Brand: Podravka
Ingredients: Water, Cooked Beef (33%), Beef Fat, Concentrated Tomato, Wheat Flour, Spices and Spice Extracts, Salt, Sugar, Vinegar, Flavourings
Flavour: Beef
Item weight: 300 Grams
Cuisine: European
Also at Woolworths.
Brand: Podravka
Ingredients: Water, Cooked Beef (33%), Beef Fat, Concentrated Tomato, Wheat Flour, Spices and Spice Extracts, Salt, Sugar, Vinegar, Flavourings
Flavour: Beef
Item weight: 300 Grams
Cuisine: European
Also at Woolworths.
Yes, and…?
Wow, you can Google and read?
You should try learning it too.
Ouch jv, ouch
Looks like it is $3 often (and occasionally goes down to $2)-
yep, I see it once every 2ish months down to $2, thats when I buy it.
so no deal
It’s Croatian Not Russian
Goulash is Hungarian not Croatian, same same.
But the brand and the product in the post is Croatian.
Hungarian not Croatian, same same
Not saying it's right but numerous wars have been started by this sentiment.
I'm OFF ended!!!
Goulash is Hungarian…
alas, this one was made in Croatia…
I've never heard of Croatian Goulash.
Is it a traditional dish there?
ignoramus, it is also a traditional Croatian dish
I've never heard of that dish either. Is it regional perhaps ?
Same price at woolies if anyone is half way through their online shop
Any sales on Crab Juice?
Blecch! Ew! Sheesh! I'll take a crab juice.
Just make your own. Its piss easy!!
Not the seasoning I was looking for.
Exactly! This stuff sound terrifying.
Where is the paprika as an ingredient?
Guessing paprika comes under Spices and Spice Extracts ?
Water, Cooked Beef (33%), Beef Fat, Concentrated Tomato, Wheat Flour, Spices and Spice Extracts, Salt, Sugar, Vinegar, Flavourings
Ouch….factory Goulash….no thanks.Anybody tried this?
Grew up on this. The taste is excellent. I’m not a fan of the meat though. Lots fatty bits, but you can find some nice smal beef pieces that aren’t too bad.
To reiterate; the soup flavour is very nice. Can eat with pasta or rice.
same i like the flavour overall but too many fatty or sinew bits of meat ….. definitely wouldn’t pay full price but ok to try when on special.
but you can find some nice smal beef pieces that aren’t too bad.
Is that part of the fun ?
This stuff isnt bad
That doesn't mean it's good…
What is the point of Amazon. They bully local retailers, managing to extract the same promotional deals as our ASX listed retailers (the ones our super funds are invested in) to offer the same price, encased in the billionaire's Visy cardboard, and packed and delivered by poorly paid minions.
But I accept all that abuse for fast delivery, but the expected delivery date is a week away.
Meh - I'll pick up this delicious snack food on the way home from the Woollies at the half way mark to my house.
Thanks, OP
What is the point of Amazon
For me it is that Australian retailers are way too slow adopting online shopping. We are talking decades behind. So frustrated by the wide range of dysfunctional websites, second rate logistics and delivery experiences and all around lazy contempt for their customers. The efforts over the years expose just how uncompetitive Australian retail is and how easy the incumbents have it against anyone local who is attempting something new or innovative. They have had more than enough time to change. As for their staff, go look at the many cases where the big Aussie’s ‘fogot’ to pay staff entitlements. Not sure if I’m aware of many, if any, paying over the legal minimum for equivalent roles to Amazon in this country. I will be smashing Amazon deals until these politically connected, c-level jobs for old boys, Aussie companies either change or go broke.
cool story bro
Cannot have it all bud. I consider myself lucky to be living in this country while you complain because you have not seen worse. You have no idea how lucky you are. Low population is the reason for your complaints and that is what may save all of us
Agreed… Amazon exploits their employees all the way down, but at least their packages actually arrive. Courier services here are an absolute joke.
No one mention if this can Goulash tasty?
Have you read the feedback? It maybe a silly idea but read before you type is my motto
show me the tasty feedback
Thanks OP.. got 4 cans to try out..never heard of it before
To cook it just heat it up in a small pot till it start to boil and stir around a few times.
Best eaten with penne type
Pasta or white rice
Best eaten with potatoes, bread or rice. With a dollop of sour cream.
This came a loooong way to end up in OzBargainers bellies… Sherley there's enough ingredients in OZ to witchcraft something like this one would think!
Is this like one of those Tide Pods?
I got my 4 cans today. Just commenting to let any new buyer know this is pretty good at this price point.. not sure how unhealthy it is but it sure tastes good and will be a staple rescue meal when nothing else is there for me. Thanks OP . Will add it to my watch list and I do wonder why this in not made in Australia given the quality of meat we have
I do wonder why this in not made in Australia given the quality of meat we have
I'm going out on a limb here to speculate that a Croatian company is unlikely to start an Australian manufacturing arm in the near future.
This stuff has been around for 20+ years that I’m aware of in Australia
Wow well I havent ..all the more reason for a good product to be replicated locally. This is the first time I have seen chunky beef in a can in any country tbh . So either the stuff is poison or a niche market waiting for explorers to make some money …anyone else can quote something similar anywhere in the world.. beef chunks in a can with gravy I mean ?
Founded by the Wolf brothers in 1934…