Lockdown from 5pm today, initially for 7 days. See https://www.covid19.act.gov.au/news-articles/seven-day-lockd… for current details.
Schools closed unless you really need to send your child in. Self-access online resources are available for students. Teachers will spend the week preparing for online learning again for if the lockdown is extended.
If you live in some postcodes around Canberra you are allowed to come in for essential reasons (eg grocery shopping if can't be done in NSW). Expect to be stopped by police if you have NSW license plates and have to supply ID to prove you live in the list of postcodes. Anyone not living in these postcodes will be fined/arrested/sent home.
There are 4 cases currently (one mystery case and 3 close contacts).
So sad. My birthday is tomorrow and I had lots of fun things planned for the weekend. Happy birthday to me 😭
Canberra in lockdown is probably less boring than canberra out of lockdown