Next week’s freebies from Epic games. As usual, available from Friday 1am AEST.
This week's free games - A Plague Tale: Innocence & Minit.
Next week's games - Yooka-Laylee & Void Bastards
Next week’s freebies from Epic games. As usual, available from Friday 1am AEST.
This week's free games - A Plague Tale: Innocence & Minit.
Next week's games - Yooka-Laylee & Void Bastards
You may be thinking of 2020 Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw as the fun Privateer remake.
Rebel Galaxy is the 2015 3rd person ship piloting game that focuses on the larger ships, still fun though.
Good times!
for some reason the epic page didn't have a trailer - youtube link below
it looks pretty good
It's there, just click right on the hero banner carousel, took me a min to find it. Thanks tho for posting the youtube vid.
Successor to Freelancer?? Say no more!
The Steam store page says Singleplayer only, definitely not Freelancer :( can't find anything that scratches that itch still to this day.
I've been trying Everspace 2 and it does have that Freelancer-esque feel to it. It is still in early access though, so time will tell whether it gets better.
Great game
Anyone know how easy it is to run? I'm wanting to play a game like this but I'm stuck with my craptop until I get a better one soon.
Very easy, pretty much anything can run it with decent settings.
There's a very handy Chrome extension that lets you search Steam for any selected text just by right clicking. There's one for imdb as well. Saves so much fuss.
Nice. I did some digging and found one extension that allows you to add custom search engines in it's settings, which will show from the right click. 'Context Menu Search'
I added steam to that.
I believe this was previously free on Epic
It was. Still a great deal for people who didn't get it the first time around however.
Was wondering why I had it - thanks for your research kind sir/maam
so disappointing. no freebie this week
Reminds me of the games I played back on my phone back before Android was even a thing - like Galaxy on Fire, Deep 3D… good times, mid 2000s…
I had a Motorola E680i that ran Doom and Quake (and the typical console emulators) on back around 2005…
2005? Back in my day I had Doom and Quake running on a Nokia 3650 in 2003!
Damn void bastards is free next week
"remake" of Privateer.
Fun to play