price cannot be trusted
😁Sarcasms aside, you don’t have to hear it from me. You will hear it from other OzBargainers here too!
This is the future guys
Yeah the future of Ponzi schemes…
The future? Nah it’s happening now
The king of Ponzi scams
If you see it that way, shares are ponzi too mate.
If you see it that way, shares are ponzi too mate.
Because you said so? Is that how logic works in your head?
Shares are real companies that produce real goods and services that real people use every day. How much BTC did you use today and what for what purpose?@1st-Amendment: Because you said so crypto is ponzi?
Crypto is more than BTC. The crypto space is constantly evolving and maturing. Crypto is now about staking protocols to create utility, decentralised finance and Web3.0.
I would encourage you to do some deeper research into it and you will see what I mean. 5 years ago I was also thinking like you, but since then I have now changed my mind about it.
Crypto is more than BTC. The crypto space is constantly evolving and maturing. Crypto is now about staking protocols to create utility, decentralised finance and Web3.0.
Lol, I'm quite a familiar with it. The thing I'm most familiar with is how crypto-nerds keep saying it's the next big thing yet can't point to a single useful implementation of it.
Worth noting at this point that blockchain has some potential as a technology, but that in no way gives any value to BTC, ETH or any other PonziCoin you care to name other than a sunk cost for R&D.@1st-Amendment: I don’t think you are familiar as you claim to be. If you are, you would know there are projects working on things like decentralising mobility apps like Uber, Ubereats etc. When there are no central parties, more money goes back to the driver/restaurant/store and customers. And that’s the power of crypto and blockchain.
You may say things like this is still in the works, R&D etc, but Rome was not built in a day.
There are other more well established projects such as decentralised exchanges, which has proven to work.
If you are, you would know there are projects working on things like decentralising mobility apps like Uber, Ubereats etc
Already addressed that (blockchain vs cryptocurrency). I'm still waiting to hear what you are using your BTC for today…
@1st-Amendment: I was talking in general more about crypto and blockchain, rather than just BTC.
This deal also comes with ETH.
This deal also comes with ETH.
Which is also cryptocurrency, which all require new suckers to buy in to add value. ie the definition of a Ponzi scheme.
Nothing Finder are doing are improving anything here, they are merely participating in the game because the company owner is a early adopter in the ponzi scheme so stands to profit by encouraging more suckers to get involved.As soon as you find some use for Cryptocurrency you let me know, because I've looked long and hard and for 10 years I still can't find anything other than profiting from the scam.
@1st-Amendment: Once again, I don’t think you are familiar with what you claim to be.
ETH is used to pay for smart contracts. Smart contracts allows for a decentralised ecosystem to exists with no central parties.
Once again, I don’t think you are familiar with what you claim to be.
Once again, you have provided no example of how you use this on a daily basis…
Smart contracts allows for a decentralised ecosystem to exists with no central parties.
Cool, now tell me how useful this is for you today?
@1st-Amendment: I see now where the fundamental disagreement is.
You are asking for real world crypto/blockchain applications TODAY.
I am saying real world crypto/blockchain applications are mostly in the works, and Rome wasn’t built in a day.
I am saying real world crypto/blockchain applications are mostly in the works, and Rome wasn’t built in a day.
So we agree, it's a ponzi scheme.
@1st-Amendment: No. It’s in the works and some have already proven to work, for eg. decentralised exchanges and decentralised web browsers etc.
If you are a boomer, you probably won’t be able to see the fruits coming out of crypto/blockchain in your lifetime.
you probably won’t be able to see the fruits coming out of crypto/blockchain in your lifetime.
So we agree, it's a ponzi scheme
.@ilovefullprice: Don't worry… these people get a thrill out of "being right" when they can't grasp the basics of crypto. Roughly, the main advantages are security and accuracy of transactions.
@Cave Fire: For me, it’s the ability of crypto/blockchain allowing for decentralisation and a fairer distribution of wealth:
Seems like it's just a different spin on $5 to download and sign-up to our app. Especially if they're not asking for proof, which they probably don't want.
Yeah, next one will be - $5 credit on your birthday. Well done on making it to your next birthday!
wonder if it's even economic to withdraw it
will probably be subject to capital gains tax if you do
Are these 'rewards' subject to CGT too??
Considering it makes up the base cost of a buy-in… no.
Thanks for the information
I heard the founder randomly come up with it on Kyle and Jackie O, surprised he implemented so quickly.
Settle for 1 BTC???
Everyone who doesn't believe in covid downvote me
Wow, so many crazies in this world. Wait until they catch Covid though, they will be the first ones crying for our heath system to save their lives
I refuse to have anything to do with Finder after seeing their atrocious tv commercials. They are horrific and can't be unseen.
$5? I thought it's all about 5G? Confused.
The anti-vaxx commenters are slow to find this post today (or maybe they all got banned after the great 2021 free newsletter debacle)
*The world doesn’t need anti-vaxers.
Fixed it for you :)
The beauty is that this problem tends to sort out itself ;)
Anti Vaxxer alert..
Get him modsAhaha.they pretend that's not the end game but are so transparent
Free money is free money, however this one is a bit stingy. At least if you get it soon, it'll be worth $10 in 2 months time.
Not before the $5 becomes $3, then $6 then $5 then $10.
I dunno man, I got the free $20 from coinspot in Feb. I think it ascended to the lofty heights of 25 in April and now it is $20 again.
Perhaps a couple of months is a bit too optimistic
I got the free $20 from coinspot in Feb. I think it ascended to the lofty heights of 25 in April and now it is $20 again.
Just wait til you try and spend it and it cost you $20 in fees. Yeah bruh, highly volatile value along with the high transaction fees are the future!
I am not interested in giving finder the information they are after in regard to financial history, balances etc, this is a credit score app. It's not worth $5, it's worth something, but not $5.
sounds like a bargain.
If you find that it’s a bargain, you are supposed to press the green button. I think you may have untested eyesight?
Inside the app, you'll see a card asking you to register your interest in the $5 credit, which you can put towards Bitcoin or Ethereum (minimum trade amount $25). Tap the link and fill out the form.
appears they've added a few words extra there ;)
I think others have missed this - minimum trade amount $25
There no way I will sign up to this app for $5 .
Upvoted so the anti-vaxers can whinge they are missing out on $5 cause it might mean something to them .I'm gonna go pick the color of my lambo now…. 😛
5 dollars ???? Wowwwwwww
If you think the risk of contracting Covid outweighs the minimal 0.002% chance of a clot. Then maybe it is better to educate you at this level.
Is this even a give away or to register your interest in a give away?
What good is it now that Silk Road is gone.
he is in jail for life!
Unless they're planning to put it in a wallet of my choice, it's not worth the hassle. The gas alone to move it would at times be more than $5.
Looks like another scam to lure people into giving up much more valuable personal information. No thanks.
ozbargainers will upload there myhealthrecord and census data to save 5 cents
Not a fan of promotions to vaxxed people, alienating those who choose not to or haven’t had the chance to yet
Natural selection will permanently discriminate against antivaxxers. Get a damn jab.
100% It's only a matter of time before it starts ripping Byron Bay.
Come on people, keep on with the jab so we can get back to normal living (providing the jab is their main goal, hoping, but doubting it). The new target will soon be 90%. I'll be in the 10% or less either way.
Come on people, keep on with the jab so we can get back to normal living
If the experts are to be believed, there is no normal. Delta spreads and kills even with the vaccine so normal will be learning to live with it.
Unfair when some people can't have the injection
Uhh.. yes you can……
AstraZeneca has been avaliable to all for at least a month.Let me preface this by saying I am fully pro-vaccine.
I am sick and tired of this rhetoric. Technically yes it is available to anyone, as the PM has made clear. However, unless you are in Sydney, ATAGI don't recommend AZ as the risk balance is still in favour of not catching covid. Young people outside Sydney are still recommended to get Pfizer.
That said, if people really want this $5 then sure, they can go get AZ in a heartbeat.
Is this a real deal or scam deal?
"If you are vaccinated then you can't catch the virus from me … and then how the hell does my vaccination status affect you ? If I refuse to vaccinate and catch the virus, then that is purely a consequence of my own personal decision."
Oh sweet child, vaccinations don't stop you from contracting and transmitting the coronavirus. Being vaccinated greatly reduces your chances of dying from COVID-19, but vaccinated people can certainly still have and transmit the coronavirus.
If it doesn't stop transmission nor provide immunity that doesn't meet the definition of a vaccine.
any preparation used as a preventive inoculation to confer immunity against a specific disease, usually employing an innocuous form of the disease agent, as killed or weakened bacteria or viruses, to stimulate antibody production
a substance that is put into the body of a person or animal to protect them from a disease by causing them to produce antibodies
It meets these definitions. It stimulates antibody production against COVID-19 to confer immunity. No vaccine is 100% effective, the fact we have one that is this effective a year after the pandemic broke out is a marvel of modern healthcare. I would expect that the efficacy only increases with time when we learn more about the virus and how to target it more effectively.
Where did you pull this rule out of?
It's amazing how people can be so easily persuaded into something when they are beaten over the head with it day in day out.
No thanks. I will not exchange my personal private medical history to a stranger for $5 and neither should you. This is not a deal
Note the min trade of $25 to get $5
I was able to deposit just $1 to get the $5 credit in the wallet.
Min trade amount is $25 in the app to trade actual crypto.
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After installing the app you'll have to "Pull To Refresh" to see the $5 card.