Free Broken Laptops

Hey i'm a student at Uni and i would like to learn all the different parts of a computer, by taking them apart and all. So is there
1. A website where I can get "FREE" laptops or
2. somebody that is willing to give away broken laptops?

Thank You,


  • Might help if you state you location, and/or whether you'd wear postage. Tried Gumtree?

    As computers become more and more integrated, probably less to learn the newer you go IMO, with everything being on board. Older 386's with more discrete components might get you started. Just head out around Council Clean-up and you'll find something to learn off.

  • I think I may still have a 486 computer if you are interested… ;-P I am in sydney if you are willing to pick up.

  • Just put out a WANTED on your local Freecycle group (search for your local group) and you'll be flooded with offers. I agree with Steptoe that you'd learn more taking apart a standard desktop.

  • Pretty sure theres a thread on whirpool where they give away their old PCs after upgrading.

  • Your Uni should have connections…

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