I found the "Preparing for HSC" thread interesting, so I thought lets hear what peoples ATAR (or no ATAR) was and where it got you today :)
Where Did Your ATAR Get You?

Last edited 13/08/2021 - 13:26
That's a strange way to describe a taxidermist.
Taxidermist that works on people, that sounds terrifying
Same way a veterinarian can treat people in emergency.. huehue
Mortician, perhaps
Chuck Testa!
99 wow
On the internet you can get 101/100 if you want.
Mystery mark. I now lift things up and put them down.
You became a crown forklift? Congratulations.
Schizophrenic counsellor, got it.
Also OP1. Similar job description but in small animals
Not aviation? That username..
Serial killer?
Killing cornflakes?
What's OP? Overpowered?
hahahaha overpowered score 1, overpowered score 2, etc. hahahah Needs to rate them over ratings
Also OP1, hopefully on the same path
Although definitely enjoying pharmacology and physiology more than anatomy, might be an anesthetist instead :P (If ANZCA will take me!)
Op12 (big oof)
Got me 50k hecs debt, a job totally unrelated to degree and, depression :)
same here. job related to degree though.
You're doing well then!
73.8 ATAR
University of Newcastle
Computer Systems EngineeringProbably be making $220k without having to look at puss and cut people up.
$220k to look at puss??? People pay for that!
Unless you mean pus?
People pay to see cats? No you're right, cat cafes are thing these days I forget with Covid and all…distant memories.
Perhaps he just doesn't like puss…
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Just hop on the Pus, Gus, don't need to discuss much
@ProlapsedHeinous: Such a shame nobody else knows what you are referring to.
the problem is all inside your head…
Meow mew nyan :3
Are you working yet or still studying?
I'm still studying
my sis got 99.3 and is earning around 350k a year
she wants to retire at 40 (now 32)
Medicine doesn't pay that much!
If a nurse can save $200k per year then surely a doctor can bank $350k?
@MS Paint: That nurse is the exception rather than the norm. Only limited number of nurses with that seniority/high up in the hierarchy. That or their source of income isn't from being a nurse in the public system.
you cant tell us 350k a year and not the job that she has! :0
shes a brand director for a global corporation, doing really well for herself
What company?
@serpserpserp: Who would win in a fight between Weyland-Yutani, Union Aerospace, Tyrell, Cyberdyne Systems, Omni Consumer Products, InGen and Umbrella?
@serpserpserp: I would pick Union Aerospace, but Umbrella for my wildcard if they got their act together. I can see the distinction Cyberdyne Systems has in no reliance on biology. They'd be a good counter to Umbrella, but they'd be weak to a mass Xenomorph acid attack.
Don't answer the question above my comment.
If you're earning that much, I'd stick around longer. Unless I hate my job and can't wait to get out
I was thinking the same thing, I've crunched the numbers on the income + investments, no good. Acceptable for FIRE, nowhere near fatFIRE.
No way I'd do all that and not go 5 or so more years(minimum)
Trust me, a person at that level earning 350k is not just going to 'retire' and sit around and do nothing at the age of 40. No doubt she'll work on a side passion project that will give passive/side income (obviously not at the 350k range). Your calculation is assuming they'll never earn another dime of income in their life
If you want to retire fast, wait for the next dip then go all in on crypto lol!
so around 3 million (less tax) when 40
Is she hot? Single? Religion? ASL (32/?/?)
Is she hot?
Does she have any co-morbidities that would make her vulnerable to a covid infection? Ask'n for a friend.
Could be a good thing or a bad thing though?
Is she hot?
Asking a dude about his sister…
*Sweet Home Alabama*
Generally, 40 is the age they go south. ;)
If she was, she's be making 350k a year for spreading her ass cheeks for an hour a week on OF!
ATAR got me into IT and Engineering but I think it was a waste of time tbh.
You have a university where they're restructuring your course into something the "local industry" wants and by "local industry" they really mean catering for the Chinese students. Followed by a lot of senior staff retiring and the remainder being made redundant only to be replaced with PhD candidates with 0 teaching skills.
Yeah fair to say it wasn't a fun ideal. Can't complain though was offered an awesome job.
So what did the Chinese want?
@Clear: I did that too. Chinese love the fancy sounding subjects like Machine Learning, Renewable Energy, Advanced Algorithms, Stats and of course AI, with group assignments (I wonder why).
@Orico: You're on the money there. At my campus there was this internal conspiracy because some classmates on their WeChat had themselves in PLA uniforms and then here in Australia studying pretty much all the things you described. We jokingly said we're teaching and giving spies degrees.
It’s a joke haha, an almost entire faculty of staff that can’t speak English at all - and don’t need to. Which works out for them anyway because that’s the business but it’s interesting to see and observe…I’m sure they are good at their jobs but as a sales rep for a uni related company visiting and talking to staff 5 days a week it was pretty eye opening. Take a stroll through the business and engineering faculties at UTS…
@DemocracyManifest: Yup I had a lecturer that would pre-record them all and his English was so terrible. To make it worse he had 5 slides and stood 10ft from the mic. It made learning Java difficult to say the least.
@Clear: That’s one thing about the pandemic: the unis are screaming because they can’t get bums on seats on campus after neglecting their domestic base for well over a decade
@DemocracyManifest: Quite the opposite where I live. The university here has figured out it's actually cheaper to have students studying from home as less staff are required to be on campus and they can still charge the high fees for the degrees.
Yup I had a lecturer that would pre-record them all and his English was so terribl
I had a professor of mech eng lecturer for Materials Engineering and he was so funny, but his English was awful. He spoke in a way which made the lectures interesting and the in-lecture quizzes were fun and brutal hahah. The PHD students were also very competent so the course was well run.
He was probably my favourite lecturer in second year. Miss the guy lol
@Scrooge McDuck: Professor Xiaozhu
https://www.sydney.edu.au/engineering/about/our-people/acade…Best lecturer!! LOL
Dropped out last minute before the Final Exams started.
Could've gotten an ATAR around 86-95.Started a Tech Startup as Uni f'd up enrollment.
Reason you decided not to do the final exams?
The initial plan was to do the exams as I wanted to do Bachelors of Software Engineering.
After selecting all my courses in VTAC I also sent out my portfolio to some of the universities I wanted to attend.
This is where the issue began.
I get accepted into one of the universities and am informed that an ATAR score is no longer required as it was a guaranteed entry so I dropped out. This got me excited since the course required 85+ ATAR so I accepted the offer and filled out the application form.
A few weeks later I get a phone call stating that I can no longer enroll into the course as I had already applied via VTAC. This meant that I had to go the ATAR path since there was some kind of contract between the Uni and VTAC. (Probably due priority in commission deal.)
They then offered me Bachelors of Computer Science which I declined.
That sounds like an awful experience. Good that you were able to turn it around and do something really cool
@Quantumcat: Had its pros and cons. In my first year the business didn't really take off. COVID didn't help with getting investments either. Got really depressed and kept thinking I stuffed up my life. Second year got a bit better found a business partner who was able to secure startup funding. At this point if lockdown continues into 2022 I'm just going to go back to uni.
@No Username: Why didn't you just take the CS degree and transfer once in? Once you're in, swapping is pretty straightforward.
@moar bargains: I didn't really think of it but I'm happy that I declined the offer as the uni had really bad ratings, costed 2x more and had low enrollment numbers. I was also able to get into Swinburne without an ATAR as long as I did a 6 month diploma then using my portfolio finish the bachelors in 2 years as oppose to 4.
@No Username: Nice, sounds like a good option. Hope it goes really well for you 🙂
That's one of my biggest gripes with the school system, that it is very one dimensional: "ATAR for Uni or bust", and it's simply not realistic. While I thoroughly believe in the benefit of a tertiary education, I also believe University (especially direct entry after school) is not the right path for everyone. There are loads of other paths through your late teens/early twenties that are equally valid!
OP1 (Qld's version of atar, equiv to 99 i'm pretty sure). I now cut people open and sow/staple them back up.