• expired

Receive A$100 for a A$3000+ ASX Share Transfer+ & A$100 for a US$3000+ US Share Transfer @ Superhero


Not sure if this is for existing customers only but here are the instructions:

How to transfer ASX shares to Superhero:

Complete the Superhero Broker to Broker Transfer Form (min $3K per type of share) - https://docs.superhero.com.au/forms/Superhero+Broker+Transfe…

Provide a copy of your government-issued ID

Send your signed (electronic signature is not accepted) Broker to Broker Transfer Form and a copy of a government-issued photo ID to us via live chat or email at [email protected]

Use the code TRANSFERHERO when you send us your transfer form

$200 is given to first 2K people who transfer two types of shares ($3k min).

Referral Links

Referral: random (212)

Referrer and Referee each earn US$10 worth of Nvidia stock. Referee must deposit minimum $100 into Superhero Wallet within 30 calendar days.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Note that:

    Promotional funds will not be able to be withdrawn from your Superhero account for 90 days.
    If you transfer any shares out of Superhero within 12 months from time Promotional Funds were paid to you, the Promotional Funds will be debited from your Superhero account.

    Decided against it since I want to be able to transfer etfs to selfwealth in the near future.

    • Just curious - why is that? I have SelfWealth too but buy/sell costs are higher
      To have the CHESS holdings?

      • +3

        Pretty much. I find superhero better for buying shares: $0 for etfs, $5 for other asx shares, and instant deposits. Moving shares to selfwealth (any chess sponsored stock broker works) gives me piece of mind for shares that I'll be holding for a while.

        • Get your transfer out form in today.

          Then get your transfer in forms in tomorrow.

          Nothing in the T&Cs about transfer of existing shares out is there?

        • *peace

    • +1

      Pretty harsh terms.

  • +9


    This promotion offers registered Superhero users to receive A$100 for an ASX share transfer over the value of A$3,000 and A$100 for a U.S. share transfer over the value of US$3,000 worth of shares

    • Yeh but its $200 if you do two sets of $3K in shares

      • +17

        just letting people know because title is misleading

      • +9

        I originally understood the post as: need to transfer two sets of A$3,000 Australian shares to get 2x A$100.

        Right now there is no mention of US$3,000 US shares transfer in your post. Which is needed to get the second A$100.

  • -7

    Would advise against using this platform. You will need to wait days in between transfers and conversions, price updates are periodic. Not to say its not worth the bonus if these issues dont bother you .

    • +7

      Superhero? Its got PayID transfers available… usually takes me a couple of seconds/minutes to transfer. Transfer to USD is also instantaneous.

      • -2

        Ye but completing purchases and getting your money out

        • +8

          T+2 is an ASX rule.

    • +1

      What do you meant "You will need to wait days in between transfers and conversions, price updates are periodic" ?Tbh, in comparison to Stake, you a) can transfer the funds via PayID and it becomes instantly in your trading account, and you can b) convert to USD right away or later, where as Stake charge you a fee for 'express' deposit which is still not instant.

      • any idea what the currency exchange costs are?

        SelfWealth batch all their currency exchange together at 2pm each day for all requests received before a set time. I think 10am without looking it up. I am guessing this should lower the cost (and allow them to profit from matched exchange) compared to instant transfer.

        • +1

          0.5% on superhero, closer to 0.9% on stake

    • do you work for IG or selfwealth?

  • I’m currently with IG Markets. Have several USA shares
    What are people’s recommendations for a better trading platform than this?
    I want to buy BYD shares but can’t through IG, because it’s done ‘Over The Counter’
    Also for several of the USA shares I own, IG doesn’t offer pre & post market trading (eg: Xpeng, Ehang, Proterra, etc)

    • Stake is the best option for Australians to buy US shares imho.

      • Stake, SuperHero and Sharies all use the same US broker … but Stake's fx is inferior to Sperhero's

        • Superhero doesn't use Drivewealth like the other two afaik

      • Honest question, by who do you think that? IG has instant deposits, which Stake lacks unless you pay for for premium. Transfers from IG, to a from, are free, whereas Stake charge, right?

        What makes it better?

        IG also doesn't seem to have limit on its sell order, whereas a broker like Selfwealth has a $3000 limit.

    • +2

      Try Interactive Broker (IBKR), can buy any market or pre. Their forex conversion is good too. Etoro is free, but have limited stocks and can't buy pre.

      • I am currently trading in amounts small enough to make the difference in cost between IBKR and SelfWeath to be a wash but once I step up my game i'll be moving to IBKR I think.

        • Why IBKR over SelfWealth? The fees are 0.08% compared to $9.50, so more expensive for anything over around $12K. Just interested…

          • +1

            @rogk: true, if u always buy >12k at once, maybe SW is better, but not sure many here would do that. the thing with cheaper price (or free), we'd often split the order into multiple buy (for the same stock) at different price lv (where with SW, u'd try to make 1 big order). all brokers will have their pros and cons, depend on ur trading style.

          • @rogk: For US trades

    • I used to trade US shares on IG big mistake. All trades are charged with AUD/USD conversion with lower FX rates losing about 1-2% for buy and sell. I moved to IB and keep my account in USD. No conversion FX fees. also they allow before and after market.

      • Can do options too. I am happy with IB. Using it since a year now.

  • -2

    Note that if you ever want to transfer out of Superhero you will pay even more than this in fees.

    • https://docs.superhero.com.au/guides/Superhero+Fee+Schedule.…
      says Stock Transfer Out is $0 for shares or $5 for ETFs held for less than 12 months.

      Are there any additional fees to transfer out?

      Edit: I can see that transfer out for US shares can be quite expensive.- $US15 to $US100, depending on method.

      • says Stock Transfer Out is $0 for shares or $5 for ETFs held for less than 12 months.

        Odd pricing scheme but I guess they need to make their free to buy ETF charges some how.

        • Without that conditional transfer out fee on ETFs, people are just gonna buy through them and transfer out straight away.

          • @Love a bargain:

            people are just gonna buy through them and transfer out straight away.

            People just have too much time on their hands. If you are a big trader maybe four times a year.

            To save $10 from Selfwealth you got to have an awful opinion of how much your time is worth.

            • @netjock: OK. Maybe not straight away for every transaction but the point is that they want people to actually hold the EFTs with them rather than providing a free community service

              • @Love a bargain: Yea there goes my plan.

                Quite happy to hold them in Superhero if they can enable DRP.

                • +1

                  @fiveferrari: To buy ETFs are free. You get the dividend and just buy back in with the proceeds.

                  • @netjock: DRPs often have a discount though, which you'd miss out on.

                    • @ely: No DRP discount on ETFs.

                      You can't double dip the chip.

                      • @netjock: Didn't realise it was specific to ETFs; relevant for those that do offer discounts though.

              • @Love a bargain: Suggest their problem isn't to do with the charging models probably to do more with people scared out of their wits that without a HIN if they go bust there might be a shortfall.

                • @netjock: Obviously, the lack of HIN is what leads people to not want to keep their investments with them in the first place. If it's free to buy and free to transfer out at any time, that will surely attract people who just want to exploit the free service. Since they can't/won't change the custodian model, they can only use their pricing model to discourage free riders.

                  • @Love a bargain: Thanks for the stating the obvious.

                    People probably lose more money to investment scams than fact they don't have HIN. But you know it is like everything, panic spreads faster than the disease.

                    • @netjock: There are people who are willing to accept the risks for lower fees. Each to their own.
                      All I was trying to say is that the exit fee isn't exactly "illogical" or "ridiculous" per se but just their way to focus on their targeted clientele.

                      • @Love a bargain:

                        exit fee isn't exactly "illogical" or "ridiculous" per se but just their way to focus on their targeted clientele.

                        I am not sure where I mentioned "illogical" or "ridiculous" I am not sure you're just arguing with me but trying to beat me by stating the obvious or whether you disagree.

                        This HIN conspiracy is deeper than I thought.

      • jeez when did they start charging the exit fee? what does "held under 12 months" mean if you've bought some units less than 12 months prior, but some of the units in the same etf more than 12 months prior?

        • +3

          Probably those transfer happy and HIN anxiety crowd decided to start abusing the system.

          I'd imagine they would be buying and transferring monthly.

          They got OzBargained and found it they mispriced the product.

  • +2

    Wonder how you know you are among the first 2000 people? You might not get the bonus.

    • I gather you need to trust them to tell you post-facto whether you were in the first 2000 or not

  • -3

    If you're transferring shares from Selfwealth they charge $110 AUD and Stake charge $100 USD

  • -6

    I am leaving superhero now. I thought it was cheap and gives it a try and it is a great mistake. Here is why:
    The execution speed is very slow. Even if the price go in your price for 2 minutes or so the order still does not fill. So if you are buying you are always paying more. If you are selling you are always selling less. My guess is that they they try to earn money from the gap. For example you place an buy order at 10 dollars. The top selling order is at 9.9 and you are still not filled. It goes down to 9.8 and 9.7 and you are not filled. Then suddenly you get filled at 10 or 9.9. What they did is buy at 9.7 or 9.8 and fill you at 10 or 9.9. This is definitely not what a broker should do.
    And last Friday they try to force people fill in W-8Ben form which no other brokers do. W-8Ben form is a form to reduce the tax paid for us stocks. If you do not trade us stocks you should not fill it. And even if you trade us stocks it is not mandatory. It is just if you don’t fill it you will pay more tax. However superhero forced every customer to fill it. You open the app or website and the form is full screen blocking everything. If you do not fill it you cannot trade or transfer your money. They are promoting their us stock trading and this happens. Advice: Stay away from them. Use Selfwealth if you want something cheap. It is the cheapest you can get that the stock actually sit under your name. With superhero your stock sits in their name instead of yours. Or Commsec or others for reliability.

    • +1

      Could it be because the US stocks are in their names hence they need all their customers to complete that US tax form so that they would qualify for the lower tax? (Just a guess.)

      • +3

        All brokers require the W-8Ben form as far I know.

        • Don't require, but they'll withhold more tax. Don't understand the issue with filling out the W-8BEN though it doesn't cost

    • +1

      I haven't used their US service, but have used their AU one a lot and have not observed this behaviour; I have seen some delay in their apps reporting the trades, especially during the open auction period, but I can see using other brokers that the trades have been executed, which possibly explains the behaviour you're seeing.

      e.g. You place an order at 10 and it fills at 9.9 or 10 (depending on whether the 9.9 sell was bigger than yours or not), but Superhero doesn't tell you about it due to some lag in the system (can still be observed via other brokers, e.g. a commsec account is free and has live market data). The price then drops, 9.8, 9.7, and then eventually the trade notification comes and you think they've bought late and charged you the difference, but actually the issue is lag in their reporting.

      You can verify this for yourself easily enough if your order size is reasonably unique just by looking at the recent trades.

      • I'm happy with Superhero's cheap fees and relatively pleasant UI. The lag is annoying and I hope they sort it out (and there are other issues, I'm chasing them about getting the proper reporting for some ETF distributions from last year so that I can do my tax returns - the custodial model means that they need to process this information and then pass it on to you rather than the fund giving you an AMMA directly) but it's not a show stopper for me.

  • -4

    Highly recommend Pearler. You get your own HIN and there are lots of brokerage-free ETFs (if you hold for a year). Great company and promising app / interface too. Integration into Sharesight.

    • +6

      I'd recommend people considering Pearler to carefully compare the management fees of the brokerage-free ETFs with other brokerage-charged ETFs.

  • Sorry for a dumb question as it may appear to some professionals here, however, I am new to Superhero or to a stock market overall. I have already setup and verified my account with Superhero, what do I exactly need to do here to earn $200? Just transfer 2 sets (AUD and USD) of 3K? Or buy shares worth that much?

    • If you have a account with another broker (Read: Self Wealth ) and if that value is greater than 3k.
      You can transfer that to Superhero and get 100$.
      Do it twice for 200$.

      • Thanks, I do have another account with Commsec but it's just same as I have with Superhero with no shares bought. Just started yesterday and opened 2 accounts one with Superhero and other with Commsec.

    • +1

      Dont worry. No professionals here, just wannabes.

      I interpret it as max $100 for ASX shares and another $100 for US shares.

  • +10

    Superhero uses a custodian model, rather than a CHESS-sponsored model which means your are a creditor in a worst case scenario, if Superhero collapses, you don't own the shares. stick with a broker where you own the shares and they are chess sponsored. Self Wealth, Comsec, Westpac broking etc.

    • How about your superannuation? Its held via custodian model or US shares?

      • Superannuation falls under APRA while stoke brokers are regulated by ASIC. So different regulations bro.

        • Good to hear we have APRA watching our super and banks.

    • +4

      Only matters for ASX though, for US shares everything is held under custodian.

      And arguably the stress placed on CHESS sponsorship is overblown - I still prefer it if the price difference isn't much, but the custodian model works fine in many other jurisdictions

      • +1

        BBY enters the chat

        • Yeah, custodian model does open up opportunities for dodgy behaviour, but in theory protects you in the case of a company collapse - e.g. if Superhero's business failed, but they acted legally and didn't go and raid their custodian, then Superhero's creditors would have no claim on those assets and everyone would be compensated.

          Potentially a big "if" there though.

    • +1

      This isn't entirely accurate; the custodian holding the shares is a separate legal entity to the company owning the Superhero business, so yeah, you don't own the shares, but neither does Superhero and so if Superhero collapses then your shares don't go with them.

      • So where would my shares go? What "body" is holding them?

        • In this case, Superhero Nominees, a separate company; the main Superhero entity runs the business and carries the debt (and revenue) but because it doesn't own the shares it's not an asset that creditors can claim against. It's explained in their T&Cs if you take a look.

          That's the theory anyway; it's possible that Superhero collapses and does dodgy stuff along the way, e.g. borrowing money from Superhero Nominees, so that not all assets that should be there are actually there.

    • Amazing, thank you for explaining this in plain language :)

      I'm with SelfWealth, will stick with them because I'd prefer to actually "own" my shares

  • +3

    Ridiculous that you can’t sign DocuSign a transfer form in this day and age. I don’t have a printer at home so I’m out.

    • yeah ridiculous. like half the country i'm in lockdown so can't pop out to officeworks.

  • Anyone using US brokers? Like Fidelity?

    • How would someone in Australia go about doing that?

  • -1

    I hated using the Superhero app. It is simply awful.

    YMMV but it's what turned me off.

    • +3

      Huh, really? Overall a much more aesthetically pleasing app on desktop and mobile than any other I've seen, but I tend to use the commsec one for watching prices out of habit and the Superhero one to actually buy/sell because of fees.

      • Agreed. It aint no Bloomberg terminal with flashing lights. But its simple UI and made for millennials and does the job.

  • Are there any brokers aside from Commsec and IBKR that make it possible to trade penny stocks?

  • -2

    Read this and then decide:

  • Anyone use Super hero currently using CMC been using them for a long time - they where the cheapest when i signed up like 8 years ago but they have started to look expensive compared to some of the other new comers?

  • Does anyone do any options trading? Any suggestions on a good platform for that. I've heard that IBKR has a decent option platform but just wanted to see if anyone else had any other opinions.

  • 100 bucks seem a lot of money. But for the savy investor it is just another lolly thrown your way.
    Accept lollies from strangers then please remember what mum hopefully have told you.
    Financial investments are unlike burner sim cards or even worse cashbacks on epay plus!

  • Only one Australian Transfer and one U.S. Transfer per Superhero account is eligible for this promotion (maximum of A$200 promotional funds per account).

  • Confirming I've received my $100 for transferring 3K of AU shares

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