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Joyoung Soy Milk Maker $289.99 Delivered @ Costco (Membership Required)


The Joyoung soy milk maker is the ideal addition to your kitchen. It allows you to make a range of drinks and even food, including milk from dry or soaked beans, classic soy, grains, rice paste and nuts, as well as porridge, corn juice, date soy, goji soy, and rose soy drinks. The time and temperature preset functions enable you to make drinks whenever you want, while the three blade cutter and high speed motor of 20000r/min allow for a fast filtration system. It also has a 700 to 1300ml large capacity and 220-240v voltage, making it suitable for two to four people.

It also features an English and Chinese control panel with a touch screen, as well as an English and Chinese instruction manual. Ultra fine grinding with quiet technology, a 60 seconds power-off memory function, and dual layer design with 304 stainless steel inner layer offer convenience, as does the ability to add ingredients during the cooking process. The set includes one main machine, one small plastic bean measurement cup, a cleaning brush, one big plastic soy milk container, and an Australian power cord.

This is part of Father's Day deals for 2021.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    can this make bonsoy

    • +5

      Yes, it can make peanut milk too.

      • You had me at peanut milk! Never heard but tell me more…

        • Half a cup of peanuts and half a cup of rice

    • +10

      Better than bonsoy I'd say cos you will be making fresh 100% soy milk. :)

    • +3

      Just add half a litre of iodine to the finished product and you won't tell the difference.

  • +6
    • Where to get the cashback?

      • +2

        Cashrewards through ebay 2% = $5

    • +4

      Bought from this seller and even went to their store in Campsie, they sold a lot of Joyoung product in the store and great service too. Look for Ronald.
      The Soy maker was great, easy to use but a bit hard to clean after use

      • Right now it's buy from them on eBay and get great customer service from Ronald regardless.

        I've gotten 3 joyoung products (this, a rice cooker and a teapot thing) off them, everything came in stupid fast and they called me for each purchase since I live in an apartment for ATL as auspost is slow but the couriers will leave it somewhere.

  • It was $250 on eBay a couple of weeks ago with the 15%/17%off coupon.

  • +3

    Wow we bought one from a shop in China back in 2018 for $60aud

    It's a blade with a built in heating feature. Doubt it's worth $280 but covid prices / people buying overpriced stuff lol

    • Is there a filter

      • +2

        CCP filter approved!

      • There is no filter in this one, the bottom half of the milk will be a little bit thicker if you don't mix it before pouring it out.

        • Hmm ok thanks no dice then.

    • You got it in China though, of course the price will be vastly different…

      • Haha, if you Taobao it and get them to ship it over via sea. It would cost around $100.

  • +15

    I have one of these - not this exact one. Heads up that the soy milk it makes tastes nothing like commercial. If you've grown up on home made you will love it, if you've been encultured into overly processed soy milk like me, you won't like it. It's basically a blender that heats.

    • +2

      Just add sugar. lots of it.

    • +3

      then technically you can use a soup maker… hmmm gave me a great idea

      • Like a vitamix

      • yes, it should do the same job.

    • +1

      Thanks for this. I hate myself for becoming hooked on bonsoy at this point. Crack would've been cheaper!

      • I laughed to myself the first time someone asked me to pick up some bonsoy for them for this reason

  • +2

    Bear in mind these soy milk machines usually can’t handle high concentration of beans:water ration (meaning a more dilute soy milk) — had a machine for a while but still found myself buying soy milk from the Asian grocer especially when making bean curd desserts!

    Worth learning to make your own — the ratio is usually around 300g beans : 1.8L water

    • +1

      I tried to make some recently and it ended up SUPER thick and unpalatable. The Okra was nice to make gnocchi out of, though.

      Mind sharing a method or a link?

      • +2

        Method I use is 300g beans (soaked overnight - can speed up process with using hot not boiling, like 50°C, to have usable beans within a few hours)

        I measure out 1.8L of water separately (don’t use the soaking water) and blend the beans and water together then strain the mixture by squeezing the liquid through a muslin cloth (this is the bit that takes the most effort) — I double fold it in case of any tear/ruptures.

        Then bring the strained liquid to almost a boil (gotta watch it, it froths up at around 95-98°C almost instantly!). What I generally do is let it froth up twice ie. high heat until it froths, then low heat until it settles, and repeat once more.

        The milk shouldn’t have a raw bean flavour, and should be as creamy as the Asian grocer ones!

      • my ratio, i seem to enjoy it.
        1.5litre water
        130gr beans
        30-40gr of dates (more/less depending how sweet you want it)

        add pinch of salt if you want extra flavor

  • -5

    Aldi makes my soy milk for $2 a litre from the fridge section. Well content with that. Don't need to clutter my kitchen with another useless gadget.

    • +2

      Thanks for the blog update dude.

      • Anytime dude

  • How do these work? Do you just add washed soy beans and water and come back later?

    Does it need anything else?

    • Just add soybeans and water, 15 minutes later you get soy milk. It's basically like a heated blender.

      All natural and tastes great.

      Only downside is clean up, and you may have to filter the soy milk to for better enjoyment.

    • I normally soak soy beans overnight.

      But yes, just chuck it in and press the button

      • What do you add for tofu fa?

        • You need to make tofu from the soy milk, I haven't being able to find where to buy powdered nigari / magnesium chloride.

          If you are in Sydney, easiest would be to drop by Hoa Hung Tofu. It's made fresh daily



        • 20ml white vinegar for 1kg dried soy beans,here is the video.

          • @jimojr: No, using vinegar would get you hard tofu.

            You can't make "tofu fa" from hard tofu

        • I used to make tofu with a bit of lemon and the Joyoung soy milk. It worked but not really worth all the effort.
          The soy milk is worth it though. My Joyoung is a much older model from China but it works really well.

  • +4

    280 bucks buys a lot of milk. And then there's the beans and time cost on top of the initial purchase.

    • +4

      Well it's like compare buying a coffee machine vs buying coffee out right. The long term saving is there if you use it frequent. Also fresh soy milk taste is much different to processed soy milk, the fresh one is much better.

    • Difference is the freshness and the lack of sweeteners/additives. Plus there are much cheaper models.

      Also you can just use a pot and a stick blender.

  • What voltage for this unit? Is it 220v or 230v?

    • +3

      220v, 230v and even 240v are typically the same.
      Which is why some manufacturers state "220-240V".

      Typically only problem you have are using Japanese or American appliances which are ALOT lower than 220-240V.
      Japan 100V and US is 110-120V, Most of the time you can use Japan appliances within America.

      If you got a Multimeter and measured the voltage at your wall socket, I can guarantee you that it is not 240V, and likely around 230V, and the legally allowable of voltage variation at Australian wall sockets are: between 216 and 253 volts.

      • +2

        "If you got a Multimeter and measured the voltage at your wall socket, "

        Just to be clear, dont do that if you dont know what you are doing.

      • WE had an issue a little while ago where our mains voltage was sitting around 270v peaking at 276v at times. Discovered this because our solar inverter was tripping offline every day. Appears the power distribution on our street changed, and they adjusted our transformer… Still sits around 250-260v most days.

  • I've got a Joyoung soy maker 6 years ago and still loving mine. I make soy bean milk, green bean, red bean, corn milk, etc. The sky's the limit. I usually put mine before bed and wake up to very healthy treat for the whole family. Especially like the timer function so i can set and get fresh grinded drink tomorrow.

    • +1

      But dad.. I want coffee!

  • +1

    is there any handwashing free soymilk maker?

    • Only Chinese version

  • +1

    Ozbargain Aeropress nut/bean milk version:
    - Soak beans/nuts overnight
    - rinse well in the morning
    - add water and blend in a processor
    - for beans, warm mixture over the stove
    - cut a circle out of a chux, slightly bigger than a aeropress filter
    - pour blended nut/bean mix into the aeropress and filter, and wha-la, instant milk.
    - use the remaining nut meal or okara in cake recipes e.g. Nigella's Lemon Polenta cake
    - save $280

    • Is it harder to press than coffee?

      • Easier, and you get left with nice discs of meal.

  • What ever happened to the old Mortar and Pestle to extract liquid. I went totally carbon friendly and don’t even use electricity!

  • +1

    I took the soy milk maker out this morning, the process reminded me why I put it away. :D

    Very easy to get started, add soybeans and water, then press a button and wait 15 minutes.

    It’s the post processing to filter and clean, it took 45 minutes all up for about 500ml of soy milk. Too much hassle. But fresh soy milk tastes so nice, just too much work involved.

    • Exactly.

  • Buy new models with automatic wash.

  • Does anyone know any good places to order soy beans?

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