Great discount on this microwave from Myer as part of their one day sale
Get in quick as the other neo chef sold out already
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Great discount on this microwave from Myer as part of their one day sale
Get in quick as the other neo chef sold out already
There are a heap more appliances on sale here…
How do you find the single touch time slider?
I thought id hate it but its really not that bad. My only gripe is the with one swipe of the finger it goes to 1 min 50s, meaning i have to do it a second time to get 2 minutes. Overall it works well.
Ah okay. Looks like Myers has a decent returns policy so I can get a refund if its not ideal.
How is the heating and performance?
I have the neochef with a knob, but I can get 2 minutes by pressing Start four times.
Bit of a gimmick. I usually just hit the start button multiple times to add 30 seconds at a time.
I like the microwave… just wish it had physical buttons…
i miss the start button sometimes.. :(
Doing basic time->go at full power is quite easy but I find it's menu system to invoke auto cook profiles is crap.
I mean they all basically require you to enter the type of food (casserole, pizza etc) and weight of the item. How is that auto? Type presumably maps to power, weight to time. You might as well just enter a power and time.
And there is no number pad (on mine) so selecting food type "6" requires you to press the button 5 times. it's painful.
it also plays a ridiculously obnoxious tune when the program finishes… and it repeats the tune every few seconds if you don't open the door. You can disable the tune, but only by disabling all sounds completely - so button presses don't beep either. If the unit loses power, it forgets the sound setting so you have to disable it again.
I thought my old Panasonic inverter sensor cook was much better. Even my ancient sharp carousel was better.
Positives - looks nice. Cooks ok but I wouldn't buy one again.
Just realised the 42L has a sensor cook button, which seems to also map to food types. Mine is the 25L (larger one wouldn't fit in my cabinet) and it doesn't have sensor cook.
Maybe with sensor cook it would be ok.
This^^. We also regret our purchase for the same reason.
Can only do min 10 second intervals with this unit.
Wife dislikes it. You cant even defrost with a custom timer, have to rely on their algorithm(?), which is inaccurate.
For defrost I set the power very low (10% or 20%) and then do a custom timer
For faster results, use full power until the first signs of defrosting appear, then drop to low power.
The defrost relies on sensing humidity. This can be highly dependent on the kind of food or whether the food is wrapped up. There are around ten defrost modes, usually one of them works for the thing you want. Sucks if you're frequently defrosting unusual things though.
When did you get it?
Same here. Got the stainless steel version but I think it's only 24L for that price. I'd have to double check
Fantastic microwave.
I would prefer the dial knod version of this. Owned exact same one previously and returned it because it makes sharp pitch noise.
Any one used the dial version and thought?
How did you managed that?
I usuallly mention this when this deal is posted, but prospective buyers should note that the shielding is terrible on this microwave. If you are often using your microwave while listening to bluetooth headphones, there is a good chance you will get dropouts while it is on. Similarly it will tank your 2.4 GHz wifi.
Apart from that, it is a good microwave.
Thanks. Is there another 40L+ microwave you would recommend around this price?
Not really! I just have the Neochef, which I've been broadly happy with apart from the shielding issue.
I have this exact microwave from a previous deal on here, and I can second this. Our 2.4Ghz WiFi drops out while the microwave is running. Not really that big a deal personally, as it's only short bursts of time we use it at home anyway, but something to be mindful of.
I find in my use (6 months so far) it doesn't always cause interference either. Could be a certain range within 2.4Ghz that it messes with?
All in all, functions really well, and I've had family members get one on my recommendation.
I've discovered that certain devices have a much better bluetooth connection - for example my iPhone seems solid, whereas my laptop will always drop out. Also suspect the highly directional and spinning nature of the magnetron means that it depends on where you stand/where the device is.
I find in my use (6 months so far) it doesn't always cause interference either. Could be a certain range within 2.4Ghz that it messes with?
Does your router change channels automatically? I did some tests on mine and posted the results here. The LG definitely does emit more broadband RF than the Sharp I compared it to. The interference was mainly above wifi channel 3, so if I set my router to use channel 1, it won't be affected much.
I did wonder if making this reply would trigger a fellow OzBargainer :P I'll do some tests as well, and confirm what my router is set to, although I am pretty sure it's on automatic.
Thank you for the heads up!
Yep we have these in our standby room at work and they mess with the Bluetooth devices all of the time.
Super frustrating!
I have a few of these microwaves at work and at home.
The magnetron (high-powered vacuum tube) likes to crap out every 3 years but it has a 10 year warranty on that part. Call up LG or file a warranty claim on their website and they'll tell you to take it to a service centre. It's a small part that can be replaced and ready to pickup within 24 hours.
I recommend buying a $400+ microwave if you want it to last more than 3 years without issue.
wow i'm suprised they have a 10 year warranty on that part.
This is really helpful to know. Just looked at Sanyo it has 5 year warranty on magnetron.
I chucked my Sanyo which stopped working after 2-3 years because warranty was only 1 year. Not sure what was wrong but should have checked with service centre. (Noob mistake0
I noticed mine isn't heating as well lately. I think it's less than 3 years old.
If it stops heating completely, there is a fault in the magnetron. Probably the magnets start to deteriorate or the insulator breaks down or burned out terminals. It's just a shitty designed part that is prone to failure and produced on a mass scale. The more expensive magnetrons have better quality materials.
Mine died on the weekend! Taking it to be fixed today!
Is there a servicing fee? How much?
Not if it's the magnetron. Might as well buy a new microwave if they charge you $100+ to replace the other parts of the microwave.
@Orico: It was the magnetron, still under warranty, guy told me to stay and had a new one in in 15mins. Loads of LG microwaves at the store, must be super common.
thanks OP
I have this microwave and can’t stand it. The slide control is very annoying and you can only heat in 10 second increments which is annoying for heating up kids’ food or bottles.
In terms of increments, are you saying 10 seconds is too long?
I think he is saying that sometimes you would want to do, say 15 seconds, which means you need to stand there and stop it with 5 seconds to go.
Yep I agree this is a weakness
Just imagine what you could do with those wasted 5 seconds.
Found the same, would prefer the old keypad to dial in exactly the desired time.
I think the “one day only sale” is nonsense. They’re almost always having home appliance sales.
One day only at this price. But will have another one day sale later at a different price. All marketing.
This gets best score according to Choice.
Choice being the best product advertorial site…
I thought choice was a well regarded review site?
Yes, instead of unsubstantiated negative comments perhaps it would be more helpful if you could suggest a better site that is not biased.
I dont trust choice anymore, no idea how they come up with their recommendations. If you look at the user comments on this choice recommendation, people are upset and disagree.
Choice is perhaps only good as a starting point to do your research.
If you look at the user comments on this choice recommendation, people are upset and disagree.
As with all online review sites, one has to keep in mind that people tend to complain if they're dissatisfied while people who are satisfied have zero urge to go and look for a website to post a comment just to say "I have this, it works fine". So as a result you'll likely hear more negative comments than positive.
i.e. if 50,000 microwaves have been sold and 49,000 people are completely satisfied while 1,000 are dissatisfied, you'll probably hear more from a very vocal subset of the 1,000 people than the 49,000 satisfied people.
We have a different model neochef.
Fully concur on the bluetooth, knocks it right out.
Can't comment on 2.4 Ghz wifi.
And the 'melody' we'd read all sorts of horror stories about, but I actually like it.
Less invasive than the standard beep and kind of cheery.
And the 'melody' we'd read all sorts of horror stories about, but I actually like it. Less invasive than the standard beep and kind of cheery.
I don't mind the melody itself, but I mind how it replays itself endlessly until you open the microwave.
Buy the stainless steel model. The shithouse plastic or the regular painted sheet metal models turn the microwave into a great big antenna that messes with wireless signals.
Buy a convection microwave too. This old tech is crap.
I had this- broke down within warranty period. Went through bloody hell to get it fixed. Before buying this please check the company's service and product reviews to form an informed view.
Was this same model below 200$ few years back with OZB?
Why are there never any deals on the 25L one? 42L is way too big and takes up too much counter space.
Thought 25L would be way more popular on here. Didn't know you all had family of 5s
Thank you purchased
Use 6% gift cards (rewards gateway) to get it down to $217.33
Bought it $220 in costco a few months back
Pretty good microwave overall but didnt use much of the "program features"
I had one and it lasted less than 2 years, the inner lining bubbled and split. Worked well while it lasted.
Yep mine is just over 2 years old and it has been repaired 3 times :/ It stopped heating all three times….
Based on my experience the quality in LG products isn't there anymore.
I say this as I have had my LG fridge repaired 3 times ( I contacted the good guys and they told me to email their lawyers) also now my LG heat pump dryer is on the way out……
My advice stay away from LG.
Interestingly you have so many LG appliances
Did you buy all LG at once? LOL
I have a panasonic microwave I bought in 1997. Unrelated to this deal; but now and then i think of replacing it with something a bit more stylish and which might do some extra things (basically it just has 3 power settings and you plug in the time). However reading these comments I suspect I'll keep on using it!
Get a big momma convection microwave.
I got this from the good guys for $207. It is really good i loved it. 👌👌