• expired

Extra 3GB of Dropbox Online Storage for Uploading Photos from Your Android Device


The latest update of dropbox for android has a new automatic photo/video uploading feature:

• Allows you to automatically uploads photos and videos in the background using Wi-Fi or data plan
• Up to 3 GB of free space for uploading photos automatically (in 500 MB increments)

According to this article http://mobilesyrup.com/2012/02/24/dropbox-for-android-update…

According to the Dropbox blog, “[photos are] all uploaded at original size and full quality, and saved to a private folder in your Dropbox called Camera Uploads where they’re ready to view or share.” Once you log into the app you get 500MB of extra space for the first photo you upload, and for every 500MB of photo uploads thereafter you’ll get that much in permanent free space, all the way up to 3GB.

This is similar to the post here http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/62910 but specifically for android users

UPDATE: You are unable to get the extra 3gb if you previously took up the extra 5gb from beta version of dropbox for Win/Mac/Linux

Referral Links

Referral: random (362)

Both referrer and referee will receive 500MB bonus space (up to a limit of 16GB)

Related Stores

Google Play
Google Play

closed Comments

  • +2

    Any trick to claim the 3GB without uploading too much?

    • If anyone finds a trick like in the other post please share :)

      • Just installed Dropbox today & also on my android and it automatic uploading but then i stop 30s later now my inbox increased 3GB. try it and report back if it work for you guys
        But I'm still having problem getting 5GB from other post…

        Your quota was increased to 3.13 GB! 58 mins ago
        Your quota was increased to 6.13 GB! 10 mins ago

  • I wonder if this 3GB stacks on top of the 5GB from the other deal.

    • i'm gonna give it a try now ;)

  • -5

    I think the 3gb is only allocated for these uploads, thus separate to your normal quota.

    • +3


      • -5

        thanks for the helpful reply…

  • +1

    It looks like people who got their extra storage from last time is not eligible.

    I am uploading photos right now but I ain't getting anything.

    Still + for people who haven't got their extra storage from the previous event

    • Yeah, I didn't get the 500MB for my first upload.

    • I also haven't received any increase yet so you may be right. Oh well, still a good bonus for anyone who didn't do the extra 5GB from a while back.

  • Once you log into the app you get 500MB of extra space for the first photo you upload

    anyone successful in this?

    I just tried it and didn't get my extra space

    • +1

      Worked on my Android Tablet - automatically gave me 500MB with more when I use that.

      • Did you get the extra 5gb from the previous deal?

        • No, new account.

    • it has to be automatic upload

  • +1

    Android emulator?

  • You could get referrals from 32 others to get 8GB bonus space. The other people each get 250MB extra.

    • or 32 referrals x 500MB each = 16GB if you link Dropbox to your education email address.

  • +2

    Dropbox have confirmed you can't stack the 3GB with the previous 5GB offer.


    • darn….if i know this i would had stick to desktop one :(

    • -1

      damn.. oh well.. nice try ..

    • +1


    • Thanks for the update :)

  • So for every 500MB you upload, you get another 500MB of quota? So you have to like upload 3GB of photos? O_o

    • That's the idea yeah. Free space though :)

  • +1

    Does it have to be 3GB of photos (and/or videos too?) from your android device? Im having trouble finding 3GB of stuff to upload!

    • +7

      yep..shoot a porno ;)

      • +2

        3GB, not 3KB.

        • +1

          shoot in 1080p and maybe take some of them AMI last longer oral strips

  • hmm, in 500mb increments, is there a file size limit? I might just make a stupidly big photo at 501mb t upload over and over again.

    • +3

      Hi ozgriff, be aware that with the way Dropbox manages their storage space, they are able to recognise when an uploaded file is the same as or only incrementally different to another file.

      So for instance if you uploaded one 501MB photo, then changed its name and uploaded the same 501MB photo, the second time you are only uploading the data difference that it takes to change the file's name, as they already have the substantive part of that photo on their servers.

      I haven't tested this myself, but I have read about the experiment someone else did. The second time they uploaded a file that was only a little different, the amount uploaded was only a few KB and therefore took much, much less time to upload.

      If they are tracking and counting uploaded data volumes, I would think this means they'd only register you as having uploaded 501MB the first time, and just the KBs difference between the files on subsequent uploads.

      • Thanks for the info as this seems to be the case, aka, it din't work :-)

  • Worked great on my Galaxy S2, I managed to get 2 GB extra by uploading 1.55GB. All photos taken by my galaxy now automatically uploads to dropbox (which could be turned off), which in turn is synced to my laptop. The software works as it should.

  • The bonus 3G for camera, does stack on top of any invite bonuses!
    I now have 5.5GB (2G originally + 500MB from 2 invites + 3G for camera).
    This is great.

  • how do I stop my android going into powersave mode (which stop the upload - day 4 & counting)

  • I just plugged in the charger and let it rip

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