• expired
  • targeted

AmEx Statement Credits: Red Energy Spend $300 Get $100 Back


Targeted on 1 of my cards, explorer, not the platinum edge.

Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $300 or more, in one or more transactions, online or via phone at Red Energy by 06/02/2022 to receive one $100 credit. Limited to the first 10,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

Offer is limited to one credit per Card to which the offer is saved and only spend on this Card counts towards the Offer.
Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, online at www.redenergy.com.au or via phone to Red Energy on 131 806.
Excludes transactions made through a third party establishment or payment processor.
Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
Credit will not be applied to your Card Account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.
Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.
Full Offer Terms available here.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express
AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
Red Energy
Red Energy

closed Comments

  • Got it on main and supp, but not with Red anymore.

  • I am with Red Energy, but haven't got this offer on my AMEX :(

    • +2

      You've probably used another Red Energy in the past? Amex is getting smarter to pinpoint cards and offers like this.

  • Nice.
    Anyone know of any sign up incentives with Red?

    • +1

      you can earn qantas points?

    • Edit: there is a referral program already part of OzB

    • Use a referral and I got $50 gift card 3 months ago

  • +2

    Great offer for me as I'm already with Red

  • nice offer with energy price going through the roof while WFH

  • -2

    Can you pay your bill with this offer?

    • +21

      No, you can only pay other people's bills. I'll pm you my details.

      • at least he's getting some amex points :D

  • -1

    I've already got direct debit for RE set up on my Amex .. does this 'Excludes transactions made through a third party establishment or payment processor.' mean it won't count? And I'd need to make a manual payment ?

    • Make the manual payment just to be sure. Your auto debit will be adjusted.

  • duh, got the offer but i am in WA (:

    • same here. got 1 for my discovery card and nothing for explorer main and supp card

  • Nice offer, does RED still allow you to pay in advance?

  • +3

    The rates with Red Energy seem to be more expensive than AGL. If you’ve got the offer on just one card it’s not worthwhile switching across. However, if you have multiple offers then it becomes more economical to switch to Red. Fortunately my Qantas Amex Ultimate and all supplementary cards have the offer so it makes the switch easy.

    Mods should also add red energy referral instead of amex here. Referrer & referee receive a $50 Coles Group & Myer Gift Card each.

  • +1

    Man, I am not getting any of these on my new Explorer

  • Good find

    For those Of us in Vic with cold weather and lockdown number 6 very handy

  • With Red energy but didn't get the offer :(

  • +1

    Only found in my primary card. Not on Supp cards. Qantas Ultimate. I am already with Red Energy.

  • +1

    Only got them on main cards, not on any of my Explorer supps.

  • Thank you, redeemed

  • +2

    If you're able to get the 10k Qantas points and the $50 referral Coles credit then stacked with this it's a pretty good deal to switch over to. get the sign up bonus and then switch to a cheaper provider

  • +1

    Had Red in the past, so I got the offer, but I think it’s too exxy. Am looking at Reamped

    • Indeed they are very cheap for medium to high users

  • +2

    I have solar… I am on origin… I am not sure it is worth switching just to use the deal

  • Did Postbill Pay remove the ability to pay with Paypal?

    • It depends on the merchant and if they accept Paypal via Postbill Pay. Believe they have the ability to turn it on and off.

      • Oh really because there were a few that used to be on there but have now disappeared.

        • Oh right. That's a pretty big move, wouldn't have thought Postbill Pay would cut out Paypal as a payment option completely.

          Would be more plausible that the merchant removed that as a payment option from their end?

          Haven't had to pay any bills recently via Postbill Pay so can't comment either way. But last time i did, Paypal was an option, probably last month or so.

          • @squarepants: Yeah it's very strange that they removed it hence wanted to check to see anyone experienced the same thing.

    • Not for my billers

  • Can any current RED customer confirm if RED allows you to pay in advance and build up credit in your account?

    • yes you can

      • the payment page asks for a reference number. is that just the account number? I wish to use my offer before the first bill could possibly come

        • Email them b4 first initial bill , they will email you the numbers

          It worked for me

      • Just to double check, you meant you could pay in advance using Amex right?

  • got offer on several cards. so i guess i have to do another credit check to take this up. how do they compare to Agl for solar credits in QLD? if you over pay and top up your account with a few thousand dollars to take advantage of this amex offer will they refund the overpayment into your bank account or is their policy it has to go back onto the same method of payment the same amex card? i had a big headache with sumo they stuffed my my solar tariffs and refused to refund the overpayment into my bank account , it took over 6 months of complaints to get it refunded back onto my amex cards so i dont ever recommend sumo to anyone.

    • +1

      Sumo and other no frill retailers are notorious for avoiding refund. But if you mention energy ombudsman then things should go faster. Red energy is easier to deal with but if you use them to rack up overpaid credit then expect to get grilled. I wouldn't go that route just to get the extra buck.

  • I just check their rate, quite expensive

  • So i got this offer on two cards so i guess i will be moving from AGL to red energy. Looking at their plan i can either get their rewards points or qantas points or free pass to taronga to one adult and two kids. I am leaning towards taronga zoo pass as that seems the best bargain, anyone who is already with them in sydney can shed more info regarding these plans, is there a catch with this one. Also i am assuming there is nothing special in the rewards plan that i cant get from ozbargain or my suncorp rewards portal.

  • Just called Red Energy and they informed me that this Amex Cashback Reward is only eligible to NSW customers. Bugger… This isn't mentioned anywhere in the description or T&C.

    • Doesn’t sound right..

    • just called Red Energy got the same answer

    • +3

      This is an AMEX offer. You will get the credits regardless where you are

      • You are not wrong :-)

  • Better hurry up. Just got an email saying this offer expires soon. 02/06/2022

  • +1

    Has anyone had their offer disappear from their saved offers

    • Yes i did…did it show up to you again?

      • Showed up now it’s disappeared again

  • what the. offer gone from saved offers.. still have 3 to redeem zzz

  • same here, what the hell

  • All my red energy offers have completely disappeared bar 1 card

  • I just made the switch to Red Energy and haven't redeemed the offers yet… they are now all gone! I feel like I am scammed!

  • They just showed up back on my cards…use them while you can!

    • and when i click on it…it disappears!

      • Spoke to AMEX on chat…they told me that it is still loaded on my card…that it may be a browser issue. Either way, they can see it so someone give it a go. My account is new so can't make the payment yet to validate it still works.

        • I thought you would be able to prepay your bills and load it up with credits. No longer working?

        • Hey mate, can you still not make a payment for your account?

          I am considering joining them, but don't want to risk not being able to prepay the bills and take advantage of this deal.

          • @victorheaven: unless something is changed, you can still do that by paying online


            But switching can sometimes take one month or more sometimes, so make sure you have enough time to switch before your offer expire

            • @reacher: Thanks for your reply mate!

              Was it recently that you did this? And was it paid into an account without money owing? Just making sure I can pay before the first bill is generated.

              • +1

                @victorheaven: did this a few years back with amex offer, got like over 1000 credit on my account, so they just deduct it when they bill, just make sure you got the customer ref# before your offer expires

                • @reacher: Thanks, for the detailed explanation mate. I will have a go at this.

  • Offers gone again.
    Has anyone had a successful cashback after disappearing from their saved offers?

    • I just received a email for using the offer, even I can not find it in my saved offer.

    • yes, credit had been applied after offer disappeared.

      • Did you get an email notification?

    • yes

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