Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity $30, great game or not, buy or not, decide yourself.
[Switch] Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity $30 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

Last edited 16/08/2021 - 15:04 by 1 other user

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me too… haha
I thought it was free. Price in the title….
EDIT: thanks
This is probably the cheapest a Nintendo 1st party title will ever go for.
It's a third party title isn't it?
Great game though!
I really hope so. Target is no longer doing delivered and the nearest C&C is well outside the 5km limit!
Thanks OP
This game run better on emulator. The switch cannot handle it well. Stutter is very common. Game never run at 30fps. Best it can have is 20-25 FPS. However the game itself is really good.
And people are defending Nintendo saying "We don't need a Switch Pro model".
Performance is not good in singleplayer mode but still playable. Co-op mode on the other hand is horrible; low-resolution and low framerate split screen multiplayerAlthough I agree that we really should have seen a Switch model with better processing power this seems more likely to be a result of poor optimization.
Koei Tecmo were able to get a warriors game running at 60fps on the PS2. tt shouldn't be that difficult to get a locked 30, even on mobile hardware.Don't wanna insult the developers who were probably pressured to meet a needlessly tight deadline, but the final product simply isn't acceptable.
Nintendo is known for creating fun creative games. Not high Tech though. That would be Sony.
even worse with multiplayer. 10-15 fps average (potentially single digit sometimes)
what specs you got running this game?
There's a free demo on the eshop. I don't think game is for everyone though. It's just a hack and slash game and not like BOTW or other titles in the series. I played it when it came out and I had fun with it. It felt good to slash my way through loads of enemies after a stressful day of work. I found it a lot better than the previous Hyrule Warriors games but I can understand it not being everyone's cup of tea because it gets very tedious.
If I start a sesh, 6 hours quickly disappears
botw isn't like other titles in the series
great! was not going to buy it but at this price, can't refuse.
Thank you wanted this game for awhile and now picked it up for a great price aswell
Def worth it!
Not usually my type of game but as a massive BOTW fan I found it to be hugely satisfying to keep the story going while waiting for BOTW2. Eventually the playstyle grew on me - just wish I'd gotten it at this price!Nearly bought it until i watched some reviews. Seems to run at less than 20fps docked with split screen.
It's an alright single-player experience but splitscreen co-op mode is unplayable
Fps is fine. I've never had stuttering with it like in the korok forest in botw
getting a bit tried of these re-releases. wiiu-3ds-switch. oh well it cheap anyway.
This is switch exclusive. You’re thinking of the first Hyrule Warriors game.
This isn't a re-release - You're thinking of Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
what? so it's not the same game?
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition is the same one on Wii U
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is a prequel to Breath of the Wild, but in the hack and slash style of the original Hyrule Warriros@FireRunner: getting confused with this.
I had the same issue with bravery default 2 is the third games after second layer.@godofpizza: Isn't Bravely Default 2 with new set of charcters and story but in the same world as the original while Second Layer is the actual sequel (same characters and continuing story) to the original
Haven't played any so this could be dead wrong.
At least it's less confusing than the Kingdom Hearts franchiseBut back to Hyrule Warriors, the art style is it's own distinct one in the original while Age of Calamity follows the BOTW style
@FireRunner: no idea, i can't keep up with my pile of shame games that i haven't finished.
I still have a sealed copy of suikoden v that i brought new intending to play..
Good price, unfortunately I did the trade deal at eb games before it came out, should have chosen a different pre order game lol. Made the same mistake with paper Mario and that has dropped in price previously also.
I usually avoid pre-ordering games unless they come with exclusive pre-order bonuses (so I don't feel too bad when the prices drop).
Damn, these are some crazy prices for quite recently Nintendo published games!
Mindless hack and slash. You could replace the characters with any other theme.
dynasty warriors / aka FiFa hack and slash
I guess the weapons/attacks are inspired from BOTW which make it somewhat unique
But yeah, basically taking the aesthetics from BOTW and turning it into Dynasty Warriors
I suppose some play it for the lore/story (which was developed with the Zelda team iirc) so another distinct feature over other Dynasty Warrior gamesMario 64 is a mindless platformer. You could replace the characters with any other theme
Thanks OP!
Is this a single player game only?
Short answer: Well no but actually yes
Long answer: There's a split screen co-op mode but it's basically unplayable due to technical limitations of the Switch. Very low framerate and very low resolution make it a very unpleasant playing experience.
I played through it co-op, it's more bearable if you don't use characters with flamboyant moves (and as I said below, if you can overclock your switch memory).
Such a shame because it's really fun 2 players. Maybe Ryjuinx will lock 30fps (or 60fps with mods) in the future.
waiting the DLC discount and second release.
Awww man, I bought it not too long ago for 50.
I feel your pain. I bought Bravely Default at $49, now it's $25 in Target.
Thanks OP! :D
Ok if you’re into the Zelda series and the lore I actually found this game quite good.
The story picks up on some of the BOTW stuff. I’ve never liked dynasty style games in the past but this made sense in the context of the game and the general storyline.
Overall, the gameplay wasn’t bad either - I think there’s sufficient room for skills development, and it’s hugely varied across all the characters you’ll get.
Is it as good as BOTW? No, but it’s not the same style of game. As someone who didn’t know about the Zelda series until BOTW came along, i thoroughly enjoyed this game and think it’s wel worth the price here. Would recommend
this made sense in the context of the game
Link before calamity: kills a hundred bokoblins in a single combo
Link after calamity: gets butt kicked by a single bokobin with a stickHe's 100 years older
Available again.
Yes it is, thank you!
Stock is back
thanks, actually had this in my cart for months, waiting for it to get down to the previous sale price of ~$50ish…
calamity demo was actually pretty fun. bought the first hyrule warriors & still haven't gotten around to playing that tho. some day ill get through both of em….
Man I could barely stomach this game for more than 30 minutes, made me feel queasy
Not even sure what it is precisely as I felt right at home playing 15-20 fps N64 Zelda back in the dayOverclock your switch and see if that helps
If you have a hackable Switch may as well run sys-clk at max CPU and GPU frequency while in more demanding games such as this
the only thing that annoys me is the short draw distance. and sometimes the camera control is not ideal.
Thank you!
be aware that these aren't NEW.
They are new but probably not sealed
not sure why im getting negative votes but if you read the actual listing it's for preowned goods…reviews on the bottom of the page also show it.
Amazon puts all the reviews into the same section. Whether it's new or used, Amazon or a third party seller it all goes into the reviews section for the same product. It definitely confuses people as some people are asking how Amazon is selling fake products but it turns out a third party seller is selling fakes using the same listing as the genuines
Edit: Had a look in the reviews, most are complaining it's not sealed. I don't think Nintendo seals Switch games (at least not all the time) so it doesn't mean they're pre-owned
This is great, much more fun than dynasty warriors games.
I found it much more playable in co-op after overclocking the switch RAM.
Wait what? How?
Hacking the switch to run custom applications.
sys-clk manager can change the CPU and GPU frequency which helps the game run smoother
It's technically not overclocking since Nintendo just heavily underclocked the SoC^ this, but requires a 2017 switch or a rare modchip (I secured one of these in case my 2017 switch bites the dust).
any more info on this? ive got a 2017 switch, but i also play online quite a bit, so its usually on latest firmware…
guessing you have to keep it on older firmware, and offline if running hacks?
@autolux: No, it works on the latest firmware. It's actually a hardware exploit which can't be patched with software. Nintendo released hardware revisions which is why only the older models can be hacked
You can check if your Switch's serial number to see if it's hackable
Sold out with it in my cart, about to check out :(
in stock again
looks to be restocked, I just purchased
dam i saw it online last night and decided to watch reviews and was like ehhh. but now seeing it sold out i want to buy it… wtf wrong with me
You probably don't need/want it then. If you really want it, you can still get it from Target
Received my order, though the game was not plastic wrapped and missing game insert inside the case.
Most Switch games don't come with an insert.
My Hyrule didnt include slip either. May not have had one? Still waiting on my BD 2 to arrive instore.
Not sure about you, but most of the NS games I got from Amazon doesn't come in sealed including pre-ordered ones. Only PS4 games are sealed. For me it's ok as less plastic waste.
Mine was the same (which I'm ok with) but there seemed to be some light wear lines on the contacts on the back of the cartridge which is strange. 🤔🤔
Thanks, another game to add to my 'to play' list.