I was pleasantly surprised to receive a 6 pack of stubbies (4 cents cheaper than Dan Murphy's to boot) with my pizzas today. The image shows the cans, which are usually 18.99 from Dan's, but they seem to be delivering stubbies now (if not always?)
Pizza Hut: VB Cans Are Actually Stubbies

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haha man idk how this works, i posted this in the pizzahut form..
Epic second post.
I guess i'm only posting the things that really matter to me in life. if that hoodie is real, i'll take one.
Vb and pizza…
Was breakfast a Dare iced coffee and meat pie?
Dare and meat pie for lunch mate. Breakfast is always gonna be two wheetbix and a banana.
Vita Brits are much healthier :D
Years ago they sold this kind of thing with some kind of grain/seed and it was delicious - kinda nutty - but I didn’t see it at Woolies when I last looked. Anyone know what that was?
breakfast was trivoski and freshly squeezed OJ, i'm vegan, man. living that health conscious life.
Get Beer -> Drink Beer -> Post to OzBargain
-> penalty box
The savings ;-)
Damn it now I want some VB.
pizza hut
local pizza shop down the road
black market where pizza is code for some party drugs and VB in coke?