Boost $200 Prepaid SIM Starter Kit Here
Stock won't last for long based on few recent sales in the past.
If you are quick enough, you can get price beat at Officeworks too.
Happy Boost Day I guess lol
Boost $200 Prepaid SIM Starter Kit Here
Stock won't last for long based on few recent sales in the past.
If you are quick enough, you can get price beat at Officeworks too.
Happy Boost Day I guess lol
How? You in Vic?
Rang up OW at Keswick in SA and asked if they could price beat it. Guy had to check but he came back and said they could do it. Easy as.
Other one will be $221.35
Got a email today from boost saying the $150 plan that I've been on for 3 years is going up to $ 200. ?can they do this.
$150 Plan is no longer available.. I have seen some people are getting $50 off from the Boost for next recharge. But going forward, they will discontinue $150/80 GB recharge option too.
Yes they can do this
Can they change their plans? Yes, of course they can.
I price beat the $200 kit around 45 days ago from Officeworks but that time the promotion was normal 30GB Data (and additional 120GB Data). So I received total 150GB Data.
Bought one, thanks OP, happy boost day!
For the $200 one, When do you have to activate by?
Very limited information is available on this website. So, can only be known once received. I Used to Price beat at OW (activate by 06/22) if you are looking for longer period.
thx man, for Officeworks, when do you have to active by?
As I mentioned 06/22
or you just need to manually check in store?
do the plans give you access to all the data straight away or limit to per month?
Straight away.
Price matched at OW, no issue
I'm trying this rn, did you just call your local store or go through their online phone line?
You can do it in-store or via hotline.
I was instore
Thanks just got one in-store, they tried to charge me for shipping and bringing it to $240 at first lol
Last time I tried to pricebeat in store I spoke to someone who tried to refuse (cause 'inclusions' were different) she spoke to someone else (younger, lol) and they said they could do it but had no stock so they couldnt..I ended up calling the line, price beat and did click and collect for the next day.
Does Boost do eSim yet?
Not Yet!
dont think so
Looks like they've run out of the $155 price point. It's now available for $179!
Anyone who ordered, did you get a confirmation email, tax invoice email or shipping email? Haven't gotten anything since ordered on Friday.
Same here. I only got the PayPal receipt. No communication from them at all. Hopefully not another scam
Shouldn't be they've been around since 2000 apparently. Although they advertise on the footer "Free Shipping Spend $50 or more and receive free express shipping with Startrack"
So have u got any update on your order?
I guess they sent with Paper Tax Invoice.
Just price beat this at Officeworks for $147.25