Did anyone purchase the chefsinshorts.com meal delivery? I have had zero luck in getting my orders delivered, and zero luck in getting anyone from the company to respond to me by email or phone.
I placed my order via their extraordinarily crap website, with a sh1tty email form that sends no receipt of receival. It statyed that delays of 10 days can be expected as they are busy, so I put in an order for 21 days down the track… didn't turn up. Rang them, "Oh sorry, out of office will call you in 5 minutes…" No call back. (And pretty ordinary phone answering technique as well 'Hi, Rob here'
Sounds like a dodgy little outfit, but they have another group deal for cooking classes. no wonder they are too busy to actually cook the meals for the previous deal!
Crap. I bought three of those deals. I hope they sort themselves out.