Had a Real Friday The 13th, Beware Dark Cars at Night

The day started with a weirdo knocking on my door, I said Yes, without opening the door. He said, I want a Coca Cola, I said I don't have any. He said I want a cup of coffee then. This is a stranger wanting to come in! He eventually went away and I saw him go into the neighbours driveway.

Then the day ended with me going to Maccas drive thru. In the parking lot I was driving through and suddenly BANG! Someone backed into my car. It did jar me, hope I didn't get whiplash. I got out and the guy said he didn't see me. I have a dark green car. The back door of my car has a large ding, but it still opens. Anyway, he ended up offering me $300 so I agreed, I was thinking about getting another car soon. But I will try not to get a dark colour, its hard to see!


  • +20

    Hope you are ok, Pam.

    Anyway, he ended up offering me $300 so I agreed

    Sounds like, it was a good deal, Wasn’t so bad after all?

    Someone backed into my car.

    Could be this guy?.

    People should have followed what you taught them.

    • +6

      Was about to link the same post, priceless.

      HelloPam strikes again.

      • +3

        HelloPam strikes again.

        Shhhhh! She will change her username again.

        • +6

          Has to wait a year…

      • +1

        I logged on to OzBargain and now I'm reading someone's blog post. Creepy!

  • +4

    Today in things that never happened?

    • Like someone said, you can’t make up this stuff…

      Unless you think what the sec guard said is accurate. 🤔

      • That was Brendan

        • He and the security guard don’t mince their words.

    • +1

      I realised it was Friday the 13th when I got home

  • +7

    Was the security guard driving the other car?

    • I went to a different supermarket tonight. No it was a nice guy, good looking too. He wanted to keep it off the books. He said He felt the impact too (the jarring)

      • +2

        If he was ugly would you have accepted the $300?

        (asking for a friend)

      • +3

        No it was a nice guy, good looking too

        BANG! BANG! time?

        • +6

          $300 = single bang

          • @DashCam AKA Rolts: In her fake taxi Corolla.

          • @DashCam AKA Rolts: Career in doing this. Reminds me of those scammer who would walk in behind cars as they were moving back and them falling to claim compo from driver.

    • I laughed out loud

  • +1

    Beware dark cars at night?


    Every car is pretty well covered by lights at night…

  • How bored are you fella?

    • It's HelloPam

  • +4

    lol, 300 bucks. You got conned.

    • the car has a couple of scratches and cracked tail lights. Someone keyed the bonnet soon after I bought it, and then I scratched the side on my metal gate. So it had a reduced value.

      • What car is it? How old?

        • +5

          Its a 1996 Corolla

          Source: here

          • +1

            @pegaxs: Given the condition and age, the 💵 Pam got, it might be worth more than the car!

          • +4

            @pegaxs: I've taught you well young padawan

  • +3

    Pam you meet the most interesting ppl. Make sure you get extra keys with your new car

  • +4

    Anyway, he ended up offering me $300 so I agreed, I was thinking about getting another car soon. But I will try not to get a dark colour, its hard to see!

    I am glad I wasn't drinking coffee or tea, as I would have spat it all out onto my keyboard while reading the above statement.

    You agreed to a completely low ball offer rather than go through insurance? OMG!
    At the same time, you should have just handed in your OzB membership, and given it to the party at fault because they scored a major bargain from you.

    Also, was the other party partially blind?

    • Exactly could have got your whole car resprayed at the expense of the other partys' insurance major OzB fail dude

    • +1

      Ease up doc, she may have suffered whiplash from the high speed collision!

      • +1

        high speed collision

        "Parking lot at maccas" … LOL!

        My theory is we are all being trolled.
        No one is this stupid.

        • Ahem…

          It's Pam.

        • +3

          Not stupid just unlucky, hypocritical, and one that doesn't take responsibility for own actions in other incidences.

  • +3

    Add another page to the future book of pam memoirs.

    Going to be a best seller.

    Just not sure if it's going in the fiction or non fiction category.

  • But who was phone

  • +5

    What a load of trash… All I can say is… Cool story, Pam.

    Hope you both wore a mask and were separated by the correct amount of social distancing while you were exchanging pleasantries in the Maccas car park. You needed to watch out for eshays. Hope you were carrying a gel-blaster…

  • Surprised you took the $300 straight off… Ozb'r would have naturally said I have seen it cost $600 elsewhere.
    Sadly though, it really was a bad friday the 13th for you.

  • Dear Diary….

    • OzB-iary

  • Hate to be the odd one out asking, but what are these 'Pam' references?

    OP, I'm not a fan of dark coloured cars either, both for safety reasons and the fact that dirt/dust on it shows a lot more easily.

    • Even white cars attract accidents. Do some research on old threads. Makes for great reading if you have time. Pam's a keeper

    • Pam was part of her username, before she changed it recently.

      • That makes sense. Cheers.

        • +3

          You’re welcome, Cheers.

  • +1

    https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/10718547/redir Tops the neg comments last month

  • +2

    LPT: It costs on average between $600-800 for someone to claim on their policy. so if you get hit , no matter the damage. always ask for $600 bare minimum if its a small bang and if they refuse tell them to go through insurance and not only do they have to pay the $600 for their claim they have to pay increased premiums on top and lose all their maximum no claims discount rating.

    Edit: for real though , don't get into any accident if you can help it.

  • what car were you thinking of getting? i30n?

    • I need a wagon, will have to withdraw from my investment, can only withdraw quarterly, next slot is November

      • +2

        I used to own a Mazda 6 wagon, it was one of the most reliable and comfortable cars I have owned. Highly recommend

        • +1

          I had a Ford Falcon, would rather get something different, will check out the mazda

  • The neighbout just came over, she had problems with that weirdo yesterday and had to call the police

    • +1

      You do seem to attract them

      • Yes I know, they are everywhere

        • I was waiting for you to say it was the same person in both incidents named Jason .

        • Eshays?

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